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Version: 1.3.3

Version 1.1.1

New features

Asset Relocation Task

The asset accounting process has become more transparent allowing you to manage your company's resources more effectively. To do so, we have added a new task type Asset Relocation that you can use to track changes in the location of permanent location assets. A permanent location asset is an asset that is not supposed to be moved frequently during use, for example, a multifunction printer. For such assets, a permanent location is determined down to the premises. The new task type will enable you to do the following:

  1. Request an approval from the responsible persons for changing an asset location.
  2. Make a change to asset location for multiple assets at once.
  3. Provide supporting documents for the changes.

If a user working on the task has the itam_operation_specialist role, they can change the location for permanent location assets only that are at the In operation stage in the In use state.


Consignment asset

The consignment asset state now automatically changes to Out of stock when the current quantity is set to zero. Both operations can be performed for assets at the Storage stage.

Asset form

We have improved the display logic and mandatory completion of some fields on the asset and item forms:

  1. The User field has become mandatory for assets at the In operation stage.
  2. The Corresponding CI field is displayed only after creating an asset record.
  3. The CI automatic registration field is hidden on the nomenclature form if this field is not filled in and the nomenclature does not imply the creation of a configuration item.
Tasks: Asset maintenance and Asset upgrading

In the Asset maintenance and Asset upgrading tasks, we optimized the behavior of assets associated with the task states:

  1. Adding replacement equipment to tasks is now available in all states except Registered and Completed.
  2. Only tasks in the Registered state can be canceled now.
  3. When tasks are canceled, the associated Spare parts kits or Consignments return to their previous state.
Inventory task

The following changes have occurred in the inventory task:

  1. The Not found checkbox is now automatically cleared for the assets found during inventory.
  2. The Import a list of assets widget:
    • For the convenience of users, the widget now provides the ability to download an inventory file template in XLSX format.
    • The widget is displayed in completed tasks, except canceled ones.
    • The assets found during inventory are now displayed under a separate Found category on the widget and in the inventory sheet.
Role model

Role model has been optimized:

  1. On the consignment asset form at the Disposal/Transfer stage, changing the values ​​of the Current quantity field is available only to users with the admin role.
  2. Users with the itam_process_manager or itam_operation_specialist role can move the Asset Inventory task to the Completed state. Additionally, users with the itam_process_manager role can now edit task form fields and complete or cancel the task.
  3. The rules for access control to tables have been adjusted for more convenient work with tasks.


DEF0017949: The label of the canceled Disposal task has been standardized.

DEF0017962: Optimized the rule for assigning a subject to the Change of Responsible task when changing the value of the New responsible field.

DEF0017968: Standardized the form of the Change of Responsible task in the Completed state.

DEF0018004: In the Asset Maintenance and Asset Upgrading tasks, when allocating a replacement asset, the following fields now are automatically filled in: User, Use as replacement, In use as replacement (both field and label), stage, and state.

DEF0018042: Improved the visualization of the Asset Registration task form when transferred to the Postponed state: updated the label, fixed the error in displaying the Postpone reason field.

DEF0018064: Improved the visualization of the ITAM task widget showing the progress of updating asset attributes.

Translations: Added missing and improved existing translations of system elements to improve the quality of the product and convenient interaction with it.