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Version: 1.25.0


You can present a company structure with Branches, Sections, Departments, and Units list, which comprises all the company divisions and allows you to assign users to them.


When upgrading to version 1.24, run the server script Create records for Organization Level (/record/sys_script/172623702914464585) to activate the hierarchy of organization structure records.

The organization structure of a company has the following levels:


In the Locations list, you can store and specify all geographical locations used to describe the companies and their organizational structure.

The list of companies stores information about all organizations with which your company does business. To optimize business processes, assign classes to the companies depending on the type of their activity, relationships with your company.


Roles required:

  • Read, create, update – org_manager, admin.
  • Delete – admin.

Create a company

To create a company record, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to OrganizationCompanies.
  2. Click New and fill in the fields.
  3. Click Save or Save and exit to apply the changes.

Company form fields

Parent organizationNSpecify the organization the company belongs to.
NameYSpecify a company name.

Specify a type of activity or relationship with one of the options below:

  • None
  • Internal
  • Customer
  • Vendor
  • Manufacturer
  • Service provider
  • Service partner

You can select one of the possible values from the drop-down list.

CEONSpecify the Chief Executive Officer.
LocationYSpecify the location.
CityNSpecify the city where the company is located.
State/ProvinceNSpecify a state or province name of the company location.
StreetNSpecify the street where the company is located.
ZIP/Postal codeNSpecify a ZIP or postal numeric code of the company.
PhoneNSpecify a phone contact number.
NotesNAdd some additional information.

Related Lists

  • Branches – contains the list of the company's branches.
  • Sections – contains the list of the company's sections.
  • Departments – contains the list of the company's departments.
  • Units – contains the list of the company's units.
  • Employees – contains the list of the company's employees.
  • Organizations – contains the list of the company's child organizations.

Create a branch

To create a branch, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to OrganizationBranches.
  2. Click New and fill in the fields.
  3. Click Save or Save and exit to apply the changes.

Branch form fields

Parent organizationNSpecify the organization the branch belongs to.
NameYSpecify a branch name.
CompanyYSpecify a parent company.
Head of branchNSpecify a person in charge.
LocationNSpecify the location. The value is selected automatically when you specify the Company. You can change it.
NotesNAdd some additional information.

Related lists

  • Contracts – contains the list of the branch's contracts.
  • Sections – contains the list of the branch's sections.
  • Departments – contains the list of the branch's departments.
  • Units – contains the list of the branch's units.
  • Organizations – contains the list of the branch's child organizations.

Create a section

To create a section, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to OrganizationSections.
  2. Click New and fill in the fields.
  3. Click Save or Save and exit to apply the changes.

Section form fields

Parent organizationNSpecify the organization the section belongs to.
NameYSpecify a section name.
Head of sectionNSpecify a person in charge.
CompanyYSpecify a parent company.
BranchNSpecify a branch.
LocationNSpecify the location. The value is selected automatically when you specify the Company. You can change it.
NotesNAdd some additional information.

Related lists

  • Contracts – contains the list of the section's contracts.
  • Departments – contains the list of the section's departments.
  • Units – contains the list of the section's units.
  • Organizations – contains the list of the section's child organizations.

Create a department

To create a department, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to OrganizationDepartments.
  2. Click New and fill in the fields.
  3. Click Save or Save and exit to apply the changes.

Department form fields

Parent organizationNSpecify the organization the department belongs to.
NameYSpecify a department name.
Head of departmentNSpecify a person in charge.
CompanyYSpecify a parent company.
SectionNSpecify a section.
LocationNSpecify the location. The value is selected automatically when you specify the Company. You can change it.
NotesNAdd some additional information.

Related lists

  • Contracts – contains the list of the section's contracts.
  • Units – contains the list of the section's units.
  • Organizations – contains the list of the section's child organizations.

Create a unit

To create a unit, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to OrganizationUnits.
  2. Click New and fill in the fields.
  3. Click Save or Save and exit to apply the changes.

Unit form fields

Parent organizationNSpecify the organization the unit belongs to.
NameYSpecify a unit name.
Head of unitNSpecify a person in charge.
CompanyYSpecify a parent company.
DepartmentNSpecify a department.
LocationNSpecify the location. The value is selected automatically when you specify the Company. You can change it.
NotesNAdd some additional information.

