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Version: 1.25.0

Condition Operators

The tables below provide information about the available condition operators for specific column types.

Each section contains the following information:

  1. System name – contains the system operator name that is used in condition strings or scripts.
  2. Column type – contains all column types to which the operator can be applied. When calling a column using dot-walking, the available operators correspond to the column type specified at the end. For example, when you call followers.language, where the Followers column is a list and Languages is a reference field, you can only use the operators available for the reference fields.
  3. Script – contains the example of the script.
  4. Condition builder – contains the condition and its result.
  • The input data for Date/Time fields must have the following format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.
  • In scripts and JS injections, conditions for Time fields require the input time in UTC.
Summary table Operator – System name

The table below contains the list of available operators with their system names. Use it for quick search.

OperatorSystem name
is not!=
is sameSAMEAS
is anythingANYTHING
is differentNSAMEAS
is one ofIN
is not one ofNOT IN
greater than>
less than<
greater than or is>=
less than or is<=
greater than fieldGT_FIELD
less than fieldLT_FIELD
greater than or is fieldGT_OR_EQUALS_FIELD
less than or is fieldLT_OR_EQUALS_FIELD
does not containNOTLIKE
starts withSTARTSWITH
ends withENDSWITH
is emptyISEMPTY
is not emptyISNOTEMPTY
not onNOTON
at or before<=
at or after>=
year isYEAR_IS
month isMONTH_IS
quarter isQUATER_IS
week isWEEK_IS
day isDAY_IS
day of week isDAY_OF_WEEK_IS
hour isHOUR_IS
has notHASNOT
contains (dynamic)CONTAINS_DYNAMIC
does not contain (dynamic)DOESNOTCONTAIN_DYNAMIC
is (dynamic)DYNAMIC
is not (dynamic)ISNOT_DYNAMIC
changes fromCHANGESFROM
changes toCHANGESTO

List of operators


The operator is case insensitive.

System name: =

Column typeScriptCondition builder
True/Falsecurrent.addQuery('active', true);
current.addQuery('active', '1');
Choicecurrent.addQuery('state', '2'); // In progress
Document IDcurrent.addQuery('item', '0229fa8abcbe1f530255bff6baf40b91');Item is TSK0000001 Create a report
The output is all records where the value of Item is "TSK0000001 Create a report".
JSONcurrent.addQuery('data', '{"user_id": "john.doe", "email": ""}');Data is {"user_id": "john.doe", "email": ""}
The output is all records where the Data value is exactly as in the input.
Listcurrent.addQuery('categories', '155988310508800001');Categories is Article
The output is all records where Categories contains only the reference to the Article table.
Big Integercurrent.addQuery('size_bytes', '100');Size bytes is 100
The output is all records where the Size bytes value is 100.
Integercurrent.addQuery('order', '7');Order is 7
The output is all records where the Order value is 7.
Small Integercurrent.addQuery('utc_offset', '3');UTC offset is 3
The output is all records where the UTC offset value is 3.
Decimalcurrent.addQuery('memory_usage', '12');Memory usage is 12
The output is all records where the Memory usage value is 12.
Floatcurrent.addQuery('processing_time', '0.3');Processing time is 0.3
The output is all records where the Processing time value is 0.3.
Percent Completedcurrent.addQuery('threshold_exceedance', '35');Threshold exceedance is 35
The output is all records where the Threshold exceedance value is 35.
Durationcurrent.addQuery('minimum_duration', '360000');Minimum duration is 360000
The output is all records where the Minimum duration is 360000 (= 6 minute).
Referencecurrent.addQuery('caller', '160624751417596911');Caller is John Doe
The output is all records where the Caller value is only John Doe.
Record Classcurrent.addQuery('sys_db_table_id', '155931135900000084');Table is Users
The output is all records where Table is User.
Phonecurrent.addQuery('mobile_phone', '+79123455678');Mobile phone is +79123455678
The output is all records where the Mobile phone value is +79123455678.
Stringcurrent.addQuery('first_name', 'John');First name is John
The output is all records where the First name value is John.
Textcurrent.addQuery('description', 'To connect new equipment');Description is To connect new equipment
The output is all records where the value of Description is "To connect new equipment".
Translated Textcurrent.addQuery('title', 'Problem');Title is Problem
The output is all records where the Title value is Problem.
Conditionscurrent.addQuery('completion_conditions', 'state=7')Completion conditions is state=7
The output is all records where the Completion conditions value is state=7 (State = Completed).
URLcurrent.addQuery('website', '');Website is
The output is all records where the Website value is "".

is not

The operator is case insensitive.

System name: !=

Column typeScriptCondition builder
True/Falsecurrent.addQuery('active', '!=', true);
current.addQuery('active', '!=', '1');
Active is not Yes
The output is all records where the Active field value is not Yes only (the attribute value = true).
Choicecurrent.addQuery('state', '!=', '2'); // In progress
Document IDcurrent.addQuery('item', '!=' '0229fa8abcbe1f530255bff6baf40b91');Item is not TSK0000001 Create a report
The output is all records where the value of Item is not "TSK0000001 Create a report".
JSONcurrent.addQuery('data', '!=', '{"user_id": "john.doe", "email": ""}');Data is not {"user_id": "john.doe", "email": ""}
The output is all records where the Data value is not exactly as in the input.
Listcurrent.addQuery('categories', '!=', '155988310508800001');Categories is not Article
The output is all records where Categories does not contain the reference to the Article table.
Big Integercurrent.addQuery('size_bytes', '!=', '100');Size bytes is not 100
The output is all records where the Size bytes value is not 100.
Integercurrent.addQuery('order', '!=', '7');Order is not 7
The output is all records where the Order value is not 7.
Small Integercurrent.addQuery('utc_offset', '!=', '3');UTC offset is not 3
The output is all records where the UTC offset value is not 3.
Decimalcurrent.addQuery('memory_usage', '!=', '12');Memory usage is not 12
The output is all records where the Memory usage value is not 12.
Floatcurrent.addQuery('processing_time', '!=', '0.3');Processing time is not 0.3
The output is all records where the Processing time value is not 0.3.
Percent Completedcurrent.addQuery('threshold_exceedance', '!=', '35');Threshold exceedance is not 35
The output is all records where the Threshold exceedance value is not 35.
Durationcurrent.addQuery('minimum_duration', '360000');Minimum duration is not 360000
The output is all records where the Minimum duration is 360000 (= 6 minute).
Referencecurrent.addQuery('caller', '!=', '160624751417596911');Caller is not John Doe
The output is all records where the Caller value is not John Doe.
Record Classcurrent.addQuery('sys_db_table_id', '!=','155931135900000084');Table is not Users
The output is all records where Table is not User.
Phonecurrent.addQuery('mobile_phone', '!=', '+79123455678');Mobile phone is not +79123455678
The output is all records where the Mobile phone value is not +79123455678.
Stringcurrent.addQuery('first_name', '!=', 'John');First name is not John
The output is all records where the First name value is not John.
Textcurrent.addQuery('description', '!=', 'To connect new equipment');Description is not To connect new equipment
The output is all records where the value of Description is not "To connect new equipment".
Translated Textcurrent.addQuery('title', '!=', 'Problem');Title is not Problem
The output is all records where the Title value is not Problem.
Conditionscurrent.addQuery('completion_conditions', '!=', 'state=7')Completion conditions is not state=7
The output is all records where the Completion conditions value is not state=7 (State = Completed).
URLcurrent.addQuery('website', '!=', '');Website is not
The output is all records where the Website value is not "".

is same

The operator is case insensitive.

