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Version: 1.3.2

Patch 1.2.4

This ITAM patch includes new functionality that allows you to avoid manually compiling a list of assets during inventory and also introduces a state model for nomenclatures that allows you to avoid registering and purchasing assets with irrelevant nomenclatures.


To update to version 1.2.4 in the case where nomenclatures already exist in the system, run the scheduled script Set nomenclature state. The state of existing nomenclatures will be set to Active.

To run the script, the admin role is required. Follow these steps:

  1. In the agent interface, go to System SchedulerScheduled Scripts and open the Set nomenclature state record.
  2. In the Run frequency field, select On demand.
  3. Click Execute.

New features

Integration with a thrid-party application for inventory

In order to further simplify the asset inventory process, we added integration with a third-party application. Now users can compare assets that are registered in the system with assets listed during inventory not only by uploading a spreadsheet, but also by getting data from a third-party application, for example, by scanning assets. The data is processed through interaction with an endpoint, which is supplied configured out of the box. For details, see the article Asset Inventory.

Nomenclature states

Added a state model for nomenclatures. When created, a nomenclature record is assigned the Active state by default. Later on, you can assign the Inactive or Purchase unavailable states to avoid registering assets with outdated or irrelevant nomenclatures:

  • registration of new assets is not available for nomenclatures in the Inactive state.
  • the Purchase unavailable state logic will be implemented in future versions of ITAM when purchasing functionality is introduced. The purchase of assets with a nomenclature in the state Purchase unavailable will not be available.

For details, see the article Nomenclature


Synching child assets with parent assets

Child asset settings are now synchronized with those of their parent asset. When a parent asset is added to a task, its child assets inherit the Asset is in a task attribute and receive a label of the same name. If the Stage, State, User, Location, or Stock field of the parent asset gets a new value, the child assets inherit the same new value. For user convenience, parent and child asset forms have also received new labels Parent Asset and Child Asset, respectively. The Child asset field has been removed from the forms of consignment and spare parts assets since they never have child assets.


DEF0019111: This fix addresses a number of errors, namely:

  1. Fixed the error due to which the CI attributes were not displayed on the Asset form in the CI Attributes tab.
  2. Fixed errors due to which the Asset is in task and Purchase unavailable labels were not displayed on the asset and nomenclature form, respectively.