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Version: 1.22.3

Planned Cost Items

The records of the table contain information about the planned cost items of the budget for a specific service or contract. The Actual Cost Items related list is linked to the same budget and allows you to easily track important information.

Planned Cost Item form fields

NameYSpecify the name of the planned cost item record.
BudgetYSpecify the budget record which the planned cost item is created for.
Budget itemYSpecify the budget item record which the planned cost item relates to.
Cost centerNSpecify the cost center that is related to the planned cost item record.
Cost typeYSelect a cost type. Available options:
  • OPEX
ContractNSpecify the contract based on which the payment is made.
ServiceNSpecify the service which the cost item is planned for.
AmountYEnter the planned cost amount.
CurrencyYSelect the currency that was used to specify the cost amount.
StateNSelect the record state. Available options:
  • Draft
  • Approval
  • Valid
  • Not valid
Fiscal periodYSpecify the fiscal period for this cost item.

Related Lists

Actual Cost Items – a list of actual cost items in the allocated budget.

Create a planned cost item

To create a planned cost item record, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Planned Cost Item (planned_cost_item) table.
  2. Click New and fill in the fields.
  3. Click Save or Save and exit to apply the changes.