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Version: 1.20.1


Use the <authfull> tag to configure the user authorization functionality, including the registration form. The tag also supports configurable validation in strings that contain user login and password.

Available attributes:

classStringNSpecify the CSS class name defined in the CSS field of the widget
isRegistrationBooleanNSet the value to true to make registration available to new users of the Self-Service Portal. The default value is false and only existing users can log in.
isSwitchLangBooleanNSet the value to false to prohibit users from changing the interface language. System language will be used. The default value is true.
isRememberMeBooleanNSet the value to true to store the user's credentials on the computer. The default value is false.
logoStringNDefine the absolute path to the logo displayed on the authorization page. For example:
isResetPasswordBooleanNSet the value to true to add a password reset link to the widget form. The default value is false.
redirectToStringNSpecify the path to redirect a user to the Self-Service Portal after successful authorization.
useSourceUrlBooleanNSet the value to true to keep the original URL after a redirect if the user has not previously logged in. The default value is false.
If the attribute value is true, it overrides the redirectTo attribute.

In both cases below, the user does not need to be logged in to the Self-Service Portal.

  1. The useSourceUrl attribute value = false.
    • The user follows the link looking like
    • The user is redirected to the authorization form, where they need to provide their credentials.
    • After authorization, the user is redirected to the Self-Service Portal main page.
  2. The useSourceUrl attribute value = true.
    • The user follows the link looking like
    • The user is redirected to the authorization form, where they need to provide their credentials.
    • After authorization, the user is redirected to the page available by the orginal link.



The template above adds the following element to the page: