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Version: 1.4.0

Customize Release State Model

You can modify the release state model for it to better suit your product lifecycle.


When making a decision to modify the state model, take the following into account:

  • When canceling or publishing a release, you can transfer tasks only to a release in the Planning, Planned, or In progress state. The releases in the custom states will not be available.
  • When using the project board and the sprint planning interface:
    • You can select only a release in the Planning, Planned, or In progress state, when creating a new sprint, editing the existing one, or completing a sprint with completed tasks from the corresponding modal windows. The releases in the custom states will not be available.


      If necessary, you can customize the code and logic of these modal windows by modifying the Add elements to team queue widget. Note that if this widget is updated in the future SDLC versions, your changes will be overwritten.

  • Some access control rules depend on the State field and may work incorrectly with releases in the custom states.
  • The modifications may be overwritten by subsequent updates of the application.

Never change the out-of-the-box states.

To customize the release state model, complete the following steps:

  1. Create required options for the State field
  2. Configure access to the custom states from the Release form

Create choice options


Before creating choice options ensure that the SDLC application is selected in the Admin Preferences of the sidebar.

To create choice options for a new state, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to SDLCProductsReleases.

  2. Select ConfigureTable in the burger menu.

  3. Go to the Related Lists area and open the Columns tab.

  4. Find the State (pda_state) column and open its form.

  5. Go to the Related Lists area and open the Choice tab.

  6. Click New and fill in the fields:

    TableWhen creating an option from the related list, the field is automatically filled with the Release value.
    TitleSpecify the state title. It is recommended to make it unique for the selected Table.

    Specify the language for which the option is created:

    • ru for Russian
    • en for English
    ValueSpecify the value that will be used in the system logic. Use latin letters and digits. The value must not match any of the out-of-the-box states. It is recommended to make the value unique for the selected Table.
    OrderEnter a number to determine the position of the new state in the drop-down list relative to the existing states. The states are sorted in ascending order. It is recommended to assign order with an increment of 10 for an option in the middle of the list, and 100 for an option in the end of the list.
  7. Click Save or Save and exit to apply the changes.

  8. If necessary, repeat steps 6–7 for all languages used in the system. As a result, each state should have a choice option for each language that only differ by the Title and Language field values.


Read the Choice Fields article to learn more about creating choice options.

Ensure access to the custom states

By default, the State field is hidden from the Release form, since the release state is displayed as a form label and changed using corresponding buttons. To make the custom states accessible from the form, create the required UI-actions and form labels or make the State field visible.

To make the State field visible in the Release form, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to System SettingsClient Scripts.
  2. Fing the DevOne visability release_date and state script record and open its form.
  3. In the Script field replace false with true in the s_form.setVisible('pda_state', false); line.
  4. Click Save or Save and exit to apply changes.

When using the State field to change the state of a release, the following logic related to the tasks in the release will not be triggered:

  • When moving into the Released state:
    • Incomplete tasks will not be removed from the release or moved to a different release.
    • Completed tasks will not move into the Released state.
  • When moving into the Canceled state:
    • Incomplete tasks will not be canceled, removed from the release, or moved to a different release.