Server Side API
API classes and methods allow you to extend the out-of-the-box SimpleOne functionality and implement your own solutions.
Server-side API provides classes and methods to operate different components of the system: attachments, cache, emails, messages, records, requests, users, and many others. Use them to change the system appearance or behavior, for example, create business rules on the server side. Explore these classes and methods to fulfill your needs.
📄️ ExportVariables
When working with the server scripts, use the independent methods described below.
📄️ SimpleAttachment
This server class provides methods for operating the attachments.
📄️ SimpleAttachmentService
This server-side class provides methods to collect attachments from a remote instance when migrating data from a third-party system to SimpleOne.
📄️ SimpleCache
The class provides a method that resets the cache.
📄️ SimpleDateTime
This class provides methods to conduct operations on SimpleDateTime objects: instantiate objects, calculate, change the date and time formats, or convert between them.
📄️ SimpleDelegation
This server class provides methods for interaction with the delegation records.
📄️ SimpleDuration
The objects of this server class store duration as a date and time starting with January 1, 1970, 0000.
📄️ SimpleEmailOutbound
This server-side class provides methods for interaction with the email objects in email notification scripts. In addition to these methods, use the email global object available in the notification scripts.
📄️ SimpleEmailTemplate
This class provides methods to execute the code on the server-side using Script Includes. Use it to create branded notifications.
📄️ SimpleEngine
This server-side API class provides methods to extend the Engine Management functionality.
📄️ SimpleExternalRabbitMQ
This server-side API class provides methods to generate and send messages to an external queue based on RabbitMQ.
📄️ SimpleImage
This class provides methods to manage the images from the Image (sys_image) table.
📄️ SimpleImport
This class provides methods for importing data from external sources.
📄️ SimpleLogArchive
This class provides methods for managing log archives.
📄️ SimpleMail
This class provides a method that you can use to test the connection with an email server.
📄️ SimpleMessage
This class provides a method that works with the localization data.
📄️ SimpleRecordDeletionLog
With this API class, you can operate with the record deletion log. The following method of the class restores records.
📄️ SimpleRecord
This server class provides methods to operate the database records.
📄️ SimpleRecordSecure
This server class provides methods to operate the database records considering the ACL rules of the user. All of the SimpleRecordSecure methods are the same as SimpleRecord methods but they are applied according to the ACL rules.
📄️ SimpleRestRequest
This server class provides methods to work with the REST API methods and parameters.
📄️ SimpleRestResponse
This server class allows you to operate with the REST responses. The SimpleRestResponse object is created during the execution of the execute() method of the SimpleRestRequest server-side class.
📄️ SimpleSchedule
This class provides methods that operate the SimpleSchedule objects. For example, you can get a schedule name, verify that the current time matches with the working time, and return the difference between the two time values.
📄️ SimpleSearch
This class provides methods that help the system to perform query searches in the tables specified by their IDs and reindex columns.
📄️ SimpleSession
This scoped class provides a method that gets the information about the current session.
📄️ SimpleSystem
This class provides methods to get information about the system, the current user, and other.
📄️ SimpleTable
This class provides methods to get information on the parent and child tables.
📄️ SimpleTemplate
This class provides methods that operate with the templates.
📄️ SimpleTemplatePrinter
This server class provides methods that extract information from the mail script and print it in the message.
📄️ SimpleTime
This server class provides methods to operate the SimpleTime class objects. For example, use this class to create the SimpleTime object instances or work with the class fields.
📄️ SimpleUser Server-Side
This server-side class provides methods that get information about the current user and their prerequisites, for example, the assigned roles or preferences.
📄️ SimpleUserCriteria
This server-side class provides a method that helps to interact with the User Criteria.
📄️ SimpleVcs
This server-side class provides methods for using the SimpleOne version control system (VCS).
📄️ SimpleWebService
Use this server class to create a SimpleRestRequest object.
📄️ SimpleWorkflow
This server-side class provides methods that operate with workflows and theirs components, such as activities, transitions, and other.