Other Properties
The following properties are not categorized in the system. They are grouped by the function they configure.
To get a list of available system properties, navigate to System Properties → All Properties.
See more in the Branding customization article.
Specify the attachment record ID that is the source of the favicon in a browser tab.
Type: String
Default value: Default
Value example: Default
Specify the attachment record ID that is the source of the logo on the main page.
Type: String
Default value: Default
Value example: 159135964224454701
Specify the title of the main page.
Type: String
Default value: Main Page
Value example: Main Page
To enable the client-side caching using the URL Caches (sys_cache_system_url) table, set the value to true. Users can clear the cache via the Preferences menu.
Type: Boolean
Default value: true
Value example: true
To enable the client-side caching part in the backend, set the value to true. Users can clear the cache via the Preferences menu.
Type: Boolean
Default value: true
Value example: true
General settings
Specify the script name from the Server Script (sys_script) table that is responsible for the CIs dependency map rendering.
Type: String
Default value: CI
Value example: CI
Specify the number of items appearing in the autosuggest.
Type: Integer
Default value: 20
Value example: 8
Specify the maximum nesting level in the dependency map. It is mentioned in the DepenedencyMap script from the Server Script (sys_script) table.
Type: Integer
Default value: 99
Value example: 40
Specify the system date format. Available options are:
- Y-m-d
- d.m.Y
- d/m/Y
If no property value is specified, the Y-m-d format is used.
Type: String
Default value: Y-m-d
Value example:
- If the property value is equal to Y-m-d, then a date is displayed like YYYY-MM-DD (for example, 2020-09-25).
- If the property value is equal to d.m.Y, then a date is displayed like DD.MM.YYYY (for example, 25.09.2020).
- If the property value is equal to d/m/Y, then a date is displayed like DD/MM/YYYY (for example, 25/09/2020).
The available set of date formats is provided by the vendor and stored in the Date Formats (sys_date_format) dictionary.
Specify the URI of the current SimpleOne instance.
A good practice is to use values of the current system property.
It is not recommended to use a hard-coded URI.
Good: ss.getProperty('simple.instance.uri') + '/' + current.getTableName() + '/' + current.sys_id
Bad: 'instance.simpleone.ru/record/' + current.getTableName() + '/' + current.sys_id</pre>
Type: String
Default value: Not defined
Value example: https://instance.simpleone.ru
Define the logs archiving period in days. If the period is not defined, the default value is 30 days.
Type: Integer
Default value: 30
Value example: 2
To enable the logging in the Script Log (sys_log_script) table, set the value to true.
When the property is enabled and the Disable script logging checkbox is selected in records of the Event Registers (sys_event_register) table, the system does not log the execution of the related Event Script Actions.
Type: Boolean
Default value: false
Form configuration
Specify the system name of a column from the Employee (employee) table. The value of this column is displayed in the presence indicator. Leave the Value field empty to hide the additional line in the indicator.
Type: String
Default value: job_title
List configuration
Specify the number of groups displayed on the list.
Type: Integer
Default value: Not defined
Value example: 20
Enable the item count for list pagination.
Type: Boolean
Default value: true
Value example: true
Specify the number of records to display on the list by default.
Type: Integer
Default value: Not defined
Value example: 20
Set the options of the choice list with the numbers of records displayed per page. These options are available for selection when clicking the list icon . Use commas to separate the options.
Type: Array
Default value: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50
Value example: 10, 20, 30, 50, 100
Main page
Specify the URL text (or the Source Message text) to display on the 404 page.
Type: String
Default value: Go to Main Page
Value example: Go to Main Page
Specify the URL path name for the button leading from the 404 page.
Type: String
Default value: Not defined
Value example: /
Specify a page ID to identify it as the main page. If not specified, the default page is displayed.
Type: String
Default value: Not defined
Value example: Default
To enable page access verification and the following restrictions based on the portal contexts, set the value to true.
If the value is set to true and no access criteria are defined for the portal, users without roles cannot access it.
If the false value is set and no access criteria are defined, users without roles can access the portal.
Type: Boolean
Default value: false
Specify the user roles to restrict the access to the portal context mechanism.
Type: Array
Default value: []
Value example: ["change_manager", ''incident_manager"]
Specify the title (or the Source Message text) for the URL that leads from the 403 page to the Self-Service Portal.
Type: String
Default value: Go to Self-Service Portal
Value example: Go to Self-Service Portal
Specify the URL path name for the button that leads from the 403 page to the Self-Service Portal.
Type: String
Default value: Not defined
Value example: /portal
Specify the default value of Group Limits in reports. It is applied if the user has not specified a value.
