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Version: 1.3.3

Patch 1.2.2

New features

This product version features a new attribute named Active with values ​​Yes/No and shown in the [Assets] table(/itam/AMDB/asset/). With this attribute you can differentiate between the following:

  • records of assets that are going through their life cycle and available for accounting;
  • historical records of assets that have completed their life cycle and are no longer available for accounting.

The value No is automatically assigned to records of previously decommissioned assets that were disposed or transferred to the second party, as well as records of consumed consignment asset. The value Yes is assigned to all other assets.


Once you update ITAM to version 1.2.2, the Active attribute with the relevant value will be added to all existing assets. Be sure to follow the update deployment instructions.


  • Optimized scripts for the correct transition of assets to the previous stage and state upon canceling or completing a corresponding task.
  • Reduced time required by some form fields to update.


DEF0018649: Erroneous behavior occurred, and now is fixed, when processing an uploaded inventory file. The system recognized already existing inventory numbers as new onces or having mismatches if the file contained lines with a space before or after the number.