System name: SAMEAS

Column typeScriptCondition builder
True/Falsecurrent.addQuery('active', 'sameas', 'published');Active is same Published
The output is all records where Active and Published have the same value (both are true or false).
Choicecurrent.addQuery('urgency', 'sameas', 'impact');Urgency is same Impact
The output is all records where Urgency and Impact have the same value (both have Low, for example).
Datecurrent.addQuery('expired_at', 'sameas', 'starts_at');Expire at is same Starts at
The output is all records where Expire at and Starts at have the same date.
Date/Timecurrent.addQuery('sys_created_at', 'sameas', 'sys_updated_at');Created at is same Updated at
The output is all records where Created at and Updated at have the same value.
JSONcurrent.addQuery('diplayable_path', 'sameas', 'formatter');JSON copy is same Composite key
The output is all values where JSON copy and Composite key have the same values.
Referencecurrent.addQuery('caller', 'sameas', 'assigned_user');Caller is same Assigned user
The output is all records where Caller and Assigned user have the same reference (empty values are suitable).
Big Integercurrent.addQuery('taskpd', 'sameas', 'completed_tasks');Tasks per day is same Completed tasks
The output is all records where the field value of Tasks per day and Completed tasks fields have the same value.
Integercurrent.addQuery('service_life', 'sameas', 'warranty');Service life is same Warranty
The output is all records where the Service life and Warranty fields have the same value.
Small Integercurrent.addQuery('order', 'sameas', 'nested_level');Order is same Nested level
The output is all records where the Order and Nested level fields have the same value.
Decimalcurrent.addQuery('input_voltage', 'sameas', 'output_tension');Input voltage is same Output tension
The output is all records where the Input voltage and Output tension fields have the same value.
Floatcurrent.addQuery('weight', 'sameas', 'height');Weight is same Height
The output is all records where the Weight and Height fields have the same value.
Percent Completedcurrent.addQuery('ssd', 'sameas', 'hdd');SSD is same HDD
The output is all records where the SSD and HDD fields have the same value.
Durationcurrent.addQuery('minimum_duration', 'sameas', 'duration');Minimum duration is same Duration
The output is all records where the Minimum duration and Duration fields have the same value.
Phonecurrent.addQuery('business_phone', 'sameas', 'mobile_phone');Business phone is same Mobile phone
The output is all records where the Business phone and Mobile phone fields have the same value.
Stringcurrent.addQuery('display_name', 'sameas', 'number');Display name is same Number
The output is all records where Display name and Number fields have the same value.
Textcurrent.addQuery('description', 'sameas', 'comments');Description is same Comments
The output is all records where Description and Comments fields have the same value.
Translated Textcurrent.addQuery('title', 'sameas', 'portal_title');Title is same Portal title
The output is all records where Title and Portal title fields have the same value.
Conditionscurrent.addQuery('pause_conditions', 'sameas', 'cancel_conditions');Pause conditions is same Cancel conditions
The output is all records where Pause conditions and Cancel conditions fields have the same value.
URLcurrent.addQuery('redirect_url', 'sameas', 'path_url');Redirect URL is same Path URL
The output is all records where Redirect URL and Path URL fields have the same value.

is anything

System name: ANYTHING

Column typeScriptCondition builder
True/Falsecurrent.addQuery('active', 'anything');Active is anything
The output is all records where Active has any value (true or false).
Choicecurrent.addQuery('urgency', 'anything');Urgency is anything
The output is all records where the Urgency field has any value.
Datecurrent.addQuery('expire_at', 'anything');Expire at is anything
The output is all records where the Expire at field contains any value.
Date/Timecurrent.addQuery('sys_created_at', 'anything');Created at is anything
The output is all records where Created at has any value.
JSONcurrent.addQuery('data', 'anything');Data is anything
The output is all records where the Data fileld has any value.
Referencecurrent.addQuery('caller', 'anything');Caller is anything
The output is all records where Caller has any value.
Big Integercurrent.addQuery('taskpd', 'anything');Tasks per day is anything
The output is all records where the Tasks per day field has any value.
Integercurrent.addQuery('service_life', 'anything');Service life is anything
The output is all records where the Service life field has any value.
Small Integercurrent.addQuery('order', 'anything');Order is anything
The output is all records where the Order field has any value.
Decimalcurrent.addQuery('input_voltage', 'anything');Input voltage is anything
The output is all records where the Input voltage field has any value.
Floatcurrent.addQuery('weight', 'anything');Weight is anything
The output is all records where the Weight field has any value.
Percent Completedcurrent.addQuery('ssd', 'anything');SSD is anything
The output is all records where the SSD field has any value.
Durationcurrent.addQuery('minimum_duration', 'anything');Minimum duration is anything
The output is all records where the Minimum duration field has any value.
Phonecurrent.addQuery('business_phone', 'anything');Business phone is anything
The output is all records where the Business phone field has any value.
Stringcurrent.addQuery('display_name', 'anything');Display name is anything
The output is all records where **Display name **field has any value.
Textcurrent.addQuery('description', 'anything');Description is anything
The output is all records where Description field has any value.
Translated Textcurrent.addQuery('title', 'anything');Title is anything
The output is all records where Title and Portal title field has any value.
Conditionscurrent.addQuery('pause_conditions', 'anything');Pause conditions is anything
The output is all records where Pause conditions field has any value.
URLcurrent.addQuery('redirect_url', 'anything');Redirect URL is anything
The output is all records where Redirect URL field has any value.

is different

The operator is case insensitive. System name: NSAMEAS

Column typeScriptCondition builder
True/Falsecurrent.addQuery('active', 'nsameas', 'published');Active is different Published
The output is all records where Active and Published have different values (one is true and the other one is false, or vice versa).
Choicecurrent.addQuery('urgency', 'nsameas', 'impact');Urgency is different Impact
The output is all records where values of Urgency and Impact have different values (one has High and the other has Moderate, for example).
Datecurrent.addQuery('expired_at', 'nsameas', 'starts_at');Expire at is different Starts at
The output is all records where the Expire at value is different to the Starts at one.
Date/Timecurrent.addQuery('sys_created_at', 'nsameas', 'sys_updated_at');Created at is different Updated at
The output is all records where Created at and Updated at have different values.
JSONcurrent.addQuery('json_copy', 'nsameas', 'composite_key');JSON copy is different Composite key
The output is all values where JSON copy and Composite key have different values.
Referencecurrent.addQuery('caller', 'nsameas', 'assigned_user');Caller is different Assigned user
The output is all records where Caller and Assigned user have different reference (one empty values).
Big Integercurrent.addQuery('taskpd', 'nsameas', 'completed_tasks');Tasks per day is different Completed tasks
The output is all records where the field value of Tasks per day and Completed tasks fields have different values.
Integercurrent.addQuery('service_life', 'nsameas', 'warranty');Service life is different Warranty
The output is all records where the Service life and Warranty fields have different values.
Small Integercurrent.addQuery('order', 'nsameas', 'nested_level');Order is different Nested level
The output is all records where the Order and Nested level fields have different values.
Decimalcurrent.addQuery('input_voltage', 'nsameas', 'output_tension');Input voltage is different Output tension
The output is all records where the Input voltage and Output tension fields have different values.
Floatcurrent.addQuery('weight', 'nsameas', 'height');Weight is different Height
The output is all records where the Weight and Height fields have different values.
Percent Completedcurrent.addQuery('ssd', 'nsameas', 'hdd');SSD is different HDD
The output is all records where the SSD and HDD fields have different values.
Durationcurrent.addQuery('minimum_duration', 'nsameas', 'duration');Minimum duration is different Duration
The output is all records where the Minimum duration and Duration fields have different values.
Phonecurrent.addQuery('business_phone', 'nsameas', 'mobile_phone');Business phone is different Mobile phone
The output is all records where the Business phone and Mobile phone fields have different values.
Stringcurrent.addQuery('display_name', 'nsameas', 'number');Display name is different Number
The output is all records where Display name and Number fields have different values.
Textcurrent.addQuery('description', 'nsameas', 'comments');Description is different Comments
The output is all records where Description and Comments fields have different values.
Translated Textcurrent.addQuery('title', 'nsameas', 'portal_title');Title is different Portal title
The output is all records where Title and Portal title fields have different values.
Conditionscurrent.addQuery('pause_conditions', 'nsameas', 'cancel_conditions');Pause conditions is different Cancel conditions
The output is all records where Pause conditions and Cancel conditions fields have different values.
URLcurrent.addQuery('redirect_url', 'nsameas', 'path_url');Redirect URL is different Path URL
The output is all records where Redirect URL and Path URL fields have different values.

is one of


In the condition builder, the values in the input field should be comma-separated or separated by the line break. Spaces are not allowed.

