ITAM Task Properties
Use the following properties to configure the ITAM application.
Navigate to System Properties → All Properties to view the list of available system properties.
Specify the final stages and states of the assets. Once an asset record enters one of them, it becomes inactive and unavailable for adding to the ITAM tasks.
Type: Arrays of Strings
Default value: [ { "stage": "in_stock", "state": "out_of_stock" }, { "stage": "decommissioning", "state": "lost_or_stolen" }, { "stage": "disposal_transfer", "state": "disposed" }, { "stage": "disposal_transfer", "state": "sold" }, { "stage": "disposal_transfer", "state": "donated" }, { "stage": "disposal_transfer", "state": "returned_to_supplier" }]
Example: [ { "stage": "in_stock", "state": "out_of_stock" }, { "stage": "disposal_transfer", "state": "returned_to_supplier" }]
Specify the number of assets the system should process at a time without generating additional events. The property is applied when multiple assets are added to a task, multiple asset attributes are updated, or during inventory. It is not recommended to set the value less than 20 and greater than 150.
Type: String
Default value: 100
Example: 110
Specify the frequency of requests to the server in seconds for updating widgets with a progress bar on tasks.
Type: String
Default value: 5
Example: 10
Specify the number of days after which an asset with the Not found checkbox selected goes into the Disposal state unless a user creates a task for the asset within the specified period.
Type: String
Default value: 60
Example: 40
Specify the maximum number of consignments selected at a time in the Add consignment widget in the Allocation and Maintenance tasks. Available values range from 1 to 20.
Type: String
Default value: 20
Example: 10
Specify the number of assets displayed on the Add asset widget while adding assets to a task. The recommended value is 10.
Type: String
Default value: 10
Example: 15
The Service request field filter in the ITSM Approval modal window. By default, the filter (sys_idISNOTEMPTY) displays all service requests. [Согласование в ITSM].
Type: String
Default value: (sys_idISNOTEMPTY)
Example: (sys_idISNOTEMPTY)
The Change request field filter in the ITSM Approval modal window. By default, the filter (sys_idISNOTEMPTY) displays all change requests.
Type: String
Default value: (sys_idISNOTEMPTY)
Example: (sys_idISNOTEMPTY)
Set the value to true to specify the location of non-stationary assets as the value of the Location field of the stock.
This may be required if your organization has decided not to populate the Location field for all employees.
Type: Boolean
Default value: false
Example: true