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Version: 1.2.5

Events for ITAM Notifications

When certain ITAM table records are updated, a relevant event record is created in the Events (sys_event) table. The event registries available in the application are listed below. You can use them to create your own notification rules.


To use an event, select the Event is fired option in the Send when field and select the required event record in the Event register field.

See articles about the Notification Handling to learn how to create new notification templates and scripts.


EventAdditional parametersConditions for creating an eventRecommended recipients
ITAM.asset_not_found-The asset is not in the task and the Not found checkbox is selected on its form.Responsible for the asset
ITAM.asset_in_task_not_foundTask record IDThe asset is in the task and the Not found checkbox is selected on its form.The user specified in the Assigned user field, or all users from the group specified in the Assignment group field on the task form that contains the asset.
ITAM.asset_found-The Not found checkbox is cleared on the asset form.Responsible for the asset
ITAM.asset_not_under_warranty-The Under warranty checkbox is cleared on the asset form.Responsible for the asset
ITAM.useful_life_expires-The value of the Expiry date is changed. 

A scheduled event is created 10 days before the expiry date.

Responsible for the asset
ITAM.below_minimum_balance-The value of the Current quantity field is changed on the asset form. The value of this field is equal to or less than the value of the Minimum balance field in the Nomenclature record.Responsible for the asset with the Consignment checkbox selected
ITAM.in_use_as_replacement-The In use as replacement checkbox is selected on the asset form.Responsible for the asset
ITAM.replacement_returned-The In use as replacement checkbox is cleared on the asset form.Responsible for the asset
ITAM.asset_issued_to_user-The asset is in the In use state and the User field is not empty.Responsible for the asset


EventAdditional parametersConditions for creating an eventRecommended recipients
ITAM.contract_expiration.notify-The date specified in the Notify, days before field has come.The users specified in the Notify about expiration field.

ITAM Tasks

EventAdditional parametersConditions for creating an eventRecommended recipients
ITAM.assigned_group-The value of the Assignment group field is changed.The members of the group specified in the Assignment group field.
ITAM.assigned_user-The value of the Assigned user field is changed.The user specified in the field Assigned user field.
ITAM.approval_approved-The approver approved the ticket of the ITAM task.The user specified in the field Assigned user field.
ITAM.approval_rejected-The approver rejected the ticket of the ITAM task.The user specified in the field Assigned user field.

Asset Registration

EventAdditional parametersConditions for creating an eventRecommended recipients
ITAM.registration_assets_completed-The task state changes to Completed.Stock responsible

Asset Maintenance

EventAdditional parametersConditions for creating an eventRecommended recipients
ITAM.asset_unfixable-The task state changes to Completed with the Unfixable closure code.Responsible for the asset
ITAM.asset_fixed-The task state changes to Completed with the Fixed closure code.Responsible for the asset

Asset Upgrading

EventAdditional parametersConditions for creating an eventRecommended recipients
ITAM.upgraded-The task state changes to Completed with the Upgraded closure code.Responsible for the asset
ITAM.unupgraded-The task state changes to Completed with the Not upgraded closure code.Responsible for the asset

Asset Inventory

EventAdditional parametersConditions for creating an eventRecommended recipients
ITAM.inventory_result-The task state changes to Completed with any closure code except Canceled.Responsible for the assets that:
  • are mismatched.
  • are found as a result of the inventory.
  • are not found as a result of the inventory.

Change of Responsible

EventAdditional parametersConditions for creating an eventRecommended recipients
ITAM.change_of_responsible_completedPrevious responsible IDThe task state changes to Completed with any closure code except Canceled.The new responsible and previous responsible for the asset

Asset Disposal

EventAdditional parametersConditions for creating an eventRecommended recipients
ITAM.disposal_completed-The task state changes to Completed with any closure code except Canceled.Responsible for the asset

Asset Decommissioning

EventAdditional parametersConditions for creating an eventRecommended recipients
ITAM.decommissioning_completed-The task state changes to Completed with any closure code except Canceled.Responsible for the asset

Asset Transfer

EventAdditional parametersConditions for creating an eventRecommended recipients
ITAM.transfer_donated-The task state changes to Completed with the Donated closure code.Responsible for the asset
ITAM.transfer_returned_to_supplier-The task state changes to Completed with the Returned to supplier closure code.Responsible for the asset
ITAM.transfer_sold-The task state changes to Completed with the Sold closure code.Responsible for the asset