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Version: 1.3.2

ITAM Demand Item

An ITAM Demand Item is always associated with a single request and contains information about the nomenclature and quantities requested for a cost center specified in the ITAM Demand record.

Each ITAM Demand Item is a request for a specific quantity of assets of the particular nomenclature from available stocks or as a result of a purchase. Once the related ITAM Demand record is approved and the reserved assets are delivered to the specified stock, the assigned user can initiate the allocation task for the assets stated in the ITAM Demand Item.

The ITAM Demand logic also includes cases where asset allocation is not required to complete the work.

On the right of the form, there is a reservation widget that displays a list of the company stocks that store available for reservation assets of the specified nomenclature.

In the widget you can evaluate the stock reserves and specify the number of assets that can be reserved in each stock of the company. If there are not enough assets in the stocks, you can enter the required quantity in the Purchase field.

To activate the field in the ITAM 1.3.0, set the false value for the itam.demand.purchasing.disabled system property.

The Purchase section is under development. In the future versions, we will introduce features for creating purchase requests and managing their execution in terms of common business logic and business standards. The current version 1.3.0 supports creation of the Change of Stock and Asset Allocation tasks for the reserved assets.


Once the required assets have been reserved in the widget, the Nomenclature field becomes read-only.

You can change the Nomenclature value in the ITAM Demand Item in the Registered record state. To do so, click Cancel reserve in the Reserve widget. The field will become unlocked.

When an asset is reserved in an ITAM Demand Item record, a message stating that the asset is reserved for the created ITAM Demand Item is added to the History of the Activity feed widget. When you cancel the demand item, the asset state changes to its previous value Available, and the Activity feed widget displays a message stating that the related demand item is canceled, and containing the current asset state.


You can create and edit ITAM Demand Items (itam_demand_item) only if the state of the related ITAM Demand (itam_demand) record is Registered, In progress or Approved. When the demand record enters other states, its related ITAM Demand Item records become read-only.


Roles required:

  • Read – itam_agent.
  • Create – itam_demand_manager.
  • Update – itam_demand_manager.

ITAM Demand Item control

UI actionDescription
Order allClick to add all requested asset amount to the purchase task. To activate the field, set the false value for the itam.demand.purchasing.disabled system property.

ITAM Demand Items form fields

SubjectYThe value is created automatically and contains the nomenclature name. You can edit the field if necessary.
DocumentNAdd an active record of a document proving the necessity of the asset of the specified nomenclature request.
CallerNA reference to the user record who initiated the ITAM Demand for the specified cost center. The value is entered automatically.
ITAM DemandYThe value references the related ITAM Demand record.
StockYThe stock where the requested assets must be delivered. The value is completed automatically with the same value of the Stock field entered in the related ITAM Demand record. The field is read-only.
Cost centerYThe cost center that the related ITAM Demand Item refers to. The value is completed automatically with the same value entered in the related ITAM Demand record. The field is read-only.
NomenclatureY/NSpecify the asset nomenclature for this demand item. When the Nonstandard model checkbox is selected, the field is not mandatory until the related demand is approved.
Nonstandard modelNSelect the checkbox if there is no corresponding nomenclature in the system for the asset required in this demand item.
Estimated costY/NSpecify the estimated cost of the asset that must be purchased. The field is mandatory and appears on the form if the Nonstandard model checkbox is selected.
CurrencyY/NSpecify the currency of the estimated cost. The field is mandatory and appears on the form if the Nonstandard model checkbox is selected.
DescriptionY/NAdd a description of the asset required or any other important information.
Transfer requiredNThe checkbox is selected automatically if some assets reserved are not in the Stock.
RequestedYSpecify the necessary quantity of the assets.
PurchaseNYou can specify the quantity of assets for purchasing. To activate the field, set the value to false in the itam.demand.purchasing.disabled system property.
The sum of the assets specified in the Reserve and Purchase fields must be equal to the value specified in the Requested field.
ReservedNThe field is completed automatically with the number of assets reserved in the Reserve widget.
OrderNSelect the checkbox in the Reserve widget to add the number of the assets that are not reserved in the stocks for the purchase task. To activate the field, set the value to false in the itam.demand.purchasing.disabled system property.

Related lists

Assets – a list of assets reserved within the ITAM Demand Item record. Allocated asset records are transferred to the Allocated Assets related list. To remove assets or edit the list, click Cancel reserve in the Reserve widget.

Allocated Assets – a list of the assets that have been allocated within this demand item.

State options of the ITAM Demand Item

Registered – this is the initial state of a new record after you save it for the first time.

Pending approval – the record repeats the state after the related ITAM Demand record.

Rejected – the record enters the state if the related ITAM Demand record has been rejected by the approvers.

Canceled – the state appears if the demand item or related demand record is canceled.

Preparation for delivery – all ITAM Demand Item records related to an approved ITAM Demand record enter this state. In this record state, the assigned user is must to complete the Nomenclature and Reserve fields in these demand item records.

Pending delivery – the record enters this state after the user assigned to the related demand clicks Start delivery on the demand form, but some of the reserved assets are not in the specified stock.

Assets in stock – the record enters the state when all assets related to the demand reach the specified stock.

Completed – the record enters the state when the user assigned to the related ITAM Demand clicks Complete on the demand form.