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Version: 1.4.0

Git Repositories

The Git Repository (pda_git_repository) table contains records for all GitLab Projects received using Git connections. The records in this table are automatically created based on the data received from the Git provider and cannot be modified manually.

Access to Git Repositories

Operationadminpda_adminpda_userOther roles

View Git Repositories

To view the list of all Git repositories, navigate to SDLCGit IntegrationsRepositories.

Git Repository form fields

NameYesRepository name received from the Git provider.
Git project IDYesProject identifier received from the Git provider.
GroupYesGit Group which includes the repository.
PathYesThe relative path to the repository on the Git provider's server.

Add repositories to an SDLC project

To add Git repositories to an SDLC project, complete the following actions:

  1. Navigate to SDLCProjectsAll Projects and open the required project form.
  2. In the project form go to the Additional tab.
  3. Click the magnifier icon next to the Git repositories field and select the required repositories from the list.
  4. Click Save or Save and exit to apply the changes.