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Version: 1.25.0


SimpleOne stores all time values in the UTC timezone and displays them according to the system timezone. For the users, however, times values appear in their local time zone, defined in the preference settings.

The timezone is used across the whole system, for example, in Indicators, email notifications, and so on, so it is important to set it up carefully, taking all the conditions into account.

Set up a new timezone

When an instance is deployed or updated, it synchronizes with the IANA database and copies a pack of standard timezones relevant on the date of deployment. All newly created timezones must be extended from the standard ones.


Role required: admin.

To activate a timezone, complete the steps below:

  1. Navigate to System LocalizationTimezones.
  2. Open the timezone you need and select the Active checkbox.
  3. Click Save or Save and exit to apply the changes.

Timezones form fields

TitleThe timezone title. It is used in different interface components, such as the choice list in the General Preferences menu.
NameA timezone name. This field is populated automatically with the parent timezone name.
UTC OffsetIn this field, the UTC offset (the difference from Coordinated Universal Time) is specified. This field is read-only and inherits the offset of the timezone specified in the Parent field.
ActiveSelect this checkbox to make the timezone active. Only active timezones can be selected as a default user timezone, a timezone for email notifications, or used in Indicatiоn Management.

This checkbox marks the timezone as deprecated. When selected, the offset for this timezone is equal to 0, and it cannot be selected as Active.

For timezones from the Time Zone Database, this flag is set automatically and means that this timezone is no longer supported.

The deprecated timezone is automatically marked as inactive and cannot be used in any system components, such as schedules, indicators, and so on.

You cannot create timezones extended from a deprecated timezone.

ParentA parent timezone with the required UTC offset from the Time Zone Database.

Default timezone

You can set a default timezone, either for a single user, or for all system users.

Set a default timezone for a single user

To set a default timezone for a specific user, complete the steps below:

  1. Navigate to User AdministrationUsers.
  2. Find the user's record in the list and open it.
  3. Specify a timezone in the Timezone field.
  4. Click Save or Save and exit to apply the changes.

Set a default timezone for all users

To set a default timezone for all users, you need to change the value of the user.timezone.default system property. To do so, complete the steps below:

  1. Navigate to System PropertiesAll Properties.
  2. Find the user.timezone.default property in the list and open it.
  3. Specify a timezone Name in the Value field.
  4. Click Save or Save and exit to apply the changes.