Configure Board Elements
To configure the project board, open its form. The SDLC boards consist of the elements that you can configure from the related lists of the Board form:
- Columns – a board column is automatically created for each task State. Some of these columns might be inactive.
- Swimlanes (only for Kanban boards) – create swimlanes to unite the cards according to specified criteria.
- Swimlane Rules (only for Kanban boards) – use this related list to configure the rules according to which the cards are placed in swimlanes. The list appears if at least one swimlane is added to the board.
- Areas (only for Kanban boards) – create areas to unite several columns and specify a common WIP limit for them.
- Badges – use badges to display important information on the cards.
- Color Markers – add color markers to speed up the identification of cards on the board.
- Additional Attributes – configure the additional attributes to display the values of required fields on the card to simplify the interaction with the board.
Access to board elements configuration
- Create
- Update
- Read
- Delete
- pda_admin
- pda_user if they are a team leader on the project or the owner of the product/product module specified at the project creation.
The columns are created automatically. The rest of the elements can be created in modal windows that you can open from the board form related lists.
- pda_admin
- pda_user if they are a team leader on the project or the owner of the product/product module specified at the project creation.
The values of the following fields cannot be edited:
- Columns: Board, State.
- Swimlane rules: Swimlane.
- Other elements: Board.
- pda_admin
- pda_user
- pda_admin
- pda_user if they are a team leader on the project or the owner of the product/product module specified at the project creation.
Columns cannot be deleted. You can deactivate them if you want to hide them from the board.
The columns are added to the board automatically, one for each value of the State column. Although the columns are added for all states, only the following are active by default: Backlog, Development, Review, Testing and Done.
To configure a column, complete the following steps:
- Open the required board form. You can do that:
- From the board form: click Board settings in the left upper corner.
- From the navigator: navigate to SDLC → General Settings → Project Boards, find the required board in the list and open its form.
- From the form of the project to which the board belongs: click Open board on the project form, then Board settings in the left upper corner.
- Find the Columns related list.
- Open the required column form, adjust the settings.
- Click Save or Save and exit to apply the changes.
Column form fields
Field | Mandatory | Description |
Board | Y | The board to which the columns belongs. The field is read-only. |
Title | Y | Specify the column title. |
State | Y | The state represented by the column. The field is read-only. |
Order | Y | Specify the order of the column on the board. The higher the value is, the further to the right the column is located. You can use up to 10 symbols. |
Active | N | Select the checkbox if you want the column to be displayed on the board. |
WIP limit | N | Specify the column WIP limit. If the limit is exceeded, the column is highlighted with red. The field is hidden for Scrum boards. |
Description | N | Specify the column description. The users can see it if they click near the column title. |
Color | N | Select the column color. The color is dispalyed on the right from the state title |
Board area | N | Select or create a board area that will include the column. The area unites two or more columns sharing the area width equally between all included columns. The area columns share common WIP limit as well. The field is hidden for Scrum boards. |
The swimlanes are only used on Kanban boards.
Create swimlanes to unite the cards according to specified criteria. For instance, you can add a swimlane for the high priority tasks, blocked tasks, or the tasks that belong to the same product module. The swimlanes are displayed on the board if there is at least one Active swimlane. The cards that do not correspond with the conditions of existing swimlanes are included in a default swimlane Other records. You cannot configure this swimlane, and it is always located under all other swimlanes on the Kanban board.
When you create a swimlane, a swimlane rule record is also added. It is displayed in the Swimlane Rules related list. Read more about the swimlane rules below.
To create a swimlane, complete the following steps:
- Open the required board form. You can do that:
- From the board form: click Board settings in the left upper corner.
- From the navigator: navigate to SDLC → General Settings → Project Boards, find the required board in the list and open its form.
- From the form of the project to which the board belongs: click Open board on the project form, then Board settings in the left upper corner.
- Find the Swimlanes related list.
- Click New and fill in the modal window fields.
- Click Create to apply the changes.
Create a swimlane modal window fields
Field | Mandatory | Description |
Title | Y | Specify the swimlane title. |
Order | Y | Specify the order of the swimlane on the board. The higher the value is, the further to the right the column is located. You can use up to 10 symbols. |
Ignore WIP limits | N | Select the checkbox if the tasks of the swimlane are to be excluded from the WIP limits. |
Active | N | Select the checkbox to make the swimlane visible on the board. |
Task type | Y | Configure the swimlane rule: select a task type to be included in the swimlane. You can only select from the General task, Defect, and User story if they are used in the project. |
Condition for cards | N | Configure the swimlane rule: specify the conditions for the cards to be added to the swimlane in the condition builder. If the card matches several conditions, the condition with the lowest Order is applied. If the rules have identical order, the rule created later is applied. The cards that do not match any condition are added to Other records swimlane. |
Swimlane Rules related list is located on the Swimlane form. There, you can see the list of rules for this swimlane.
Swimlane Rules
Swimlane rules are only used on Kanban boards.
You can configure swimlane rules to define the criteria for the cards to be included in the swimlane. When a swimlane is deleted, related swimlane rules are deleted as well.
You can only create one rule for each task type in a swimlane.
To create a swimlane rule, complete the following steps:
- Open the required board form. You can do that:
- From the board form: click Board settings in the left upper corner.
- From the navigator: navigate to SDLC → General Settings → Project Boards, find the required board in the list and open its form.
- From the form of the project to which the board belongs: click Open board on the project form, then Board settings in the left upper corner.