System name: IN

Column typeScriptCondition builder
Choicecurrent.addQuery('priority', 'in', ['2', '3']);// High OR ModeratePriority is one of High, Moderate
The output is all records where Priority value is High or Moderate.
Document IDcurrent.addQuery('item', 'in', ['0229fa8abcbe1f530247ebc80fcad95c', '0229fa8abcbe1f530247cfab67e9b8ab']);The is one of operator is not available for Document ID fields in the condition builder. Instead, use the combination of is AND is as in the example: Item is TSK0000005 Verification AND Item is TSK0000001 Task 1
Referencecurrent.addQuery('table_id', 'in', ['155964310500000291', '160456341213536956']);Table is one of Known Error, Article
The output is all records where the Table is Known Error or Article.
Record Classcurrent.addQuery('sys_db_table_id', 'in', ['155931135900000084', '156873090301469473']);Table is one of User, Employee
The output is all records where the Table is User or Employee.
Big Integercurrent.addQuery('size_bytes', 'in', [10, 32]);Size bytes is one of 10,32
The output is all records where the Size bytes value is equal to 10 or 32.
Integercurrent.addQuery('order', 'in', [100, 200]);Order is one of 100, 200
The output is all records where the Order value is equal to 100 or 200.
Small Integercurrent.addQuery('utc_offset', 'in', [3, 5]);UTC offset is one of 3, 5
The output is all records where the UTC offset value is equal to 3 or 5.
Decimalcurrent.addQuery('memory_usage', 'in', [100, 300]);Memory usage is one of 100, 300
The output is all records where the Memory usage value is equal to 100 or 300.
Floatcurrent.addQuery('processing_time', 'in', [1.5, 3.5]);Processing time is one of 1.5, 3.5
The output is all records where the Processing time value is equal to 1.5 or 3.5.
Percent Completedcurrent.addQuery('threshold_exceedance', 'in', [20, 30]);Threshold exceedance is one of 20, 30
The output is all records where the Threshold exceedance value is equal to 20 or 30.
Durationcurrent.addQuery('minimum_duration', 'in', [30, 60]);Minimum duration is one of 30, 60
The output is all records where the Minimum duration value is equal to 30 or 60.

is not one of

System name: NOT IN

Column typeScriptCondition builder
Choicecurrent.addQuery('priority', 'not in', ['2', '3']); // not High AND not ModeratePriority is not one of High, Moderate
The output is all records where Priority value is any other than High or Moderate
Document IDcurrent.addQuery('item', 'not in', ['0229fa8abcbe1f530247ebc80fcad95c', '0229fa8abcbe1f530247cfab67e9b8ab']);The is not one of operator is not available for Document ID fields in the condition builder. Instead, use the combination of is not AND is not as in the example: Item is not TSK0000005 Verification AND Item is not TSK0000001 My task 1
Referencecurrent.addQuery('table_id', 'not in', ['155964310500000291', '160456341213536956']);The is not one of operator is not available for Reference fields in the condition builder. Instead, use the combination of is not AND is not as in the example: Table is not Known Errors AND Table is not Article
Record Classcurrent.addQuery('sys_db_table_id', 'not in', ['155931135900000084', '156873090301469473']);The is not one of operator is not available for Record Class fields in the condition builder. Instead, use the combination of is not AND is not as in the example: Table is not Users AND Table is not Employee
Big Integercurrent.addQuery('size_bytes', 'not in', [10, 32]);The is not one of operator is not available for Big Integer fields in the condition builder. Instead, use the combination of is not AND is not as in the example: Size bytes is not 10 AND Size bytes is not 32
Integercurrent.addQuery('order', 'not in', [100, 200]);The is not one of operator is not available for Integer fields in the condition builder. Instead, use the combination of is not AND is not as in the example: Order is not 100 AND Order is not 200
Small Integercurrent.addQuery('utc_offset', 'not in', [3, 5]);The is not one of operator is not available for Small Integer fields in the condition builder. Instead, use the combination of is not AND is not as in the example: UTC offset is not 3 AND UTC offset is not 5
Decimalcurrent.addQuery('memory_usage', 'not in', [100, 300]);The is not one of operator is not available for Small Integer fields in the condition builder. Instead, use the combination of is not AND is not as in the example: Memory usage is not 100 AND Memory usage is not 300
Floatcurrent.addQuery('processing_time', 'not in', [1.5, 3.5]);The is not one of operator is not available for Float fields in the condition builder. Instead, use the combination of is not AND is not as in the example: Processing time is not 1.5 AND Processing time is not 3.5
Percent Completedcurrent.addQuery('threshold_exceedance', 'not in', [20, 30]);The is not one of operator is not available for Percent Completed fields in the condition builder. Instead, use the combination of is not AND is not as in the example: Threshold exceedance is not 20 AND Thershold exceendance is not 30
Durationcurrent.addQuery('minimum_duration', 'not in', [30, 60]);The is not one of operator is not available for Duration fields in the condition builder. Instead, use the combination of is not AND is not as in the example: Minimum duration is not 30 AND Minimum duration is not 60

greater than

System name: >

Column typeScriptCondition builder
Choicecurrent.addQuery('priority', '>', '3') // HighPriority greater than High
The output is all records where Priority value is greater than High.
Big Integercurrent.addQuery('max_length', '>', 255);Max length greater than 255
The output is all records where the Max length value is greater than 255.
Integercurrent.addQuery('order', '>', '7');Order greater than 7
The output is all records where the Order value is greater than 7.
Small Integercurrent.addQuery('utc_offset', '>', '3');UTC offset greater than 3
The output is all records where the UTC offset value is greater than 3.
Decimalcurrent.addQuery('memory_usage', '>', '12');Memory usage greater than 12
The output is all records where the Memory usage value is greater than 12.
Floatcurrent.addQuery('processing_time', '>', '0.3');Processing time greater than 0.3
The output is all records where the Processing time value is greater than 0.3.
Percent Completedcurrent.addQuery('threshold_exceedance', '>', '35');Threshold exceedance greater than 35
The output is all records where the Threshold exceedance value is greater than 35.
Durationcurrent.addQuery('minimum_duration', '>', '360000');Minimum duration greater than 360000
The output is all records where the Minimum duration is greater than 360000 (= 6 minute).

less than

System name: <

Column typeScriptCondition builder
Choicecurrent.addQuery('priority', '<', '3') // HighPriority is less than High
The output is all records where Priority value is less than High.
Big Integercurrent.addQuery('max_length', '<', 255);Max length less than 255
The output is all records where the Max length value is less than 255.
Integercurrent.addQuery('order', '<', '7');Order less than 7
The output is all records where the Order value is less than 7.
Small Integercurrent.addQuery('utc_offset', '<', '3');UTC offset less than 3
The output is all records where the UTC offset value is less than 3.
Decimalcurrent.addQuery('memory_usage', '<', '12');Memory usage less than 12
The output is all records where the Memory usage value is less than 12.
Floatcurrent.addQuery('processing_time', '<', '0.3');Processing time less than 0.3
The output is all records where the Processing time value is less than 0.3.
Percent Completedcurrent.addQuery('threshold_exceedance', '<', '35');Threshold exceedance less than 35
The output is all records where the Threshold exceedance value is less than 35.
Durationcurrent.addQuery('minimum_duration', '<', '360000');Minimum duration less than 360000
The output is all records where the Minimum duration is less than 360000 (= 6 minute).

