Script Include
Script Includes are used to store JavaScript functions and classes that are executed on the server. Include scripts generally specify either an object class or a function.
Role required: admin.
Create a script include
A script include has a name, a description, and a script itself. Also, it is possible to specify options active or client-callable.
To create a new script include, complete the following steps:
- Navigate to System Settings → Script Includes.
- Click New and fill in the fields.
- Click Save or Save and exit to apply the changes.
Script Include form fields
Field | Mandatory | Description |
Name | Y | Specify the script include name. It should match the class name used in the script field. Also, the script include name should be unique and cannot contain spaces. |
Description | N | Add a short description of the action. |
Active | N | Select this checkbox to activate this script. When selected, the script is executed when it is called; otherwise, it is not executed. |
Client callable | N | Select this checkbox to make this script available to call on the client-side scripts. |
Disable ACL check | N | Select this checkbox so that the script include does not go through an ACL check when it is executed within the Client Scripts. |
Script | Y | Define the server-side script to run when called from other scripts. |
When invoking script includes in other server-side scripts, use the ss.importIncludeScript method of the SimpleSystem class, as shown below:
const helper = new EmailHelper();
Otherwise, the script is not available.
Use cases
Use client callable script includes if you need scripts to use the server-side methods on the client-side. Consider two simple examples of calling a script include from a client-side and server-side.
Use a client callable script include on the forms
A use case is a calculation of the time period between two specified values using a specific schedule.
To do so, create a script include with the following parameters:
Field | Value |
Name | DurationCalculator |
Active | true |
Client callable | true |
Script | Enter the script below. |
var DurationCalculator = Class.create();
DurationCalculator.prototype = Object.extendsObject(AbstractAjaxProcessor, {
getDuration() {
const start = new SimpleDateTime(this.getParameter('sysparm_start'));
const end = new SimpleDateTime(this.getParameter('sysparm_end'));
const scheduleID = this.getParameter('sysparm_schedule');
const schedule = new SimpleSchedule(scheduleID);
// value that would be passed to client-side
return schedule.duration(start, end).getDurationSeconds() * 1000;
On the client-side, use SimpleAjax:
- Create a SimpleAjax instance.
- Pass the name of the method to be called using the reserved parameter sysparm_name.
- Pass the values from a form using the sysparm_start, sysparm_end, sysparm_schedule parameters.
- Call the script include using the getXML(callback) method.
- Process its response in the callback-function listed below.
- The answer variable contains the value return by the getDuration() method.
if (s_form.getValue('start') && s_form.getValue('end') && s_form.getValue('schedule_id')) {
const calculate = new SimpleAjax('DurationCalculator'); // call script include
calculate.addParam('sysparm_name', 'getDuration'); // call method
calculate.addParam('sysparm_start', s_form.getValue('start')); // pass param
calculate.addParam('sysparm_end', s_form.getValue('end')); // pass param
calculate.addParam('sysparm_schedule', s_form.getValue('schedule_id')); // pass param
function callback(response) {
| // value received from server-side
const answer = response.responseXML.documentElement.getAttribute('answer');
s_form.setValue('duration', answer);
Use a client callable script include on the lists
Another example is the calculation of list items after filtering.
To do so, create script include with parameters like shown below:
Field | Value |
Name | getListItemsCount |
Active | true |
Client callable | true |
Script | Enter the script below. |
var getListItemsCount = Class.create();
getListItemsCount.prototype = Object.extendsObject(AbstractAjaxProcessor, {
getCount() {
const table_name = this.getParameter('sysparm_table_name');
const condition = this.getParameter('sysparm_condition_query');
const list = new SimpleRecord(table_name);
// value that would be passed to client-side
return list.getRowCount();
The client-side script is the following:
const queryString =;
const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(queryString);
const sAjax = new SimpleAjax('getListItemsCount'); // initialize script include
sAjax.addParam('sysparm_name', 'getCount'); // call method
sAjax.addParam('sysparm_table_name', s_list.getTablesName()[0]); // pass param
sAjax.addParam('sysparm_condition_query', urlParams.get('condition') || '()'); // pass param
function callback(response) {
// value received from server-side
const answer = response.responseXML.documentElement.getAttribute('answer');
s_list.addInfoMessage(`List items count: ${answer}`, 2000);