- Find the Swimlane Rules related list.
- Click New and fill in the modal window fields.
- Click Create to apply the changes.
Create a swimlane rule modal window fields
Field | Mandatory | Description |
Swimlane | Y | Select a swimlane the rule for which you need to add. You can only select from the swimlanes of the board, from the form of which you create the rule. |
Task type | Y | Select a task type to be included in the swimlane. You can only select from the General task, Defect and User story if they are used in the project. |
Order | Y | Specify the order of the swimlane rule. When the card matches two or more rules at the same time, the rule with the lowest order is applied. If the order is identical, the rule that was created later is applied. |
Condition for cards | N | Specify the conditions for the cards to be added to the swimlane in the condition builder. |
Areas are only used on Kanban boards.
Create areas to unite the columns. The area width on the board is split equally between all columns included in an area. The area also has one common WIP limit for all columns included in it. The WIP limit of an area is calculated as the sum of WIP limits of the columns included in the area. If the area WIP limit is exceeded, the area is highlighted with red.
You can see the number of cards included in an area in the area header. Only the cards included in active columns are counted. If the cards are added to a swimlane with a selected Ignore WIP limit checkbox, they are not counted in the overall number of cards in the area and its WIP limits.
To create an area, complete the following steps:
- Open the required board form. You can do that:
- From the board form: click Board settings in the left upper corner.
- From the navigator: navigate to SDLC → General Settings → Project Boards, find the required board in the list and open its form.
- From the form of the project to which the board belongs: click Open board on the project form, then Board settings in the left upper corner.
- Find the Areas related list.
- Click New and fill in the modal window fields.
- Click Create to apply the changes.
Create an area modal window fields
Field | Mandatory | Description |
Title | Y | Specify the area title. It is displayed on the board. |
Columns | Y | Specify the columns to be united in the area. You can only select from the columns that are not included in other areas. The area is only displayed if at least two active columns are included in it. If two columns are included in an area and one of them becomes inactive, the area will stop displaying on the board. |
Order | Y | Specify the order of the area on the board. The higher the value is, the further to the right the column is located. The order of the columns inside the area is defined by their Order. You can use up to 10 symbols. |
Description | N | Specify the area description. It will be displayed in the hint that appears near the area title. |
The Columns related list is located on the form. It shows the list of columns icluded in the area.
Use badges to display important information on the cards.
To create a badge, complete the following steps:
- Open the required board form. You can do that:
- From the board form: click Board settings in the left upper corner.
- From the navigator: navigate to SDLC → General Settings → Project Boards, find the required board in the list and open its form.
- From the form of the project to which the board belongs: click Open board on the project form, then Board settings in the left upper corner.
- Find the Badges related list.
- Click New and fill in the modal window fields.
- Click Create to apply the changes.
Create a badge modal window fields
Field | Mandatory | Description |
Task type | Y | Specify the type of tasks for the badge. You can only select from the General task, Defect, and User story if they are used in the project. |
Label | Y | Specify the badge label. This text is displayed on the task card. Maximum length is 6 symbols. |
Display condition | Y | Specify the condition to display the badge on the card in the condition builder. |
Order | Y | Specify the order of the badge compared to other badges. The badges with lower order are located in front of the others. You can use up to 10 symbols. |
Color | Y | Specify the badge color. |
Hint | N | Add a text hint to the badge. It is displayed when the user moves the pointer over the badge. |
Color markers
Add color markers to speed up the identification of cards on the board.
To create a color marker, complete the following steps:
- Open the required board form. You can do that:
- From the board form: click Board settings in the left upper corner.
- From the navigator: navigate to SDLC → General Settings → Project Boards, find the required board in the list and open its form.
- From the form of the project to which the board belongs: click Open board on the project form, then Board settings in the left upper corner.
- Find the Color Markers related list.
- Click New and fill in the modal window fields.
- Click Create to apply the changes.
Create a color marker modal window fields
Field | Mandatory | Description |
Task type | Y | Specify the type of tasks for the color marker. You can only select from the General task, Defect, and User story if they are used in the project. |
Order | Y | Specify the color marker order. You can add up to 10 symbols. If the card corresponds to the conditions of several color markers, the marker with the lowest Order is applied. If the order is the same, the marker that was created earlier is applied. |
Condition for color marker | Y | Specify the condition to display the color marker on the card in the condition builder. |
Color | Y | Specify the marker color. |
Hint | N | Add a text hint that is displayed when the user moves the pointer over the marker. |
Additional attributes
Configure additional attributes to display the values of required fields on the card to simplify the interaction with the board. For instance, you can display the task priority.
To create additional attributes, complete the following steps:
- Open the required board form. You can do that:
- From the board form: click Board settings in the left upper corner.
- From the navigator: navigate to SDLC → General Settings → Project Boards, find the required board in the list and open its form.
- From the form of the project to which the board belongs: click Open board on the project form, then Board settings in the left upper corner.
- Find the Additional Attributes related list.
- Click New and fill in the modal window fields.
- Click Create to apply the changes.
Create additional attributes modal window fields
Field | Mandatory | Description |
Task type | Y | Specify the type of tasks the attributes of which you need to display on the cards. You can only select from the General task, Defect, and User story if they are used in the project. |
Fields | Y | Specify the columns the values of which must be displayed on the card. You can only select from the columns of the selected task type table. |
There is no order configuration for additional attributes, so they are displayed according to the creation date: the earlier the attribute is added, the higher its position in the list is.