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Version: 1.20.1

Tag Attributes

When creating a widget with a SimpleTag, use the attributes below to configure its functionality.


When a widget is implemented, all tag attribute values are transmitted as a string regardless of the attribute type; and during the processing phase, the attribute value is applied in line with the type specified.

Attribute types

There are two types of widget attributes:

  • configuration attributes that set form views of widgets.
  • event-related attributes that set actions when users interact with the widgets.

Configuration attributes

AttributeTypeDescriptionAvailable in
alignRightBooleanSet to true to align text to the right.<durationinput>
beginDateStringSpecify a minimum possible date for a field.<date>
buttonTypeStringSpecify button displaying style for forms and lists.<button>
canExcludeAllBooleanSet the attribute to true to make it possible to leave the field with no items selected.<multiselect>
canReadBooleanRestrict access to the specified table, set the attribute to false.<list>
canCreateBooleanSet the attribute equal to true to add the button for creating a new record.<list>
categoryDescriptionStringSpecify a table field that contains category descriptions.<category>
categoryIconStringSpecify a table column that contains category icons.<category>
categorySubjectStringSpecify a table field that contains category subject.<category>
childDepthIntegerSpecify the depth of the child categories.<sidemenu>
choiceConditionNameStringDefine the columns that contain data of the Choice type to specify choice options in your condition.<listitems>
classStringSpecify a CSS class name defined in the CSS field of the widget.
Define the attribute in the Template field of the widget. Then, describe it in the CSS field.
All SimpleTags except for the Common tags <activityFeed>
and Portal tags
conditionStringSpecify the condition. It is an equivalent of Reference Qualifier.<list>
configStringConfigure the Activity Feed. Describe the object in JSON format.<activityFeed>
dateStringSpecify a column containing the item creation date and time (for more details, see the example below).<categoryFlat>
dateColumnStringSpecify a table column that contains dates related to list items.<previewList>
dateConditionNameStringDefine the columns that contain data of the Date or Date/Time type to specify date ranges in your condition.<listitems>
disabledBooleanSet the attribute to true to disable the button. A disabled button cannot be clicked.<button>
displayColumnNumberIntegerSpecify the number of the column, by clicking which the record opens.<listitems>
doCloseFunctionSpecify the function to execute when the modal window or menu is closed.<modal>
elementCountStringSpecify the number of page items. If not specified, then equal to 5 by default.<previewList>
endDateStringSpecify a maximum possible date for a field.<date>
eventsStringSpecify the actions to perform after one of the predefined patterns is selected:
  • click
  • context
  • mouseOver
excludeArraySpecify the parameters to exclude from the display.<durationinput>
fixedConditionStringSpecify the condition applied to the list. Unlike the condition specified with the condition attribute, this condition is fixed and cannot be removed. It can be only specified more precisely.
The attribute work logic is similar to the fixed reference qualifiers.
hintStringSpecify the button text hint.<button>
includeCategoriesIntegerSet the attribute to 1 to add categories to the side menu.<sidemenu>
includeItemsIntegerSet the attribute to 1 to add items to the side menu.<sidemenu>
isAlwaysOpenBooleanTo make the Activity Feed widget always open, set the attribute equal to true. If the widget is always open, it has no chevron icon and option to hide.<activityFeed>
isFixedBooleanSet the true value to disable the editing of the condition value.<list>
isFullScreenModeBooleanSet the attribute to true to display the modal window in full screen when opened on a mobile device.<modal>
isMandatoryBooleanTo make a field mandatory, set the attribute equal to true.Общие Simple-теги, кроме<br/><activityFeed>
isPortalBooleanSet the attribute to true to give the tag portal behavior and rendering.<rem>
isRegistrationBooleanSet to true to make registration available to new users of the service portal. By default, the attribute value is false and only existing users can log in.<authfull>
isRememberMeBooleanSet to true to store the user's credentials on the computer.<authfull>
isResetPasswordBooleanSet to true to add a password reset link to the widget form. By default, this feature is disabled and the value is false.<authfull>
isShowBooleanSet the attribute to true to display the modal window or menu.<modal>
isSwitchLangBooleanIf the attribute value is false, users cannot change the interface language, and it is displayed in the system language.<authfull>
isTreeShownBooleanSet this attribute value to true to group search results and display the results grouping tree.<results>
isUserScripts/userScriptsBooleanTo disable the client scripts execution, set the false value.<Form>
isVisibleBooleanTo disable the tag, set the false value. The default value is true.Общие Simple-теги, кроме <activityFeed>
itemDescriptionStringSpecify a table field that contains item descriptions.<category>
itemIconStringSpecify a table column that contains item icons.<category>
itemPageStringSpecify the path to a page in the portal structure.<listitems>
