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Version: 1.0.0


An opportunity is a potential purchase of your service or product by a customer added to the system to track progress on the potential deal.


Configure the SharePoint connection with your instance for the functionality to work correctly.

There are two ways to create an opportunity:

  • From a qualified lead. When you create an opportunity from the Lead record, the Opportunity field values are filled in automatically with the values from the Lead record.
  • From the Opportunities list.

Role required: crm_admin, crm_sales, crm_manager.

To create an opportunity, complete the steps below:

  1. Navigate to CRM → Sales → Opportunities.
  2. Click New and fill in the fields.
  3. Click Save or Save and exit to apply the changes.

Opportunity form fields

NameYAdd the title of the opportunity.
Opportunity probability, %NSpecify the probability of making a deal on the opportunity in percentage. This value needs to be changed to further move the opportunity by the stages.
Estimated close dateNSpecify the expected closing date of the transaction.
Service or productNSpecify the service or product that interested the lead.
Current situationNSpecify the current situation with the opportunity.
VendorNSpecify the company that provides the service.
Registration of transaction with vendorNSpecify the registration status of the possible transaction with the vendor. Available options:
  • Not required
  • Sent for registration
  • The transaction is registered
Selling directionYSpecify the selling direction for which the opportunity is added.
Estimated revenueNSpecify the estimated revenue from the opportunity.
Estimated marginNSpecify the estimated marginal revenue from the opportunity.
Procurement procedureNSpecify the procurement procedure used by the potential customer. Available options:
  • Internal closed competition
  • Internal open competition
  • Formal internal tender
  • Tender on the electronic platform
  • Other
Procurement procedure (Other)YDescribe the procurement procedure.
The field is only available if you selected the Other in the Procurement procedure field.
Type of saleNSpecify what your company offers to the potential client in this opportunity. Available options:
  • Product
  • Project works
  • Recurrent service
  • Solution
Potential customerYSpecify the potential customer company.
CityNSpecify the potential customer company's dislocation.
Customer contactNSpecify the contact that communicates with you in the potential customer company about the opportunity.
Current solutionNAdd the description of the current solution used by the potential customer company.
Decision makerNSpecify the contact of the person from the potential customer's company that makes decision on the opportunity.
DocumentsNSpecify a link to the documents folder.
CompetitorsNSpecify the competitors for the opportunity.
PartnerNSpecify the partner for the opportunity.
DescriptionNAdd a description of customer's demands.
Partner contactNSpecify the contact from the partner company.
ResponsibleNSpecify the employee responsible for the opportunity.
Originating leadNSpecify the lead that the current opportunity is related to.
ContractNSpecify the contract on the basis of which the potential deal can be conducted.

The record contains the following related lists: