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Version: 1.25.0

Authorization Properties

Use the following properties to set up the authorization and login, including key email messages, default language and timezone, content of the login page, links, and others.

To get a list of available system properties, navigate to System PropertiesAll Properties.


Specify the email body for the password reset request.

Type: String

Default value: Not defined

Value example: Follow the link to change the password.


Specify the subject for the email sent when the password reset was requested.

Type: String

Default value: Not defined

Value example: Your new password.


Specify the message body of the email about an unchanged password.

Type: String

Default value: Not defined

Value example: This user cannot change the password.


Specify a pattern to validate the email addresses. If the property value is empty, the /.*@.*/ expression is used.


Any change to this pattern may cause the email address validation engine to work incorrectly.

Type: String

Default value: /\b[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Za-z]{2,6}\b/

Value example: /.*@.*.ru/


Specify a URL redirect from the authorization page for users without the required roles to the Service Portal page.

Type: String

Default value: /portal


Specify a message that users see when clicking Help on the authorization page. This property is for the message in English.

Type: String

Default value: Not defined

Value example:

<p>If you need help, please contact us</p>
<p>Phone: +7(555)30092019</p>
<p><a tohref='Go'> support page</a></p>

Specify a message that users see when clicking Help on the authorization page. This property is for the message in Russian.

Type: String

Default value: Not defined

Value example:

`<p>Если вам требуется консультация, свяжитесь с нами</p>
<p>Телефон: +7(555)30092019</p>
<p><a href='Go'>Go'>'>Go to support page</a> </p>`


Specify a contact email for the authorization page.

Type: String

Default value: Not defined

Value example:


Specify a contact phone for the authorization page. Numbers, spaces and the plus sign (+) are allowed.

Type: String

Default value: Not defined

Value example: +1 800 5555555


Specify a URL of the service desk site displayed on the authorization page.

Type: String

Default value: Not defined

Value example:


To enable the creation of the similar usernames with case-sensitivity (like "username" and "UserName"), set this property to true.

Type: Boolean

Default value: false


To enable the password reset functionality when logging in the system, set the property to true. If this property is set to false, the system rejects password reset requests to API.

Type: Boolean

Default value: false


To enable displaying the Sign-up option when logging in the system, set the property to true.

Type: Boolean

Default value: false


Specify the password reset token expiration time (in seconds). If not specified, then the default value is applied (3600 seconds, or 1 hour).

Type: Integer

Default value: 3600


Specify a pattern for username validation. For more information, refer to the regular expression documentation.

Type: String

Default value: /^[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_.-@]*$/

To enable the Single Sign-On authorization, set the property to true. The property only enables the SAML authentication.

Type: Boolean

Default value: false


To enable the Single Sign-On login page priority over the welcome page, set the property true.

If the value is true, the redirection leads to the SSO URL only if the property is set to true.

Type: Boolean

Default value: false


Specify the welcome page URL, or enter false to disable redirection to the page.

Type: String

Default value: Not defined

Value example: portal/login


If the redirection URL is set to a nonexistent page, the redirection leads to one of the existing pages of the portal.


Set the system language available for users by default on the instance.

Users can change the interface and notification language in the Preferences menu. The "out-of-the-box" solution contains two languages: Russian and English.

Type: String

Default value: en


Specify the user default timezone.

Users can change the default timezone in the Preferences menu.

Type: String

Default value: Not defined

Value example: Europe/Moscow


Specify the user token lifetime in seconds (1 day = 86400 seconds)

Type: Integer

Default value: 864000