CRM Properties
Use the following properties to set up the processes related to CRM entities.
To get a list of available system properties, navigate to System Properties → All Properties. To get a list of CRM application properties, navigate to CRM → Settings → CRM Property.
Property name | Type | Default value | Description |
crm.user.schedule.defauslt | Integer | 157165229904988595 | Specify the record ID from the Schedule table that is used to calculate the Due date when a task is automatically created for an opportunity on the Proposal quotation stage. |
crm.template_board.content | Integer | 168907408027803930 | Specify the record ID from the Sales Direction Board (crm_selling_direction_board) table that is used as a template for content kanban boards. |
crm.template_board.opportunity | Integer | 168907410120636400 | Specify the record ID from the Sales Direction Board (crm_selling_direction_board) table that is used as a template for opportunity kanban boards. |
crm.sales_direction.default | Integer | 168026545724337034 | Specify the ID of the default sales direction. It is used if the current user does not belong to any group related to a sales direction. |
crm.allow.quick.closing | Boolean | false | To enable closing opportunities as won on any stage, set the value to true. If the value is set to false, the opportunities of the sales directions with the Allow quick closing checkbox cleared can only be closed as won starting with the Decision sales stage. |
crm.currency.default | String | - | Specify the Code of the default currency for the opportunities. Note that the value is case-sensitive and should be exactly the same as in the currency (USD, RUB). |