greater than or is

System name: >=

Column typeScriptCondition builder
Choicecurrent.addQuery('priority', '>=', '3') // HighPriority greater than or is High
The output is all records where Priority value is greater than or equal to High.
Big Integercurrent.addQuery('max_length', '>=', 255);Max length greater than or is 255
The output is all records where the Max length value is 255 or greater.
Integercurrent.addQuery('order', '>=', '7');Order greater than or is 7
The output is all records where the Order value is 7 or greater.
Small Integercurrent.addQuery('utc_offset', '>=', '3');UTC offset greater than or is 3
The output is all records where the UTC offset value is 3 or greater.
Decimalcurrent.addQuery('memory_usage', '>=', '12');Memory usage greater than or is 12
The output is all records where the Memory usage value is 12 or greater.
Floatcurrent.addQuery('processing_time', '>=', '0.3');Processing time greater than or is 0.3
The output is all records where the Processing time value is 0.3 or greater.
Percent Completedcurrent.addQuery('threshold_exceedance', '>=', '35');Threshold exceedance greater than or is 35
The output is all records where the Threshold exceedance value is 35 or greater.
Durationcurrent.addQuery('minimum_duration', '>=', '360000');Minimum duration greater than or is 360000
The output is all records where the Minimum duration is 360000 (= 6 minute) or greater.

less than or is

System name: <=

Column typeScriptCondition builder
Choicecurrent.addQuery('priority', '<=', '3') // HighPriority is less than or is High
The output is all records where Priority value is less than or equal to High.
Big Integercurrent.addQuery('max_length', '<=', 255);Max length less than or is 255
The output is all records where the Max length value is less than or equal to 255.
Integercurrent.addQuery('order', '<=', '7');Order less than or is 7
The output is all records where the Order value is less than or equal to 7.
Small Integercurrent.addQuery('utc_offset', '<=', '3');UTC offset less than or is 3
The output is all records where the UTC offset value is less than or equal to 3.
Decimalcurrent.addQuery('memory_usage', '<=', '12');Memory usage less than or is 12
The output is all records where the Memory usage value is less than or equal to 12.
Floatcurrent.addQuery('processing_time', '<=', '0.3');Processing time less than or is 0.3
The output is all records where the Processing time value is less than or equal to 0.3 or less.
Percent Completedcurrent.addQuery('threshold_exceedance', '<=', '35');Threshold exceedance less than or is 35
The output is all records where the Threshold exceedance value is less than or equal to 35.
Durationcurrent.addQuery('minimum_duration', '<=', '360000');Minimum duration less than or is 360000
The output is all records where the Minimum duration is less than or equal to 360000 (= 6 minute).

greater than field

System name: GT_FIELD

Column typeScriptCondition builder
Big Integercurrent.addQuery('taskpd', 'gt_field', 'completed_tasks');Tasks per day greater than field Completed tasks
The output is all records where the field value of Tasks per day is greater than the value of Completed tasks.
Integercurrent.addQuery('service_life', 'gt_field', 'warranty')Service life greater than field Warranty
The output is all records where the Service life value is greater than the value of Warranty.
Small Integercurrent.addQuery('order', 'gt_field', 'nested_level')Order greater than field Nested level
The output is all records where the Order value is greater than the value of Nested level.
Decimalcurrent.addQuery('input_voltage', 'gt_field', 'output_tension');Input voltage greater than field Output tension
The output is all records where the Input voltage value is greater than the value of Output tension.
Floatcurrent.addQuery('weight', 'gt_field', 'height');Weight greater than field Height
The output is all records where the Weight value is greater than the value of Height.
Percent Completedcurrent.addQuery('ssd', 'gt_field', 'hdd)'SSD greater than field HDD
The output is all records where the SSD value is greater than the value of HDD.
Durationcurrent.addQuery('minimum_duration', 'gt_field', 'duration');Minimum duration greater than field Duration
The output is all records where the Minimum duration value is greater than the value of Duration.

less than field

System name: LT_FIELD

Column typeScriptCondition builder
Big Integercurrent.addQuery('taskpd', 'lt_field', 'completed_tasks');Tasks per day less than field Completed tasks
The output is all records where the field value of Tasks per day is less than the value of Completed tasks.
Integercurrent.addQuery('service_life', 'lt_field', 'warranty')Service life less than field Warranty
The output is all records where the Service life value is less than the value of Warranty.
Small Integercurrent.addQuery('order', 'lt_field', 'nested_level')Order less than field Nested level
The output is all records where the Order value is less than the value of Nested level.
Decimalcurrent.addQuery('output_tension', 'lt_field', 'input_voltage');Output tension less than field Input voltage
The output is all records where the Output tension value is less than the value of Input voltage.
Floatcurrent.addQuery('weight', 'lt_field', 'height');Weight less than field Height
The output is all records where the Weight value is less than the value of Height.
Percent Completedcurrent.addQuery('ssd', 'lt_field', 'hdd)'SSD less than field HDD
The output is all records where the SSD value is less than the value of HDD.
Durationcurrent.addQuery('minimum_duration', 'lt_field', 'duration');Minimum duration less than field Duration
The output is all records where the Minimum duration value is less than the value of Duration.

greater than or is field


Column typeScriptCondition builder
Big Integercurrent.addQuery('taskpd', 'gt_or_equals_field', 'completed_tasks');Tasks per day greater than or is field Completed tasks
The output is all records where the field value of Tasks per day is equal to the value of Completed tasks or greater.
Integercurrent.addQuery('service_life', 'gt_or_equals_field', 'warranty')Service life greater than or is field Warranty
The output is all records where the Service life value is equal to the value of Warranty or greater.
Small Integercurrent.addQuery('order', 'gt_or_equals_field', 'nested_level')Order greater than or is field Nested level
The output is all records where the Order value is equal to the value of Nested level or greater.
Decimalcurrent.addQuery('input_voltage', 'gt_or_equals_field', 'output_tension');Input voltage greater than or is field Output tension
The output is all records where the Input voltage value is equal to the value of Output tension or greater.
Floatcurrent.addQuery('weight', 'gt_or_equals_field', 'height');Weight greater than or is field Height
The output is all records where the Weight value is equal to the value of Height or greater.
Percent Completedcurrent.addQuery('ssd', 'gt_or_equals_field', 'hdd)'SSD greater than or is field HDD
The output is all records where the SSD value is equal to the value of HDD or greater.
Durationcurrent.addQuery('minimum_duration', 'gt_or_equals_field', 'duration');Minimum duration greater than or is field Duration
The output is all records where the Minimum duration values is equal to the value of Duration or greater.

less than or is field


Column typeScriptCondition builder
Big Integercurrent.addQuery('taskpd', 'lt_or_equals_field', 'completed_tasks');Tasks per day less than or is field Completed tasks
The output is all records where the field value of Tasks per day is equal to the value of Completed tasks or less.
Integercurrent.addQuery('service_life', 'lt_or_equals_field', 'warranty')Service life less than or is field Warranty
The output is all records where the Service life value is equal to the value of Warranty or less.
Small Integercurrent.addQuery('order', 'lt_or_equals_field', 'nested_level')Order less than or is field Nested level
The output is all records where the Order value is equal to the value of Nested level or less.
Decimalcurrent.addQuery('output_tension', 'lt_or_equals_field', 'input_voltage');Output tension less than or is field Input voltage
The output is all records where the Output tension value is equal to the value of Input voltage or less.
Floatcurrent.addQuery('weight', 'lt_or_equals_field', 'height');Weight less than or is field Height
The output is all records where the Weight value is equal to the value of Height or less.
Percent Completedcurrent.addQuery('ssd', 'lt_or_equals_field', 'hdd)'SSD less than or is field HDD
The output is all records where the SSD valueis equal to the value of HDD or less.
Durationcurrent.addQuery('minimum_duration', 'lt_or_equals_field', 'duration');Minimum duration less than or is field Duration
The output is all records where the Minimum duration values is equal to the value of Duration or less.


