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Version: 1.5.5

Patch 1.5.2


We have added the functionality for merging customer companies if they have duplicates in the system. This will allow you to deactivate extra records in case of companies' legal merge or accidental creation of duplicate records (for instance, during the import) without losing useful data.

For this purpose, we have added a new UI-action to the burger menu of the Customer Company form – Merge duplicates. It opens the modal window of the same name, where you can select the companies to be merged with the current one and deactivated as a result of merging.

When companies are merged:

  • The duplicate records are deactivated.
  • If the master company had empty fields that were completed in duplicates, these values are copied to the master company. If there is more than one such duplicate, the values from the last updated duplicates are copied to the master company.
  • The duplicate company is replaced with the master company if the duplicate was specified in:
    • The Potential customer, Competitors fields of opportunities.
    • The Existing company, Competitors fields of leads.
    • The Company field of certificates. The Specialist field contains the contact (active or inactive) that has the master company specified in the Company field after the merge.
    • The Company field of the Marketing List to Company table records.
    • The Partner field of partnership agreements.
  • The duplicate companies' contacts are related to the master company.
  • A record is added to the Duplicate Companies Log table for each merged duplicate. The agent interface users cannot manually create records in this table. New records can only be added to the table when a merge is completed on the customer company form. All Duplicate Companies Log form fields are read-only.

Additionally, we have added a new Duplicates Companies related list to the customer company form. This list is displayed for the users with the crm_manager, crm_read_admin, crm_admin and admin roles if there is at least one completed merge.

Find detailed information about merging companies in the documentation.