Related lists

  • Contracts – contains the list of the unit's contracts.
  • Organizations – contains the list of the unit's child organizations.

Create a group

To create a group, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to OrganizationGroups.
  2. Click New and fill in the fields.
  3. Click Save or Save and exit to apply the changes.

Group form fields

Parent organizationNSpecify the organization the group belongs to.
NameYSpecify a group name.
Group leaderNSpecify a person in charge.
CompanyYSpecify a parent company.
UnitNSpecify a unit.
LocationNSpecify the location. The value is selected automatically when you specify the Company. You can change it.
NotesNAdd some additional information.
  • Organizations – contains the list of the group's child organizations.

Create a team

To create a team, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to OrganizationTeams.
  2. Click New and fill in the fields.
  3. Click Save or Save and exit to apply the changes.

Team form fields

Parent organizationNSpecify the organization the team belongs to.
NameYSpecify a team name.
Team leaderNSpecify a person in charge.
CompanyYSpecify a parent company.
GroupNSpecify a group.
LocationNSpecify the location. The value is selected automatically when you specify the Company. You can change it.
NotesNAdd some additional information.


If some of your company branches or departments are located in different areas, use Locations to specify a location of a required company or department. An administrator can specify a location by filling in the fields with an address data (Country, City, and other).

Create a location

To create a location, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to OrganizationLocations.
  2. Click New and fill in the fields.
  3. Click Save or Save and exit to apply the changes.

Location form fields

Parent locationYSpecify the parent location record. The field is not displayed when the Country option is selected in the Level field.
NameYSpecify the location name. The field is not displayed when the Address or Premise option is selected in Level

Select the location level. Available options:

  • Country
  • Region
  • City
  • Address
  • Premise

By default, the Address level is selected. To add more levels, go to list/org_level and activate existing records, or create a new one.

City after countryN

Select the checkbox for federal cities and city-states to skip the Region level. When the checkbox is selected, the Parent location field is automatically filled in with the Country option.

The field appears when the City level is selected in Level.


Select the timezone of the location.

  • The field is automatically filled in and is read-only when the Rural settlement, Address, or Premise option is selected in the Level field.
  • The field is not displayed when the Country option is selected in the Level field.
StreetNEnter the name of the location street. The field appears when the Address option is selected in the Level field.
BuildingNEnter the number of the location building. Enter the number of the location building. The field appears when the Address option is selected in the Level field.
ZIP/Postal codeNDefine a ZIP or postal code of the location. The field appears when the Address option is selected in the Level field.
Office/PremiseYSpecify the office or premise number. The field appears when the Premise option is selected in the Level field.
PhoneNEnter the phone number. The field appears when the Premise option is selected in the Level field.

To add a custom level of the location, complete the following steps:

  1. Click next to the Level field on the Location form.
  2. Fill in the fields and click Save.

Level form fields

Location typeYSpecify the type of the location.
ActiveNSelect the checkbox to activate the location level.
LevelYSpecify the level number. After the record is saved, the field becomes read-only.

Organization levels

You can create and set up necessary organization level in the Organization level (org_organization_level) table.

Create an organization level

To create an organization level, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to System SettingsAll Tables and open Organization Level.
  2. Scroll the page down to the user interface actions and click Open list.
  3. Click New in the top left corner and fill in all the required fields.
  4. Click Save or Save and exit to apply the changes.

Organization level form fields

NameYSpecify a name for the organization level.
TableYSpecify the table the level is related to.
OrderYSpecify the order of the level in the organization level hierarchy. The order of the topmost level is 0.
ActiveNSelect the checkbox to allow creating organizations of this level. If the checkbox is selected, the New button is displayed in the top left corner of the organization level form.

Related lists

  • Organizations – contains the list of the organizations belonging to the organization level.

Authorized employees

You can create authorized employees of any organization levels in the Authorized Employees (org_authorized_employee) table.

Create an authorized employee

A related authorized employee is created automatically every time you create a record in the Employee table. If a record is deleted from the Employee table, the related authorized employee record is deleted as well.

To manually create an authorized employee, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to System SettingsAll Tables and open Authorized Employee.
  2. Scroll the page down to the user interface actions and click Open list.
  3. Click New in the top left corner and fill in all the required fields.
  4. Click Save or Save and exit to apply the changes.

Authorized Employee form fields

EmployeeYSpecify an employee. The field value must be unique.
NotesNAdd some additional information.