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Version: 1.5.1

Boards Configurations

You can change the configuration of the CRM kanban boards, including the content and opportunity boards. To do so, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to CRM → Edit Boards.
  2. Open the record of the required board and configure it.
  3. Click Save and view.

The following parameters can be changed for each board:

  • Name – add the title of the board.
  • Sales direction – specify the sales direction, whose content or opportunity related records are displayed on the board. If not specified, the records of all sales directions are displayed on the board.
  • Background – add backgorund image for the booard.
  • JSON config – configure the board parameters in JSON.

JSON config parameters

The kanban board header configuration.

ParameterDescriptionDefault value for contentDefault value for opportunity
WIP_limitsSpecify the limits of records in each state. The limits may vary for each state or may not be specified."backlog":5,
included_stateSpecify the records states that will be displayed on the board. If empty, the records in all states are displayed except for those that are in the states specified in the excluded_states parameter.--
excluded_statesSpecify the states of records that will be hidden from the board."withdrawn",
"Support and post-sale",
"Demand generation"
state_aggregationNot used.--
Example of JSON config for an opportunity board


"Support and post-sale",
"Demand generation"

"main_name":"Main Opportunity",
Example of JSON config for a content board


"color_badge_1": "#ff7514",
"color_badge_2": "#0068B3",
"color_badge_3": "#77dd77",
"color_badge_4": "#ff7514",
"color_badge_5": "#0068B3",
"main_name":"Main Contents",