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Version: 1.5.5

Patch 1.5.5


Dynamic lists and marketing lists refactoring

We have added the ability to create dynamic marketing lists. When you create such a list, you can specify a condition for its formation. Afterwards, the list will be automatically updated according to this condition.

For this purpose, we have added the Create dynamic list button to the Marketing Lists list interface. When clicked, it opens the form of the new Dynamic List (crm_dynamic_list) table. On this form, you can configure the list and conditions the records must meet to be added to the list. The new table is a child of the Marketing List (crm_marketing_list) table.

The Create marketing list UI action is available on the Dynamic List (crm_dynamic_list) form. With it, a user can save the current lineup of the dynamic list as a static marketing list and proceed to it to work with the records included in it.

Additionally, we have conducted a general refactoring of the marketing lists:

  • We have added a new UI action to the Marketing List form – Open record list. Click it to open the list of active records included in the marketing list. We have also hidden the Activate and Deactivate UI actions.
  • We have updated the texts of the modal windows related to the form.
  • We have optimized the ACL rules.
  • The list interface is now grouped by tables by default. It contains two groups: Marketing Lists and Dynamic Lists.
  • The CRM Information widget has been added to the form for users to easily access key information about the record.
  • The pairs of Marketing list and Entity in the Lead Marketing List (crm_marketing_list_to_lead), Company Marketing List (crm_marketing_list_to_company), and Contact Marketing List (crm_marketing_list_to_contact) M2M tables are now validated for their uniqueness, so a record cannot be added to the same marketing list twice anymore. We have also configured the generation of display names for the records of these tables, so using them is now more intuitive and simple.

Read more about the marketing lists updates and the dynamic lists in the documentation.

Add records to marketing lists from list interfaces

It is now possible to add records to marketing lists from the Leads, Customer Companies, and Customer Contacts list interfaces. The Add to marketing list UI action has been added to the row context menu of all mentioned list interfaces. The user can narrow down the selection of records to be added to the marketing list.

We have also created a new crm.marketing_list.max_records system property, in which you can specify the maximum number of records to be added to a marketing list at a time. If a user adds more records, they are added in several iterations.

Optimization of the Content management category forms

We have improved the forms of the Content Management category by hiding the related lists UI actions that allowed users to manage entities that were further than one level below from the current record. This will make content development from a marketing message to publication more structured and gradual.

  • On the Marketing Message form, the New button has been hidden from the following related lists:

    • Content Tasks
    • Content Packages
    • Publications

    The Edit button has been hidden from the Content related list.

  • On the Content form, the New button has been hidden from the following related lists:

    • Content Packages
    • Publications

    The Edit button has been hidden from the Child Content and Content Tasks related lists.

    When a Content record is created from the Child Content related list, the Marketing message field is completed automatically with the value specified in the same field of the Parent content record.

  • On the Content Task form, the New button has been hidden from the Publications related list, and the Edit button has been hidden from the Content Packages related list.

  • On the Content Package form, the Edit button has been hidden from the Publications related list.


DEF0020678: We have fixed the issue that made it impossible to qualify a lead, for which an Existing company was specified instead of a new one, if there were Customer Company records with empty TIN field in the system. Now, no errors pop up in this case, and the qualification is completed correctly.

DEF0020608: We have fixed the issue that prevented users with the crm_partner_supervisor role to view the Leads, Opportunities, and Customer Contacts list interfaces. The list interfaces now open without errors, and the user can see the records accessible to them according to the ACL.