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Version: 1.3.1

ITAM Demonstration Data


Demonstration data for the ITAM application is delivered upon request.


Before deploying demonstration data, ensure that:

  • The ITAM version 1.3.1 is installed on your instance.
  • No demonstration data for ITAM version 1.2.5 and lower exists on your instance.

Deploying demodata

  1. In the Admin settings, select Simple in the Application field.

  2. Import the [SA]_1_22_0_demo.sop file with the demo data for the Simple application.

  3. In the Admin settings select ITAM in the Application field.

  4. Import the [ITAM]_1_3_0_demo.sop file with the demo data for the ITAM application.

  5. Import the [ITAM]_1_3_0_demo.json file with the demo data for the ITAM application.

  6. Navigate to PlannerScheduled scripts.

  7. Open the script record [ITAM] Demo data creation script (/record/sys_schedule_script/171268685118770295) and fill in the record fields as follows:

    Run date and time+2 minutes after the current time, without setting the seconds, that is the seconds value must be 00
    Example: 2024-05-19 12:24:00
    The system will run the script according to the time set in the system, not the time set in your device. If the settings differ, change the timezone in the Preference menu to run scripts more easily.
  8. Click Save or Save and exit, to apply the changes.

  9. When the script execution is over a record [ITAM] Demo Data Creation Script - [FINISHED] appears in the Main Log (sys_log).

The script execution takes approximately 20 minutes.

If the import is successful, the data described below will appear on your instance.

Demonstration data list

Demonstration data (Simple Application entities)

  • 17 companies
  • 28 locations
  • 3 contacts specified in the contracts (disposal, purchase, warranty and non-warranty services, selling) of the three companies ("ООО "Лучшая Компания", "ООО "Лучшая Компания №2", and "ООО "Первая дочерняя компания").
  • 9 groups that include 24 users (the user groups are created by the scheduled script).
  • 4 cost centers: two cost centers for the new company called "ООО "Лучшая Компания №2", and two cost centers for the new company called "ООО "Первая дочерняя компания".
Group RoleUserJob Position
ITAM-AGENTS itam_agentИлья АгентовUser – auditor
ITAM-CONTRACT-APPROVERSitam_contract_approverДобрыня БезопасновHead of the security department
Алексей ЮристовHead of the legal department
Юлия ЮристоваHead of the legal department
ITAM-CONTRACT-MANAGERS itam_contract_manager Добрыня БезопасновHead of the legal department
Глеб КонтрактинLegal associate
Иван КонтрактовSenior legal counsel
Екатерина КонтрактоваLegal counsel
ITAM-OPERATIONSitam_operation_specialistДенис ОперационовAsset accountant
Зинаида ОперационоваAsset accountant
Ангелина АссетоваStock owner
ITAM-PROCESS-MANAGERSitam_process_managerИлья ПроцессовAsset accounting process manager
Прасковья ПроцессоваAsset accounting process manager
Полина ПроцессоваAsset accounting process manager
ITAM-RESPONSIBLESitam_responsibleАртем ИтамовStock owner
Ангелина АссетоваStock owner
Мария АктивоваStock responsible
Михаил АктивовStock responsible
Альберт АссетовВладелец склада
Арсений АссетовВладелец склада
ITAM-DEMAND-MANAGERSitam_demand_managerВасилиса ДемандоваAsset demand manager
Захар ДемандовAsset demand manager
ITAM-DEMAND-AGENTSitam_demand_agentПлатон ПотребовDemand auditor for assets
ITAM-DEMAND-APPROVERSitam_demand_approverАлевтина АппрувоваDemand approver for assets
ITAM-DEMAND-MANAGERSitam_demand_managerВасилиса ДемандоваAsset demand manager
  • 31 employees who can be asset users.

    IDDisplayable name
    168733351500885940Илья Агентов
    171085986913164577Михаил Активов
    168630327302435457Мария Активова
    168725904706365497Ангелина Ассетова
    169348932107219855Добрыня Безопаснов
    171085958013473055Захар Демандов
    171085966017230581Василиса Демандова
    169140756205456922Иван Иванов
    168811185601241843Артем Итамов
    169347435904903399Глеб Контрактин
    168863164000962008Иван Контрактов
    169140769608562159Максим Максимов
    169140785004677495Ольга Ольгина
    168863705306379098Денис Операционов
    171085975515015905Зинаида Операционова
    169140761505265975Петр Петров
    168863698001537573Илья Процессов
    169140765508094219Сергей Сергеев
    169348911606662155Алексей Юристов
    172371946415763067Платон Потребов
    172371934217959829Прасковья Процессова
    172371924418025091Арсений Ассетов
    172371909912655350Алексей Алексеев
    172371885517965759Артем Артемов
    172371877717037895Алевтина Аппрувова
    172371868515604434Екатерина Контрактова
    172371860014776560Юлия Юристова
    172371851514429689Павел Павлов
    172371840611684305Мария Марьина
    172371830311248668Полина Процессова
    172371816814249497Альберт Ассетов
  • 7 CMDB classes (apart from the 52 CMDB classes added to the demonstration data for the Simple application).

  • 19 CMDB models with completed REM attributes.

  • 1 contact record from the Contacts (contact) table

  • 4631 configuration item

Demonstration data (ITAM entities)

  • 19 asset nomenclatures
  • 12 asset stocks
  • 78 documents
  • 18 asset contracts
  • 331 assets for the "ООО "Лучшая компания" company (the assets are created after the execution of the scheduled script) that model the situation when assets are used in offices. They include: laptops that in use, physical servers and MFPs located in specific rooms. The assets (single, consignments and spare parts) are stored in specific stocks. Some of these assets are under warranty and are associated with existing warranty service contracts.
  • 8478 assets for the "ООО "Лучшая компания" company in different stages and states (the assets are created after the execution of the scheduled script). They include single assets, spare parts and consignments, stationary and non-stationary assets that you can add to any of the 12 ITAM task types at once without any specific preparation due to their specific preset stage and state combinations.
  • 4296 assets belonging to the "ООО "Лучшая Компания №2" company.
  • 4291 assets belonging to the "ООО "Первая дочерняя компания" company.

The demonstration data does not contain records of the ITAM Tasks (itam_tasks) table.