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Version: 1.5.4

Patch 1.2.1


  • Now, the users can select the WhatsApp, Telegram and Viber messengers as Contact preferences on the Customer Contact form. The previously existing preferences (phone call and email) are also available.
  • The long text is not cut anymore in the Current situation field of the Opportunity form because the field type has been changed from String to Text.
  • The deactivation of a Lead by clicking the Deactivate button on its form does not require fiiling in any mandatory fields.


DEF0017890: The fields on the Documents tab of the Opportunity form were mandatory, even though they were hidden when there was no active SharePoint connection. As a result, the opportunity could not have been moved through the stages. Now, the hidden fields are not mandatory when there is no active SharePoint connection.

DEF0018286, DEF0018867: The reference qualifiers of the Opportunity form are fixed. Only active records can be selected in the Potential customer and Responsible fields.

DEF0018288: The managers can now view the opportunities of their employees even without the crm_manager role.

DEF0018365: The Activity Feed of the CRM Task form has been fixed, and the changes of the fields' values are displayed in the History again.

DEF0018496: A 404 error occurred when an opportunity was moved to the On hold status reason. Now, the opportunity status reason can be changed without errors.

DEF0018645: The spelling of the Lead source choice options in the Lead table has been fixed.

DEF0018753: A 404 error occurred when an opportunity was reopened with the Reopen button on its form. Now, the opportunity can be reopened without errors.

DEF0018897: The master data is now separate from the demo data. The master data include 10 Opportunity sales stages and 7 customer centric stages. That data must be imported when a CRM instance is deployed for the correct work of the application. The demo data import is optional is still optional.