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Version: 1.25.0

Record Number

The Record Number engine automatically generates a new record number increased by 1. It can be used for various purposes, such as for registering tasks for further processing and collecting statistical data.

To create a record numbering, the following criteria must be met:

  • The object for which you are configuring a record numbering must have a field that should be incremented.
  • The field should be of String type. These fields are usually named Number.

If there is no such a column on your table, you can create it. Refer to the Create Columns article for more information.

The record numbering settings are stored in the Record Number (sys_number) table.

Number form fields

PrefixYSpecify at least three Latin letters that will be added at the beginning of every record number in this table.
Maximum digitsYDefine the maximum number of digits after the prefix.
Start valueYSpecify the initial value of the sequence. The default value is 1.

If the Start value changes, and it is greater than the current value of the sequence, the previous sequence will be saved, and the new sequence will be set to a new starting value.

  • If you create a record in the Record Number (sys_number) table, a sequence is created.
  • If you delete a record in the Record Number (sys_number) table, the sequence is deleted.


You have just created a sequence with the following parameters:

Maximum digits6
Start Value22

The first record number will be ABC000022, and the numbers of the subsequent records will be ABC000023, ABC000024, and so on.