System name: BETWEEN

Column typeScriptCondition builder
Choicecurrent.addQuery('priority', 'between', ['1', '3']); / between Low and HighPriority is between Low (and) High
The output is all records where Priority value is between Low and High (Critical priority is not included).
Datecurrent.addQuery('sys_expire_at', 'between', ['2019-01-01', '2019-01-01']);Expire at between 2019-01-01 (and) 2019-01-31
The output is all records where Expire at contains a date between 2019-01-01 and 2019-01-31 including these dates.
Date/Timecurrent.addQuery('sys_created_at', 'between', ['2019-01-01 03:00:00', '2019-01-01 02:59:59']);Created at between 2019-01-01 03:00:00 (and) 2019-01-02 02:59:59
The output is all records where Created at contains a datetime between 2019-01-01 03:00:00 and 2019-01-02 02:59:59 including these datetimes.
Timecurrent.addQuery('run_time', 'between', ['10:00:00', '11:00:00']);Run time between 10:00:00 (and) 11:00:00
The output is all records where Run time contains time between 10:00:00 and 11:00:00.
Big Integercurrent.addQuery('max_length', 'between', [10, 255]);Max length between 10 (and) 255
The output is all records where Max length value is in this range: [10; 255].
Integercurrent.addQuery('order', 'between', [1, 5]);Order between 1 (and) 5
The output is all records where Order value is in this range between 1 and 5.
Small Integercurrent.addQuery('utc_offset', 'between', [1, 3]);UTC offset between 1 (and) 3
The output is all records where UTC offset value is in the range between 1 and 3.
Decimalcurrent.addQuery('memory_usage', 'between', [10, 25]);Memory usage between 10 (and) 25
The output is all records where Memory usage value is in the range between 10 and 25.
Floatcurrent.addQuery('processing_time', 'between', [1.5, 5.5]);Processing time between 1.5 (and) 5.5
The output is all records where Processing time value is in the range between 1.5 and 5.5.
Percent Completedcurrent.addQuery('threshold_exceedance', 'between', [20, 55]);Threshold exceedance between 20 (and) 55
The output is all records where Threshold exceenfance value is in the range between 20 and 55.
Durationcurrent.addQuery('minimum_duration', 'between', [20, 60]);Minimum duration between 20 (and) 60
The output is all records where Minimum duration is in the range between 10 and 60.



This condition operator returns records with partial matches and requires input datetime in UTC.

  • The contains operator is not available for numeric fields in the condition builder. It is used for filtering in scripts.
  • The operator is case insensitive.

System name: LIKE

Column typeScriptCondition builder
Choicecurrent.addQuery('state', 'like', 'publish');State contains publish
The output is all records where State contains these characters in choice title.
Datecurrent.addQuery('repeat_until_on', 'like' '2019-01-01');Repeat until contains 2019-01-01
The output is all records where Repeat until contains this date.
Date/Timecurrent.addQuery('sys_published_at', 'like' '2020-01-01 03:');Published at contains 2020-01-01 03:
The output is all records where Published at contains these date and time.
Timecurrent.addQuery('run_time', 'like' '03:');Run time contains 03:
The output is all records where Run time contains the hour value 03.
Document IDcurrent.addQuery('item', 'like', '0229fa8a-bcbe-1f53');Item contains 0229fa8a-bcbe-1f53:
The output is all records where Item contains 0229fa8a-bcbe-1f53. In the Item field, records from the Task (task) table are specified.
Field Namecurrent.addQuery('column_id', 'like', 'typ');Column contains typ
The output is all records where Column contains "typ".
JSONcurrent.addQuery('json_copy', 'like', '"url": null');JSON copy contains "url": null
The output is all records where JSON copy display value contains ""url": null".
Listcurrent.addQuery('categories', 'like', 'artic');Categories contains artic
The output is all records where references in Categories contains corresponding characters in Display by ref field.
Referencecurrent.addQuery('caller', 'like', 'Aleks');Caller contains Aleks
The output is all records where references in Caller contains corresponding characters in Display by ref field.
Record Classcurrent.addQuery('sys_db_table_id', 'like', 'rep');Table contains rep
The output is all records where the Table title contains the "rep" characters.
Big Integercurrent.addQuery('size_bytes', 'like', 99);Size bytes contains 99
The output is all records where Size bytes contains 99.
Integercurrent.addQuery('order', 'like', 100);Order contains 100
The output is all records where Order contains 100.
Small Integercurrent.addQuery('utc_offset', 'like', 3);UTC offset contains 3
The output is all records where UTC offset contains 3.
Decimalcurrent.addQuery('memory_usage', 'like', 100 );Memory usage contains 100
The output is all records where Memory usage contains 100.
Floatcurrent.addQuery('processing_time', 'like', 7);Processing time contains 3
The output is all records where Processing time contains 7.
Percent Completecurrent.addQuery('threshold_exceedance', 'like', 7);Threshold exceedance contains 7
The output is all records where Threshold exceenfance contains 7.
Durationcurrent.addQuery('minimum_duration', 'like', 60);Minimum duration contains 60
The output is all records where Minimum duration contains 60.
Phonecurrent.addQuery('mobile_phone', 'like', '+7');Mobile phone contains +7
The output is all records where Mobile phone contains +7.
Stringcurrent.addQuery('email', 'like', '_');Email contains _
The output is all records where Email contains _.
Textcurrent.addQuery('description', 'like', 'critic');Description contains critic
The output is all records where Description contains the "critic" characters.
Translated Textcurrent.addQuery('title', 'like', 'prob');Title contains prob
The output is all records where Title contains the "prob" characters.
Conditionscurrent.addQuery('completion_conditions', 'like', 'stat');Completion conditions contains stat
The output is all records where Completion conditions contains the "stat" characters.
URLcurrent.addQuery('website', 'like', 'simpl');Website contains simpl
The output is all records where Website contains the "simpl" characters.
HTMLcurrent.addQuery('body', 'like', '<div>');Body contains <div>
The output is all records where Body contains <div>.
Scriptcurrent.addQuery('script', 'like', 'return user.sys_id');Script contains return user.sys_id
The output is all records where Script contains the "return user.sys_id".

does not contain


This condition operator returns records with partial matches and requires input datetime in UTC.

  • The does not contains operator is not available for numeric fields in the condition builder. It is used for filtering in scripts.
  • The operator is case insensitive.

