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Version: 1.25.0

Attachment Recommendations

Copy an attachment

To copy attachments, use the server-side scripts. You can use one of the following ways:

  • Use the base64 object of the original attachment. Due to the specifics of the readBase64 method, the maximum size of the copied file is 10 Mb.
const attachmentRec = new SimpleRecord('sys_attachment');
attachmentRec.get('167654133500015741');`Original size bytes: ${attachmentRec.size_bytes}`);
// Info: Original size bytes: 92414492

const attach = new SimpleAttachment();
const base64Value = attach.readBase64(attachmentRec.sys_id);

const attachCopyId = attach.writeBase64(
'copy_of_' + attachmentRec.file_name,
if (attachCopyId) {
// Info: /record/sys_attachment/167654428100399185`Copy size bytes: ${attachmentRec.size_bytes}`);
// Info: Copy size bytes: 0
const attachmentRec = new SimpleRecord('sys_attachment');
attachmentRec.get('167654133500015741');`Original size bytes: ${attachmentRec.size_bytes}`);
// Info: Original size bytes: 92414492

const importSource = new SimpleRecord('sys_import_source');
importSource.get('167647710807446665'); // From Incident Import Source
const docId = ss.getDocIdByIds(importSource.sys_db_table_id, importSource.sys_id);

const attach = new SimpleAttachment();
const attachUrl = attach.getAttachmentUrlById(attachmentRec.sys_id);
const simpleAttach = new SimpleAttachmentService();
const docID = ss.getDocIdByIds(importSource.sys_db_table_id, importSource.sys_id);
const attachCopyId = simpleAttach.createAttachmentByUrl(attachUrl, docId, `Copy_of_the_${attachmentRec.file_name}`);

if (attachCopyId) {
// Info: /record/sys_attachment/167654472004676912`Copy size bytes: ${attachmentRec.size_bytes}`);
// Info: Copy size bytes: 92414492

Attachment download URL

Attachment links can be used for various purposes:

  • downloading a single file from attachments.
  • download all files from attachments as an archive.
  • using a link to a file from attachments in HTML tags.

Apart from this, links can also be used to:

  • add images to the body of the HTML field.
  • add images to the widget by setting the value of the scr attribute.

Attachment records can be public or non-public. The publicity of attachments affects whether an attachment link will have an expiration date.

  • Links to public attachments do not expire.
  • Non-public attachments have a lifetime of 1 hour by default from the moment they are generated. The lifetime of a link is determined through the system property

The Public attribute on the Attachment form defines the publicity of attachments.

To generate attachment links, log in and use the relative link /attachments/${sys_attachment.sys_id} to download attachments. You can also use the getAttachmentUrlById(attachmentId) method to generate a link via the API. See the SimpleAttachment article to learn more.


Depending on the publicity of an attachment, two links can be generated. For example:

  • for non-public attachments: https://s3-{your-instance-url}/attachment/9/b7/prp5bikeyg70mpn7mhfszi4amgzleo?response-content-disposition=inline%3B%20filename%3D%22image.png...
  • for public attachments: https://s3-{your-instance-url}/public-attachment/9/b7/prp5bikeyg70mpn7mhfszi4amgzleo?response-content-disposition=inline%3B%20filename%3D%22image.png...