itemSubjectStringSpecify a table field that contains item titles.<category>
itemViewStringSpecify the view used for item rendering.<listitems>
labelStringSpecify the field label with the text information generally describing the field content.Common SimpleTags except for
listView/viewStringSpecify a list view to use. Note that first you need to create this view in the List View (sys_ui_list).<listitems>
logoStringDefine the absolute path to the logo displayed on the authorization page.<authfull>
maxValueIntegerSpecify the maximum value in milliseconds.<durationinput>
modelStringThis attribute connects the client controller data object. When the model data changes, it is automatically transferred to data of the client controller.Common SimpleTags and PortalTag
except for the Common tags
modelIdStringUse this attribute to specify the ID of the RE model to show its attributes.<rem>
nameStringSpecify the card or form name.<Form>
nodeIdStringSpecify the node ID.<category>
optionsArraySpecify the options available for selecting. Use the CodeMirror JSON formatting.<select>
parentsDepthIntegerSpecify the depth of the parent category.<sidemenu>
placeholderStringSpecify a placeholder for a text field.<date>
previewStringSpecify a column that contains information for the card preview.<categoryFlat>
profileUrlStringSpecify the path to the service portal section that contains the current user's profile page.
If specified, the Profile item is available in the user menu. Otherwise, this item is not available, and users cannot open their profiles.
quantityIntegerSpecify the maximum number of the search results per page.<results>
radioButtonsModeBooleanSet the attribute to true to display choice options in the form of radio buttons. Otherwise, the standard drop-down list is used.<select>
readOnly/isReadOnlyBooleanTo make the field read-only, set the attribute equal to true.Common SimpleTags except for
recordIdStringSpecify an ID of an existing record to extend. When using, do not forget to specify a table (use the tableName attribute). See the example code for the <rem> SimpleTag.<rem>
redirectToStringSpecify the path to redirect a user to the service portal after successful authorization.<authfull>
reportIdStringSpecify the report ID for viewing.<report>
saveStingAdd a Save button on the form with the customized text (see the code example below).
It makes sense to use this attribute when it is impossible to use the UI actions due to any reasons (the uiActions attribute is equal to false).
saveButtonCaptionStringSpecify a text displayed on the Save button on the portal form.<remform>
searchUrlStringSpecify the URL path that determines which page the user will be redirected to after clicking the Search button.<search>
searchQueryStringAdd a search bar initial value.<search>
searchQueryStringAdd a search bar to perform search requests and display results.<results>
showTitleBooleanTo enable the title displaying, set the attribute value equal to true.<search>
sizeStringSpecify the search bar size. Available values:
  • lg (large)
  • sm (small)
sizeStringSpecify the dropdown menu size by selecting from the predefined options:
  • low (224px)
  • large (464px)
shortDescriptionStringAdd a short description for the card.<card>
stateColumnStringSpecify a table column that contains item states.<previewList>
styleStringSpecify the display settings (size, font, color, and others.) of the tag elements using the CSS syntax.Common SimpleTags except for
subjectColumnStringSpecify a table column that contains item subjects.<previewList>
svg/imgStringSpecify the code of the SVG file with the pre-decoded image or a link to the image.<button>
sysIdStringSpecify the ID of the table record. The table should be specified first via the tableName attribute. If the <activityFeed> tag is specified near the <Form> tag, the value of this attribute is populated automatically with the value from the relevant <Form> attribute.<activityFeed>
tableIdStringSpecify the table ID that the tag refers to.<conditions>
tableNameStringSpecify the table title that the tag refers to.<activityFeed>
titleStringSpecify the modal window or search title.<modal>
titleHideBooleanSet to true to show the form title by default.<Form>
topIntegerSpecify the number of first matches to display in the search autosuggestion.<search>
transparentBooleanSet this attribute to true to change the style of the list and make its background transparent.<previewList>
tsGroupIdStringEnter an ID of the table group to specify the search area. Find the necessary information in the Text Search Group (ts_group) table.<results>
UiActionsBooleanSet this attribute value to true to make UI actions available to use. Otherwise, their usage is prohibited (except for the Save button specified by the save attribute).<Form>
urlStringSpecify a URL that defines the page for this card.<card>
userStringSpecify a column that contains the information about the item originator (for more details, see the example below).<categoryFlat>
useSourceUrlBooleanSet to true to keep the original URL after a redirect if the user has not previously logged in.
If the attribute value is true, it is a higher priority than the redirectTo attribute value.
valueString (Array for the <list> tag)Specify the default value for a field.Common SimpleTags except for
valuesArraySpecify the default value for a field.<multiselect>
viewStringDefine a view name of the table, for example, Default.<Form>
wrapBooleanSet this attribute to true to set up the quick view.<previewList>