System name: NOTLIKE

Column typeScriptCondition builder
Choicecurrent.addQuery('state', 'notlike', 'publish');State does not contain publish
The output is all records where State does not contain these characters in choice title.
Datecurrent.addQuery('repeat_until_on', 'notlike' '2019-01-01');Repeat until does not contain 2019-01-01
The output is all records where Repeat until does not contain this date.
Date/Timecurrent.addQuery('sys_published_at', 'notlike' '2020-01-01 03:');Published at does not contain 2020-01-01 03:
The output is all records where Published at does not contain these date and time.
Timecurrent.addQuery('run_time', 'notlike' '03:');Run time does not contain 03:
The output is all records where Run time contains any hour value but 03.
Document IDcurrent.addQuery('item', 'notlike', '0229fa8a-bcbe-1f53');Item does not contain 0229fa8a-bcbe-1f53:
The output is all records where Item does not contain 0229fa8a-bcbe-1f53. The Item field does not contain records from the Task (task) table.
Field Namecurrent.addQuery('column_id', 'notlike', 'typ');Column does not contain typ
The output is all records where Column does not contain "typ".
JSONcurrent.addQuery('json_copy', 'notlike', '"url": null');JSON copy does not contain "url": null
The output is all records where JSON copy display value does not contain ""url": null".
Listcurrent.addQuery('categories', 'notlike', 'artic');Categories does not contain artic
The output is all records where references in Categories does not contain corresponding characters in Display by ref field.
Referencecurrent.addQuery('caller', 'notlike', 'Aleks');Caller does not contain Aleks
The output is all records where references in Caller does not contain corresponding characters in Display by ref field.
Record Classcurrent.addQuery('sys_db_table_id', 'notlike', 'rep');Table title does not contain rep
The output is all records where the Table title does not contain the "rep" characters.
Big Integercurrent.addQuery('size_bytes', 'notlike', 99);Size bytes does not contain 99
The output is all records where Size bytes does not contain 99.
Integercurrent.addQuery('order', 'notlike', 100);Order does not contain 100
The output is all records where Order does not contain 100.
Small Integercurrent.addQuery('utc_offset', 'notlike', 3);UTC offset does not contain 3
The output is all records where UTC offset does not contain 3.
Decimalcurrent.addQuery('memory_usage', 'notlike', 100 );Memory usage does not contain 100
The output is all records where Memory usage does not contain 100.
Floatcurrent.addQuery('processing_time', 'notlike', 7);Processing time does not contain 7
The output is all records where Processing time does not contain 7.
Percent Completecurrent.addQuery('threshold_exceedance', 'notlike', 7);Threshold exceedance does not contain 7
The output is all records where Threshold exceenfance does not contain 7.
Durationcurrent.addQuery('minimum_duration', 'notlike', 60);Minimum duration does not contain 60
The output is all records where Minimum duration does not contain 60.
Phonecurrent.addQuery('mobile_phone', 'notlike', '+7');Mobile phone does not contain +7
The output is all records where Mobile phone does not contain +7.
Stringcurrent.addQuery('email', 'notlike', '_');Email does not contain _
The output is all records where Email does not contain _.
Textcurrent.addQuery('description', 'notlike', 'critic');Description does not contain critic
The output is all records where Description does not contain the "critic" characters.
Translated Textcurrent.addQuery('title', 'notlike', 'prob');Title does not contain prob
The output is all records where Title does not contain the "prob" characters.
Conditionscurrent.addQuery('completion_conditions', 'notlike', 'stat');Completion conditions does not contain stat
The output is all records where Completion conditions does not contain the "stat" characters.
URLcurrent.addQuery('website', 'notlike', 'simpl');Website does not contain simpl
The output is all records where Website does not contain the "simpl" characters.
HTMLcurrent.addQuery('body', 'notlike', '<div>');Body does not contain <div>
The output is all records where Body does not contain <div>.
Scriptcurrent.addQuery('script', 'notlike', 'return user.sys_id');Script does not contain return user.sys_id
The output is all records where Script does not contain the "return user.sys_id".

starts with

The operator is case insensitive.

System name: STARTSWITH

Column typeScriptCondition builder
Choicecurrent.addQuery('state', 'startswith' 'publish');State starts with ed
The output is all records where State contains these characters at the beginning of a choice title.
Field Namecurrent.addQuery('column_id', 'startswith' 'typ');Column starts with typ
The output is all records where Column contains these characters at the beginning.
Referencecurrent.addQuery('related_ticket', 'startswith' 'email');Related ticket starts with email
The output is all records where Related ticket contains these characters at the beginning of Display by ref field value.
Record Classcurrent.addQuery('sys_db_table_id', 'startswith' 'rule');Table title starts with bus
The output is all records where the Table title contains these characters at the beginning.
Phonecurrent.addQuery('mobile_phone', 'startswith' '79');Mobile phone starts with 79
The output is all records where Mobile phone contains these characters at the beginning.
Stringcurrent.addQuery('name', 'startswith' 'iv');Name starts with iv
The output is all records where Name contains these characters at the beginning.
Textcurrent.addQuery('description', 'startswith' 'default');Description starts with default
The output is all records where Description contains these characters at the beginning.
Translated Textcurrent.addQuery('title', 'startswith' 'inc');Title starts with inc
The output is all records where Title contains these characters at the beginning.
Conditionscurrent.addQuery('completion_conditions', 'startswith' 'stat');Completion conditions starts with stat
The output is all records where Completion conditions contains these characters at the beginning.
URLcurrent.addQuery('website', 'startswith' 'simpl');Website starts with simpl
The output is all records where Website contains these characters at the beginning.

ends with

The operator is case insensitive.

System name: ENDSWITH

Column typeScriptCondition builder
Choicecurrent.addQuery('state', 'endswith' 'ed');State ends with ed
The output is all records where State contains these characters at the end of a choice title.
Field Namecurrent.addQuery('column_id', 'endswith' 'typ');Column ends with typ
The output is all records where Column contains these characters at the end.
Referencecurrent.addQuery('related_ticket', 'endswith' 'mail');Related ticket ends with mail
The output is all records where Related ticket contains these characters at the end of Display by ref field value.
Record Classcurrent.addQuery('sys_db_table_id', 'endswith' 'rule');Table title ends with rule
The output is all records where the Table title contains these characters at the end.
Phonecurrent.addQuery('mobile_phone', 'endswith' '92');Mobile phone ends with 92
The output is all records where Mobile phone contains these characters at the end.
Stringcurrent.addQuery('name', 'endswith' 'ov');Name ends with ov
The output is all records where Name contains these characters at the end.
Textcurrent.addQuery('description', 'endswith' 'default');Description ends with default
The output is all records where Description contains these characters at the end.
Translated Textcurrent.addQuery('title', 'endswith' 'ed');Title ends with ed
The output is all records where Title contains these characters at the end.
Conditionscurrent.addQuery('completion_conditions', 'endswith' '2)';Completion conditions ends with 2
The output is all records where Completion conditions contains these characters at the end.
URLcurrent.addQuery('website', 'endswith' '.com');Website ends with .com
The output is all records where Website contains these characters at the end.

is empty


Note that if the Reference field has the attribute On delete with the No action value, the ID of the deleted record remains in the field (then the reference leads to a non-existing record). Such records will not be displayed in the output of "Reference field is empty". In order to exclude records with deleted reference from the output, use this condition:

Reference Field → ID is empty.

