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Version: 1.3.2

Change of Stock

The Asset record contains the information about the stock where the assets are stored throughout the entire life cycle of the asset. You can change this information via the corresponding task.

You can change the stock for assets that are in the Storage or In use stage.

Within one task, you can add assets that have different Stock field values, but which you want to relate with one new stock.


As part of the Change of Stock task, only the stock of the related assets is changed. The Responsible of the asset remains the same. You can change the asset responsible only via the Change of Responsible task.

The task state changes automatically when certain conditions are met. For example, when all approvers approve the task, it moves to the Approved state, or the task state can be changed with the help of the UI actions described below.


Roles required:

  • To read – itam_agent.
  • To create – itam_operation_specialist, itam_process_manager.
  • To update – itam_operation_specialist, itam_process_manager.
    Only users with the itam_operation_specialist role can be assigned to the task.

Task control

UI actionDescription
Start workThe button is available only to the user assigned to the task or to the members of the assigned group. Click it to change the task state to In progress. The Assigned user field is populated automatically with the name of the current user if it has not been filled before.
Add assetsClick to open a modal window and add assets to the task. The assets available are already filtered and suit the current task type. To add them, select the necessary ones and click Add selected.
Send for approvalClick to send the task for approval, its state changes to Pending approval. Approval tickets are created for the Responsible for the assets in the task. In this state, all fields, except Priority and Assignment group, are read-only. When the task is approved, you cannot add and remove spare parts or edit other fields of the task form.
Approve in ITSMClick to approve the task within the ITSM application. In the modal window that appears, specify the related service or change request within which the approval must be processed. The button is available under the following conditions:
  1. The ITAM-ITSM connector is installed on the instance.
  2. The assigned user has the itam_agent role.
Add approversClick the button to add more approvers to the task. The button appears in the Pending approval task state. The list of additional approvers is valid for one approving session only. When you need to process an approval more than once, you may need to re-add the additional approvers or you can run the approval session only with the approvers set by default.
Cancel taskFind the button in the burger menu . Click it to cancel the task. The task state changes to Completed with the Canceled closure code. All the assets added to task will be removed and their stage and state restored. The consignment consumptions will be canceled.
CompleteClick the button to complete the task. In the modal window that appears, attach the disposal documents if not done on the form earlier. The button is only available to the assigned user. The task state will change to Completed.

The value of the Stock field in the related assets will be changed to the value of the New stock field from the task. The documents about the change of stock will be displayed in the Documents related list of assets.

Change of Stock Task form fields

SubjectNThe subject is created automatically and is editable.
New stockYSpecify a new stock for the selected assets.
DemandNThe field contains a reference to the demand that the task is created from.
DescriptionNAdd a description to the task that will be available to all users.
Inventory doneNSelect the checkbox if the inventory has been done for the selected assets.
PriorityNSpecify the task priority.The default value is Moderate. Available options:
  • Low
  • Moderate
  • High
  • Critical
Stock change documentsNAttach the related documents for all the assets from the task. Add documents that are of type Form, subtype Acceptance certificate.
Assigned userYSpecify the user assigned to the task.
Assignment groupNSpecify the group responsible for the task.

Related lists

Assets – the list of assets that the stock will be changed for. To remove the assets, select them and click Remove the selected assets above the related lists area. To add more assets to the task, click Add assets on the top right of the form.

Approvals – the list contains the approval records created for the task, you can see the task approvers and the approval states. To add approvers, click Add approvers on the top right of the form. You can add approvers only when the task state is Pending approval.

Create a task


You can change stock for the assets with the following attributes:

  • Stage – Storage or In operation.
  • State – any except Reserved.
  1. Create a task using one of the following locations:

    The Assets (itam_assets) table
    1. Select the necessary assets and click Create.
    2. Select the Change of Stock task type.
    3. Click Create task.
    The Change of Stock (itam_stock_change) table
    1. Navigate to ITAM → Tasks → Change of Stock.
    2. On the page that opens, click New.
    The Asset form
    1. Navigate to ITAM → AMDB → Assets.
    2. Open the asset you need.
    3. Click Create task.
    The ITAM Demand form
    1. Navigate to ITAM → Purchase → ITAM Demands.
    2. Open the record you need in the Pending delivery state.
    3. Click Transfer assets in the top right corner. The button is available if there are assets that are in different stocks of the company.
  2. Fill in the fields and click Save.


Skip steps 3-4, if the task is created from an ITAM Demand.

  1. Click Add assets on the top right of the page.
  2. Select the assets that you need to change the stock for and click Add selected. They will be displayed in the Assets related list.
  3. Click Send for approval to change the task state to Pending approval. When approved, the task state changes to Approved. If approvers reject the task, it enters the Registered state. You can resume the work on the task, edit its data and resubmit it for approval.
  4. (optional) Attach the related documents to the Stock change documents field.
  5. Click Complete to complete the task. Attach the necessary documents in the window that opens, if not done in step 6, and click Complete.

The Stock field value of the related assets changes to the value of the New stock field of the task. Change of stock documents appear in the Documents related list on the assets form.