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Version: 1.23.3


Register services as service offerings that you can provide to the consumers in the Service portfolio and publish them in the Sevice catalog.

A service offering can be based on one or more products.

There are several types of service offerings:

  • Goods that are transferred to the consumer. The goods are transferred directly from the provider to the consumer and the consumer is responsible for further use of the received goods.
  • Access to resources provided to the consumer on certain terms. The provider keeps ownership of the resources that are available to the consumer during the period of time defined in the agreement.
  • Service action performed by the provider to satisfy the needs of the consumer (for instance, technical support). The action is performed under the agreement with the consumer.

Multiple service offerings can be created based on the same product to meet the demands of different consumer groups.

The service relationship between the service provider and the consumer is established when the consumer chooses a service offering from the Service catalog.

To define service relationship between the service provider and the consumer, you need to add an agreement to the service. The agreement defines the service consumer (user, customer, sponsor); optionally you can add a related contract.

The diagram below illustrates the process of providing services:


Role required: service_catalog_manager.

Create a new service

To create service offerings and define them with descriptions, SLAs, and other service specifications stored in the Knowledge Base, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to Service Portfolio → Service Pipeline or CMDBServices.
  2. Click New and fill in the fields.
  3. Click Save or Save and exit to apply the changes.

Service form fields

NumberYThis field is populated automatically and has the SRVXXXXXXX format.
NameYSpecify a name for the service.
Service typeYSpecify the type of the service. Available options:
  • Business – this IT service is provided on a business level.
  • Operational – one of the service provider company's departments delivers this IT service.
  • Underpinning – this IT service is provided by a third party.
  • Request – this is a sub-service within a business service in accordance with the specific typical request.
Offering typeNSpecify the type of service offering provided within the service range. Available options:
  • Goods – the offering consists in supplying goods to the consumer who is responsible for further use of the received goods.
  • Access to resources – the offering consists in providing access to the resources for a time period and on terms defined by the agreement. The provider keeps ownership of the resources.
  • Service action – the offering consists in performing a service action aimed at satisfying the needs of the consumer.
Master serviceNSpecify the master service. A master service is the highest item in the service hierarchy.
Service specificationNDefine internal and external articles described in the Knowledge Base, such as SLA records, service descriptions, and other articles related to the IT service. See the Knowledge Management article to learn more about specification types.
LocationNSpecify the service location.
DescriptionNAdd a description for the service.
Owned byYSpecify the person responsible for the service.
StateYSpecifies the state of the service. Available options:
  • New – the service has just been created. When a service has just been created, the New state is assigned to it automatically.
  • Active – the service is available to end-users and can be found in the Service Catalog. To make the service Active, you must specify both a service description and an SLA content item class in the Service specification field. To change these requirements, configure the related business rule for the Service (sys_cmdb_ci_service) table.
  • Inactive – the service is not available and is stored in the Service Pipeline.
Operational stateYSpecify the IT service availability. Available options:
  • Available – a proper level of service delivery is provided.
  • Degraded – the quality of service delivery does not correspond to the specified requirements.
  • Unavailable – a service is entirely unavailable.
  • Maintenance – a service is not available due to maintenance activities.
Business criticalityYSpecify the IT service cruciality to the business. Available options:
  • High – has a significant impact on the business.
  • Low – has a little impact on the business.

The following related lists are located on the form:

  • Incoming CMDB Relationship – the list of CI relationships in which the current service is the Recipient CI.
  • Outgoing CMDB Relationship – the list of CI relationships in which the current service is the Source CI.
  • Internal Service Specification – the list of articles with Internal object category related to this service.
  • External Service Specification – the list of articles with External object category related to this service.
  • Products – the list of products to which the product is related. The products can be related only to the Business services. You can connect a product to a service with an M2M table.
  • Product Modules – the list of product modules to which the service is related. The product modules can be related only to the Business services. You can connect a product module to a service with an M2M table.

Activate an existing service

To make an existing service visible to end-users, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Service PortfolioService Pipeline.
  2. Open the required service record.
  3. In the State field, select Active.
  4. Specify a service description and an SLA content item class in the Service specification field if they have not been specified yet.
  5. Click Save.

The service is now available in the Service PortfolioService Catalog menu.

Deactivate an existing service

To make your service invisible to end-users, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Service PortfolioService Catalog.
  2. Open the required service record.
  3. In the State field, select Inactive.
  4. Click Save.

The service is now inactive and cannot be seen by end-users. It is available in the Service PortfolioService Pipeline menu.


To view the list of all the services, go to CMDBServices.