System name: ISEMPTY

Column typeScriptCondition builder
Choicecurrent.addQuery('state', 'isempty'); / not NoneState is empty
The output is all records where State does not contains any value.
Datecurrent.addQuery('repeat_until_on', 'isempty');Repeat until is empty
The output is all records where Repeat until does not contain any value.
Date/Timecurrent.addQuery('sys_published_at', 'isempty');Published at is empty
The output is all records where Published at does not contain any value.
Document IDcurrent.addQuery('record_document_id', 'isempty')Document record is empty
The output is all records where Document record does not contain any value.
Field Namecurrent.addQuery('column_id', 'isempty');Column is empty
The output is all records where Column does not contain any value.
Referencecurrent.addQuery('related_ticket', 'isempty');Related ticket is empty
The output is all records where Related ticket does not contain any value.
Listcurrent.addQuery('categories', 'isempty');Categories is empty
The output is all records where Categories does not contain any value.
JSONcurrent.addQuery('json_copy', 'isempty');JSON copy is empty
The output is all records where JSON copy does not contain any value.
Imagecurrent.addQuery('profile_picture', 'isempty');Profile picture is empty
The output is all records where Profile picture does not contain any value.
Big Integercurrent.addQuery('size_bytes', 'isempty');Size, bytes is empty
The output is all records where Size, bytes does not contain any value.
Integercurrent.addQuery('order', 'isempty');Order is empty
The output is all records where Order does not contain any value.
Small Integercurrent.addQuery('utc_offset', 'isempty');UTC offset is empty
The output is all records where UTC offset does not contain any value.
Decimalcurrent.addQuery('memory_usage', 'isempty');Memory usage is empty
The output is all records where Memory usage does not contain any value.
Floatcurrent.addQuery('processing_time', 'isempty');Processing time is empty
The output is all records where Processing time does not contain any value.
Percent Completedcurrent.addQuery('threshold_exceedance', 'isempty');Threshold exceedance is empty
The output is all records where Threshold exceedance does not contain any value.
Durationcurrent.addQuery('minimum_duration', 'isempty');Minimum duration is empty
The output is all records where Minimum duration does not contain any value.
Phonecurrent.addQuery('mobile_phone', 'isempty');Mobile phone is empty
The output is all records where Mobile phone does not contain any value.
Stringcurrent.addQuery('name', 'isempty');Name is empty
The output is all records where Name does not contain any value.
Textcurrent.addQuery('description', 'isempty');Description is empty
The output is all records where Description does not contain any value.
Translated Textcurrent.addQuery('title', 'isempty');Title is empty
The output is all records where Title does not contain any value.
Conditionscurrent.addQuery('completion_conditions', 'isempty');Completion conditions is empty
The output is all records where Completion conditions does not contain any value.
URLcurrent.addQuery('website', 'isempty');Website is empty
The output is all records where Website does not contain any value.
HTMLcurrent.addQuery('body', 'isempty');Body is empty
The output is all records where Body does not contain any value.
Scriptcurrent.addQuery('script', 'isempty');Script is empty
The output is all records where Script does not contain any value.

is not empty


Note that if the Reference field has the attribute On delete with the No action value, the ID of the deleted record remains in the field (then the reference leads to a non-existing record). Such records will be displayed in the output of "Reference field is not empty". In order to exclude records with deleted reference from the output, use this condition:

Reference Field → ID is empty.

System name: ISNOTEMPTY

Column typeScriptCondition builder
Choicecurrent.addQuery('state', 'isnotempty');/ not None
Datecurrent.addQuery('repeat_until_on', 'isnotempty');Repeat until is not empty
The output is all records where Repeat until contains any value.
Date/Timecurrent.addQuery('sys_published_at', 'isnotempty');Published at is not empty
The output is all records where Published at contains any value.
Document IDcurrent.addQuery('record_document_id', 'isnotempty')Document record is not empty
The output is all records where Document record contains any value.
Field Namecurrent.addQuery('column_id', 'isnotempty');Column is not empty
The output is all records where Column contains any value.
Referencecurrent.addQuery('related_ticket', 'isnotempty');Related ticket is not empty
The output is all records where Related ticket contains any value.
Listcurrent.addQuery('categories', 'isnotempty');Categories is not empty
The output is all records where Categories contains any value.
JSONcurrent.addQuery('json_copy', 'isnotempty');JSON copy is not empty
The output is all records where JSON copy contains any value.
Imagecurrent.addQuery('profile_picture', 'isnotempty');Profile picture is not empty
The output is all records where Profile picture contains any value.
Big Integercurrent.addQuery('size_bytes', 'isnotempty');Size, bytes is not empty
The output is all records where Size, bytes contains any value.
Integercurrent.addQuery('order', 'isnotempty');Order is not empty
The output is all records where Order contains any value.
Small Integercurrent.addQuery('utc_offset', 'isnotempty');UTC offset is not empty
The output is all records where UTC offset contains any value.
Decimalcurrent.addQuery('memory_usage', 'isnotempty');Memory usage is not empty
The output is all records where Memory usage contains any value.
Floatcurrent.addQuery('processing_time', 'isnotempty');Processing time is not empty
The output is all records where Processing time contains any value.
Percent Completedcurrent.addQuery('threshold_exceedance', 'isnotempty');Threshold exceedance is not empty
The output is all records where Threshold exceedance contains any value.
Durationcurrent.addQuery('minimum_duration', 'isnotempty');Minimum duration is not empty
The output is all records where Minimum duration contains any value.
Phonecurrent.addQuery('mobile_phone', 'isnotempty');Mobile phone is not empty
The output is all records where Mobile phone contains any value.
Stringcurrent.addQuery('name', 'isnotempty');Name is not empty
The output is all records where Name contains any value.
Textcurrent.addQuery('description', 'isnotempty');Description is not empty
The output is all records where Description contains any value.
Translated Textcurrent.addQuery('title', 'isnotempty');Title is not empty
The output is all records where Title contains any value.
Conditionscurrent.addQuery('completion_conditions', 'isnotempty');Completion conditions is not empty
The output is all records where Completion conditions contains any value.
URLcurrent.addQuery('website', 'isnotempty');Website is not empty
The output is all records where Website contains any value.
HTMLcurrent.addQuery('body', 'isnotempty');Body is not empty
The output is all records where Body contains any value.
Scriptcurrent.addQuery('script', 'isnotempty');Script is not empty
The output is all records where Script contains any value.


System name: ON

Column typeScriptCondition builder
Datecurrent.addQuery('repeat_until_on', '2019-01-01'');Repeat until on 2019-01-01
The output is all records where the Repeat until value is "2019-01-01" exactly.
Date/Timecurrent.addQuery('sys_created_at', '2020-01-01 03:00:00'');Created at on 2020-01-01 03:00:00
The output is all records where the Created at value is "2020-01-01 03:00:00" exactly.
Timecurrent.addQuery('run_time', '11:00:00'');Run time on 11:00:00
The output is all records where the Run time value is "11:00:00" exactly.

not on

System name: NOTON

Column typeScriptCondition builder
Datecurrent.addQuery('repeat_until_on', '!=', '2019-01-01'');Repeat until not on 2019-01-01
The output is all records where Repeat until is any value but "2019-01-01".
Date/Timecurrent.addQuery('sys_created_at', '!=', '2020-01-01 03:00:00'');Created at not on 2020-01-01 03:00:00
The output is all records where Created at is any value but "2020-01-01 03:00:00".
Timecurrent.addQuery('run_time', '!=', '11:00:00'');Run time not on 11:00:00
The output is all records where Run time is any value but "11:00:00".


System name: <

Column typeScriptCondition builder
Datecurrent.addQuery('repeat_until_on', '<', '2019-01-01'');Repeat until before 2019-01-01
The output is all records where Repeat until date is before "2019-01-01".
Date/Timecurrent.addQuery('sys_created_at', '<', '2020-01-01 03:00:00'');Created at before 2020-01-01 03:00:00
The output is all records where Created at date and time is before "2020-01-01 03:00:00".
Timecurrent.addQuery('run_time', '<', '11:00:00'');Run time before 11:00:00
The output is all records where Run time is before "11:00:00".


System name: >

Column typeScriptCondition builder
Datecurrent.addQuery('repeat_until_on', '>', '2019-01-01'');Repeat until after 2019-01-01
The output is all records where Repeat until date is after "2019-01-01".
Date/Timecurrent.addQuery('sys_created_at', '>', '2020-01-01 03:00:00'');Created at after 2020-01-01 03:00:00
The output is all records where Created at date and time is after "2020-01-01 03:00:00".
Timecurrent.addQuery('run_time', '>', '11:00:00'');Run time after 11:00:00
The output is all records where Run time is after "11:00:00".

at or before

System name: <=

Column typeScriptCondition builder
Datecurrent.addQuery('repeat_until_on', '<=', '2019-01-01'');Repeat until at or before 2019-01-01
The output is all records where Repeat until is "2019-01-01" or the date before it.
Date/Timecurrent.addQuery('sys_created_at', '<=', '2020-01-01 03:00:00'');Created at at or before 2020-01-01 03:00:00
The output is all records where Created at is "2020-01-01 03:00:00" or the date and time before it.
Timecurrent.addQuery('run_time', '<=', '11:00:00'');Run time at or before 11:00:00
The output is all records where Run time is "11:00:00" or the time before it.

at or after

System name: >=

Column typeScriptCondition builder
Datecurrent.addQuery('repeat_until_on', '>=', '2019-01-01'');Repeat until at or after 2019-01-01
The output is all records where Repeat until is "2019-01-01" or the date after it.
Date/Timecurrent.addQuery('sys_created_at', '>=', '2020-01-01 03:00:00'');Created at at or after 2020-01-01 03:00:00
The output is all records where Created at is "2020-01-01 03:00:00" or the date and time after it.
Timecurrent.addQuery('run_time', '>=', '11:00:00'');Run time at or after 11:00:00
The output is all records where Run time is "11:00:00" or the time after it.

year is


This condition operator returns records with partial matches and requires input datetime in UTC.

