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Version: 1.12.1

Track Problems

The problem tracking process allows a caller to be informed about the work progress with notifications.

In SimpleOne, notifications are sent via the email. Find below the standard notifications:

A new problem is registered

This notification is sent when a new problem is registered manually by an agent or reclassified out of a user query.

  • The notification contains work notes if they are added on the record form.
  • If the Assigned user or Assignment group field is empty, the notification body does not contain them.
  • Problem manager
  • Incident manager
  • Service owner
Assignment group is changed

This notification is sent when a new group is assigned to the problem (the Assignment group field is changed and is not empty).

The notification contains work notes if they are added on the record form.

  • Group members
  • Problem manager
  • Service owner
A new problem responsible is assigned

This notification is sent when a new user is assigned to the problem (the Assigned user field is changed and is not empty).

The notification contains work notes if they are added on the record form.

  • Assigned user
  • Problem manager
  • Service owner
The problem is reassignedThis notification is sent when both the Assigned user and the Assignment group are changed.
  • Assigned user
  • Group members
  • Problem manager
  • Service owner
Work on the problem started

This notification is sent when the problem state changes to In progress.

The notification contains work notes if they are added on the record form.

  • Problem manager
  • Service owner
The problem is postponed

This notification is sent when the problem state changes to Postponed.

  • The notification contains work notes if they are added on the record form.
  • The notification title contains the reason for the postponement.
  • Problem manager
  • Service owner
The problem becomes a Known ErrorThis notification is sent when the problem state changes to Known Error.
  • Problem manager
  • Incident manager
  • Service owner
  • Assigned user
The problem is completed

This notification is sent when the problem state changes to Completed.

  • The notification subject contains the problem closure code.
  • The problem manager receives a separate notification.
  • The caller receives this notification only if they have the itsm_agent role. External users will not receive this notification.
  • Problem manager
  • Service owner
  • Caller (ITSM-agent)
The problem is closed

This notification is sent when the problem state changes to Closed.

The notification contains work notes if they are added on the record form.

  • Service owner
  • Incident manager
A new comment is added

This notification is sent when a comment is added in the Work notes field.

  • The caller receives this notification only if they have the itsm_agent role. External users will not receive this notification.
  • The notification is not sent to the user that added the work notes.
  • Assigned user and/or Assignment group members
  • Problem manager
  • Caller (ITSM-agent)