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Version: 1.0.0


You can add the content that will be published on external resources to SimpleOne to go through all stages of content development before publication.

Create content

To create content, complete the steps below:

  1. Navigate to CRM → Content Creation → Content.
  2. Click New and fill in the fields.
  3. Click Save or Save and exit to apply the changes.

Content form fields

AuthorNSpecify the employee that created the content. The employee that created the record is automatically added to this field. You can change this value.
Literary editorNSpecify the employee responsible for editing of the text.
ProofreaderNSpecify the employee responsible for proofreading of the text.
DesignerNSpecify the employee that designed the content.
Layout designerNSpecify the employee responsible for the content layout.
ExpediteNSelect the checkbox if the content should be published faster.
BlockedNSelect the checkbox if the content is blocked.
NameYAdd the title of the content.
Selling directionYSpecify the selling direction to which the content is related.
Service or productNSpecify the service or product to which the content is related.
SMENSpecify the employee responsible for the the Subject-Matter Expert review of the content.
Master contentNSpecify the main content that the current content complements.
StatusYSpecify the current content status. Available options:
  • Thematic pool
  • Backlog
  • In progress
  • Internal editing
  • Approval
  • Correction
  • Layout editing
  • Published
  • Withdrawn
Steps on ladder of recognitionNSpecify the step of the recognition ladder to which the content is related.
Communication objectiveNSpecify the content communication objective.
DifferentiatorNSpecify the criteria for the choice of service provider to which the content is related.
PainNSpecify the customer pain to which the content is related.
Content structureNAdd the description of the content structure. You can use text formatting tools and add images to this field.
If the content structure is specified in the Communication objective, this field becomes inactive.
Link to document folderNSpecify a link to the document folder for the content in the connected SharePoint instance.
Link to draftNSpecify a link to the content draft for the content in the connected SharePoint instance.
Additional commentsNAdd comments about the content.

The form contains the following related lists:

  • Publications
  • Content


Create records of content publications on external resources after the completion of all content development stages.

To create a content, complete the steps below:

  1. Navigate to CRM → Content Creation → Publication.
  2. Click New and fill in the fields.
  3. Click Save or Save and exit to apply the changes.

Publication form fields

Content itemYSpecify the published content.
Content distribution channelNSpecify the channel in which the content is published.
URLYSpecify the link to the published content.