System name: YEAR_IS

Column typeScriptCondition builder
Datecurrent.addQuery('repeat_until_on', 'year_is', '2020');Repeat until year is 2020
The output is all records where the database value (in UTC) of Repeat until contains the corresponding year (2020).
Date/Timecurrent.addQuery('sys_created_at', 'year_is', '2021');Created at year is 2021
The output is all records where the database value (in UTC) of Created at contains the corresponding year (2021).

month is


This condition operator returns records with partial matches and requires input datetime in UTC.

System name: MONTH_IS

Column typeScriptCondition builder
Datecurrent.addQuery('repeat_until_on', 'month_is', '1');Repeat until month is 1
The output is all records where the database value (in UTC) of Repeat until contains the corresponding month (January).
Date/Timecurrent.addQuery('sys_created_at', 'month_is', '2');Created at month is 2
The output is all records where the database value (in UTC) of Created at contains the corresponding month (February).

quarter is


This condition operator returns records with partial matches and requires input datetime in UTC.

System name: QUATER_IS

Column typeScriptCondition builder
Datecurrent.addQuery('repeat_until_on', 'quater_is', '1');Repeat until quater is 1
The output is all records where the database value (in UTC) of Repeat until contains the corresponding quarter.
Date/Timecurrent.addQuery('sys_created_at', 'quater_is', '2');Created at quater is 2
The output is all records where the database value (in UTC) of Created at contains the corresponding quarter.

week is


This condition operator returns records with partial matches and requires input datetime in UTC.

System name: WEEK_IS

Column typeScriptCondition builder
Datecurrent.addQuery('repeat_until_on', 'week_is', '10');Repeat until week is 10
The output is all records where the database value (in UTC) of Repeat until contains the corresponding week.
Date/Timecurrent.addQuery('sys_created_at', 'week_is', '25');Created at week is 25
The output is all records where the database value (in UTC) of Created at contains the corresponding week.

day is


This condition operator returns records with partial matches and requires input datetime in UTC.

System name: DAY_IS

Column typeScriptCondition builder
Datecurrent.addQuery('repeat_until_on', 'day_is', '10');Repeat until day is 10
The output is all records where the database value (in UTC) of Repeat until contains the corresponding day of a month (10th day of any month).
Date/Timecurrent.addQuery('sys_created_at', 'day_is', '25');Created at day is 25
The output is all records where the database value (in UTC) of Created at contains the corresponding day of a month (25th day of any month).

day of week is


This condition operator returns records with partial matches and requires input datetime in UTC.

System name: DAY_OF_WEEK_IS

Column typeScriptCondition builder
Datecurrent.addQuery('repeat_until_on', 'day_of_week_is', '4');Repeat unitl day of week is Wednesday
The output is all records where the database value (in UTC) of Repeat until contains the corresponding day of the week.
Date/Timecurrent.addQuery('sys_created_at', 'day_of_week_is', '1');Created at day of week is Monday
The output is all records where the database value (in UTC) of Created at contains the corresponding day of the week.

hour is


This condition operator returns records with partial matches and requires input datetime in UTC.

System name: HOUR_IS

Column typeScriptCondition builder
Timecurrent.addQuery('run_time', 'hour_is', '11');Run time hour is 11
The output is all records where Run time contains the corresponding hour.


System name: ARE

Column typeScriptCondition builder
The operator is available for the text columns with the name keyword.current.addQuery('keywords', 'are', 'mail');Keywords are mail
The output is all records where the Full text search column contains the corresponding value.


System name: HAS

Column typeScriptCondition builder
Listcurrent.addQuery('categories', 'has', '155988310508800001,157688891108786828');Categories has Article, Model
The output is all records where Categories contains the corresponding lists of references in this order exactly.

"Categories has Article, Model" and "Categories has Model, Article" are different conditions.

To exclude all records with "Article" and "Model" categories build the following condition:

Categories has Article AND Categories has Model

has not

System name: HASNOT

Column typeScriptCondition builder
Listcurrent.addQuery('categories', 'hasnot', '155988310508800001,157688891108786828');Categories has not Article, Model
The output is all records where Categories does not contain the corresponding lists of references in this order exactly.

"Categories has not Article, Model" and "Categories has not Model, Article" are different conditions.

To exclude all records with "Article" and "Model" categories build the following condition:

Categories has not Article AND Categories has not Model

contains (dynamic)


Column typeScriptCondition builder
Listcurrent.addQuery('followers', 'contains_dynamic', '160516373014385744'); // 160516373014385744 ID of the dynamic filter MeFollowers contains (dynamic) Me
The output is all records where one of the values of the Followers is the ID of the current user.

Note that when you use dynamic filters to return the sequence of IDs, the sequence is taken into account.

does not contain (dynamic)


Column typeScriptCondition builder
Listcurrent.addQuery('followers', 'doesnotcontain_dynamic', '160516373014385744'); // 160516373014385744 ID of the dynamic filter MeFollowers does not contain (dynamic) Me
The output is all records where Followers does not contain ID of the current user.

Note that when you use dynamic filters to return the sequence of IDs, the sequence is taken into account.

is (dynamic)

System name: DYNAMIC

Column typeScriptCondition builder
Referencecurrent.addQuery('assignment_group', 'dynamic', '1589643105003304555'); // 1589643105003304555 ID of the dynamic filter My GroupAssignment group is (dynamic) My Group
The output is all records where Assignment group references only one record that is the group ID of the current user.

If the dynamic filter returns a list of IDs, the order of the IDs is ignored.

is not (dynamic)

System name: ISNOT_DYNAMIC

Column typeScriptCondition builder
Referencecurrent.addQuery('assigned_user', 'isnotdynamic', '164643105003300222'); ID of the dynamic filter My GroupAssignment group is not (dynamic) My Group
The output is all records where Assigned user references only one record value and it is not the ID of the current user (empty values are suitable).

If the dynamic filter returns a list of IDs, the order of the IDs is ignored.

Available extra operators

Condition operators changes, changes from, and changes to are applicable to any type of conditions. They are used to keep track of updates and changes in a particular field during the insertion or update of a record.


To use the VALCHANGES, CHANGESFROM, and CHANGESTO operators, you need to configure it as a column extra attribute first.


System name: VALCHANGES

Column typeScriptCondition builder
-current.addQuery('priority', 'valchanges')Priority changes
Returns true if the Priority field value changes during the record insertion or update.
When a record is inserted, the changes operator returns true for fields of any type. For example, if a business rule that runs on Insert has condition "Subject changes", then it will run when the Subject field is inserted with any value (except for null and the same as the Default value).

changes from

System name: CHANGESFROM

Column typeScriptCondition builder
-current.addQuery('priority', 'changesfrom', '3')Priority changes from High
Returns true if the State field value changes from High to any other value during the record insertion or update.

changes to

System name: CHANGESTO

Column typeScriptCondition builder
-current.addQuery('priority', 'changesto', '3')Priority changes to High
Returns true if the Priority field value changes to High during the record insertion or update.