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Version: 1.22.3

Cost Centers

In Simple Application you can set up and manage cost centers. All tasks for budget planning and budget expenses are related to a certain cost center. This allows you to integrate corporate business processes, IT asset management, and cost centers together.

Cost center form fields

NameYSpecify a name for the cost center.
CompanyYSpecify the company to which the cost center belongs. If the Active checkbox is selected, the field becomes read-only as soon as you save the record for the first time.
Cost center ownerYSpecify the company employee appointed as the cost center owner. If the Active checkbox is selected, the field becomes read-only as soon as you save the record for the first time.
BranchNSpecify the company branch to which the cost center belongs.
SectionNSpecify the company section to which the cost center belongs.
DepartmentNSpecify the company department to which the cost center belongs.
UnitNSpecify the company unit to which the cost center belongs.
ActiveNSelect the checkbox if the cost center is active.

Create a cost center

To create a cost center, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the Cost Centers (cost_center) table.
  2. Click New and fill in the fields of the form that opens.
  3. Click Save or Save and Exit to apply the changes.