Type: Integer
Default value: 10
Value example: 15
Specify the maximum number of points on the chart of reports.
If the number of points is more than the defined maximum number, some parts of the report are hidden and the following message occurs: It's too much data to display. Maximum number of entries for the "{parameter}" parameter: {recordsCount}.
Type: Integer
Default value: 300
Value example: 2000
To disable all security ACL checks, set the value to true.
Setting this property to true may result in unauthorized access to your SimpleOne instance data, so use it carefully and do not forget to turn it off after all necessary operations.
You must have the security_admin role to set this property to true.
Type: Boolean
Default value: false
Value example: false
Specify a list of users that are allowed to view the debug information page.
Type: String
Default value: Not defined
Value example: ["155964310500000013", "155964310500000023", "155964310500000006", "155964310500000052", "156466039605445245"]
Specify the tables that make up the application core. The versioning on these tables is usually turned off. The default record updating policy on them is usually equal to Protected.
Type: String
Default value: sys_db_table, sys_business_rule, sys_db_column, sys_db_column_override, sys_filter_option_dynamic, sys_role, sys_script, sys_script_client, sys_script_include, sys_security_acl, sys_ui_action, sys_application, sys_event_script_action, sys_event_register, sys_notification_script
Value example: sys_db_table, sys_business_rule, sys_db_column, sys_role, sys_script, sys_security_acl, sys_application
Specify an email address that users should use to request access to the restricted pages.
Type: String
Default value: Not defined
Value example: mailto:servicedesk@simpleone.ru
Specify the roles that cannot be delegated.
Type: String
Default value: security_admin, admin, impersonator
Value example: change_manager
Specify links that are not allowed to be redirected using the redirect_to
URL parameter. The work of this system property depends on the value of the simple.url_action.redirect_to.whitelist_url system property.
- If the value of simple.url_action.redirect_to.whitelist_url is empty, all links are allowed except for those that are specified in the simple.url_action.redirect_to.blacklist_url.
- If the value of the simple.url_action.redirect_to.whitelist_url is not empty, only the links specified in it are allowed.
You can list multiple links separated by semicolons. It is also possible to use the wildcard symbol *
to prohibit all links that contain the specified value.
Type: String
Default value: Not defined
Value example: *.google.com;https://vk.com/*
Specify the links allowed for redirection with redirect_to
URL parameter.
- If the value is not set, the redirection is allowed for all links except those that are specified in the simple.url_action.redirect_to.blacklist_url system property.
- If the value is set, the redirection is only allowed for the specified links.
You can list multiple links separated by semicolons. It is also possible to use the wildcard symbol *
to allow all links that contain the specified value.
Type: String
Default value: Not defined
Value example: *.google.com;https://vk.com/*
Specify the tables whose changes are not stored in the History (ignored).
Type: String
Default value: Not defined
Value example: ["sys_version","sys_version_option","sys_history"]
Specify the name of the current backend build deployed on an instance.
Type: String
Default value: Not defined
Value example: master-build.1079(b)
Specify the name of the current frontend build deployed on an instance.
Type: String
Default value: Not defined
Value example: master-build.1077(f)
Specify the information about the current version of the platform in a user-friendly text form.
Its value assignment is an optional part of the instance deployment procedure.
If defined, a value of this property is returned in response to a version request. For example, it is displayed at the bottom of the Preferences menu as the version info.
If the value of the property is undefined or is equal to false, a combination of simple.version.back and simple.version.front values is returned instead.
Type: String
Default value: Not defined
Value example: Release v1.1.2
Specify the tables whose changes are not written down into configuration local packs (ignored).
Type: String
Default value: Not defined
Value example: ["sys_version","sys_version_option","sys_history"]
Activity Feed
Specify the column IDs whose values are displayed in the history, even if those columns are deleted.
Type: Array
Default value: []
Value example: ["156943341308746896", "156943341303994936" "155931135900001087"]
In this example, updates of the values of the Subject, Assignment group and Priority fields in the Task table are displayed in the Activity Feed history even after the column has been deleted.
Specify the list of the company classes that do not need to have a main representative.
Type: String
Default value: internal
Value example: internal,service_provider,service_partner
Work and Time Management
Specify the number of timecards loaded per scroll on the Timesheet page.
Type: Integer
Default value: 20
Value example: 30
Set to true to let employees specify more time than their work schedules allow to spend on tasks.
Type: Boolean
Default value: false
Value example: true
Specify the time in seconds that will be available by default for employees who do not have a specified work schedule to spend on tasks.
Type: Integer
Default value: 28800
Value example: 43200
Specify the maximum number of execution loops for the same workflow action in a row.
Type: Integer
Default value: 10
Value example: 20