Specify the actions performed when the change event occurs.



Specify the actions that should be performed when the click event occurs.

<button event-click="window.s_widget_custom.close();">


Specify a function called when the value is changed. Set the attribute value to the custom s_widget_custom method created in the client script.


The attribute is applied to the <durationinput> and <search> tags instead of event-change.

Widget data input and output

The client controller components:

  1. Template specifies the widget view and the way it displays in HTML format. It also allows end-users to input and to interact with data.
  2. Client script runs a JS script on the client-side. It receives data from the server-side, processes data before rendering, then passes it to the widget template. Also, the client script passes the input data to the server-side.

In the widget template, use data input fields for passing the data values for any purpose. The client script uses the data object to access data received form the server side. After the client script processed the data, invoke the s_widget.serverUpdate() method to send the data to the server controller. When calling this method, the server script data object automatically overwrites the client controller data object.

Input and output fields

Input fields are widget elements. You can manage the entered data according to your purposes.

The code below implements data input using the model tag attribute, after the data gets updated on the client-side, this value passes to the <h1> header.

<string model="data.input">

The <string> field is a text field that allows a user to enter some text information. The <h1> header dynamically displays this text with the {data.input} object.

Multiple data output

The examples below describe how to place the values into two fields and output the joined value of them formatted with "h1 header" style in two different ways.

Example 1

<string model="data.lastname" event-change=";(( ) => {
const lastname = s_widget.getFieldValue('lastname') || '';
const firstname = s_widget.getFieldValue('firstname') || '';
s_widget.setFieldValue('fullname', lastname + ' ' + firstname)
} )();">
<string model="data.firstname" event-change=";( () => {
const lastname = s_widget.getFieldValue('lastname') || '';
const firstname = s_widget.getFieldValue('firstname') || '';
s_widget.setFieldValue('fullname', lastname + ' ' + firstname)

Example 2

Client script
;(() => {
window.s_widget_custom = window.s_widget_custom || {};
window.s_widget_custom.updateFullname = function() {
const lastname = s_widget.getFieldValue('lastname') || '';
const firstname = s_widget.getFieldValue('firstname') || '';
s_widget.setFieldValue ('fullname2', lastname + ' ' + firstname)
} )();
<string model="data.lastname" event-change=";(( ) => {
const lastname = s_widget.getFieldValue('lastname') || '';
const firstname = s_widget.getFieldValue('firstname') || '';
s_widget.setFieldValue('fullname', lastname + ' ' + firstname)
} )();">
<string model="data.firstname" event-change=";( () => {
const lastname = s_widget.getFieldValue('lastname') || '';
const firstname = s_widget.getFieldValue('firstname') || '';
s_widget.setFieldValue('fullname', lastname + ' ' + firstname)