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Version: 1.5.4

Patch 1.2.2


The Weighted revenue column is added to the Opportunity table. The weighted revenue indicates the investment performance of the opportunity. That data can be used for the creation of charts and reports. The indicator is calculated as Opportunity probability, % / 100 * Estimated revenue, if the values of these fields are specified.


DEF0018497: When a record in the Customer Contact table was created from the Decision maker, Contact fields of the the Opportunity form, the values of these fields were cleared as the opportunity record was saved. Now, when the records are created with this method, the entered values remain in the fields of the Opportunity form after the record is saved.

DEF0018713: In the Customer Contact list view, the Delete button was hidden from the user with the crm_admin role. Now, the button is available in the list view of the Customer Contact table and in the burger menu on its form.

DEF0018881: There was no verification of the mandatory Estimated close date and Estimated margin fields when the opportunity was closed as won. The fields are not mandatory anymore.

DEF0018889: The values of the Active parameter and Status reason were not verified when the opportunity was closed as won. Now, only active opportunities with the In progress status reason can be closed as won.

DEF0018911: Editing inactive opportunities and opportunity registrations is now restricted for the partner portal users.

DEF0018912: The Comment field of the On hold modal window that can be opened from the Opportunity form was mandatory only before the field was filled in for the first time. When the text was entered, the field lost its mandatory attribute. As a result, users could enter and then clear the text to change the opportunity status reason to On hold without leaving a comment. Now the field is always mandatory.

DEF0018976: Users who had access to editing the opportunity, now, can also change the values of the following form fields:

  • Budget
  • Decision maker
  • Partner contact
  • Close date
  • Service or product
  • Contact
  • Estimated close date
  • Responsible