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Version: 1.4.0

SDLC-ITSM Integration

The SDLC-ITSM integration package allows you to configure connections between the processes of the SimpleOne SDLC and SimpleOne ITSM applications. If both of these applications are installed on your instance, then after the installation of the integration package:

  • The customer care employees with the ITSM_agent role will be able to create Defect tasks for the elimination of the incident causes from the incident form.
  • The product development team members will receive information about the incidents, related to the defect they were assigned to work on, and will be able to leave work notes on the incident forms.
  • The incident caller will receive notifications on defects, created or connected to the incident they reported, in the activity feed on the incident form.

The functionality of the SDLC-ITSM integration will be enhanced in the future releases to accomodate for new cross-product integration scenarios.

Integration setup


Role required: admin.

After the integration package is installed, complete the following steps:

Configure ITSM

  1. Switch to the ITSM application in the Admin preferences.
  2. Create a lockal package in the ITSM application and make it current.
  3. Add the Related defects (sdlc_itsm_defect_ids) field on the Incident (itsm_incident) table form. It is recommended to place it in the Related Records section above the Related Service Request (related_request) field.
  4. Change the state of the local package from step 2 to Completed.

Configure SDLC

  1. Switch to the SDLC application in the Admin preferences.
  2. Create a local package in the SDLC application and make it current.
  3. Add the Incidents > Related Defects related list to the Defect (pda_defect) table form. If necessary, you can configure the composition and order of columns.
  4. Open the record of the related list you have created and add translations:
    • ru – Инциденты
    • en – Incidents
  5. Change the state of the local package from step 2 to Completed.
  6. Select the Default local package in the Admin preferences.


The following changes are made to the system after installing and configuring the SDLC-ITSM integration package according to the instructions above:

  • The Related defects (sdlc_itsm_defect_ids) field appears on the Related Records tab of the incident form. In this field you can manage the defects related to the incident:

    • Click on the defect badge and save the record to detach the defect from the incident.
    • Click to the right of the field to create a new defect.
    • Click to the right of the field to change the list of defects related to the incident.

    The actions above are available to the users that can edit the incident record. Read the Role Structure article to learn more. To create a defect, users additionally need the pda_admin or pda_user role.

  • The Incidents related list appears on the Defect (pda_defect) table form. It includes all incidents the defect is related to. To edit the list, the user must be able to edit the incident record. Read the Role Structure article to learn more.


    After the SDLC-ITSM integration package is installed, a new field, Related incidents (sdlc_itsm_incident_ids), is added to the Defect (pda_defect) table. You can use the values of this field to search for any defects that are related to an incident. The field is automatically updated when the Related defects (sdlc_itsm_defect_ids) field is updated on any of the incident forms and when records are added to or removed from the Incidents related list. The field is read-only and hidden from the form by default.

  • Messages are automatically added to the Discussion tab of an incident when the following events occur:

    • Defects are attached to the incident.
    • A related defect is moved into the Development state.
    • A related defect is moved into the Released state.
  • The users with the pda_admin or pda_user role can read the Incident (itsm_incident) table records and leave work notes on their forms.

Create a defect from an incident form

After the SDLC-ITSM integration package is installed and configured, a new menu item Create Defect appears in the burger-menu of the Incident (itsm_incident) table record forms. Use it to create related defects.


This action is available to any user who has access to the incident form.

To create a defect from an incident, complete the following steps:

  1. Open the form of the incident for which you need to create a defect.
  2. Select Create Defect in the burger menu .
  3. In the window that opens, fill in the required fields and click Create.

New defect window fields

ProductYSpecify the product to which the defect is related. By default, products in the Development or Delivery state can be selected. You can remove that restriction by clicking All records above the list. When the Project field is populated, the Product of the specified project is automatically selected.
ProjectNSpecify the project within which the defect will be fixed. You can select an active project that includes the Defect task type. If a Product is specified, only the projects related to it can be selected.
NameYSpecify the name for the defect. By default, the field is filled in with the incident Subject.
DescriptionNAdd a description for the defect. By default, the field is filled in with the content of the Steps to reproduce and Description fields of the incident, if they are not empty.

After the confirmation, a new defect is created. The following fields are filled in additionally:

  • Priority is assigned depending on the value of the Priority field of the incident. The Low, Medium and High values are matched automatically. If there is no match, the --None-- value is selected.
  • Rank is set to "0".

In addition, the files attached to the incident, as well as the image in the Screenshot field, are copied to the defect record attachments.