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Version: 1.3.2

Asset Registration

The asset registration is the first and mandatory step that every asset goes through in the system. From the moment of registration, all information about it is stored and tracked in the ITAM application. Asset records are stored in the system as part of the Asset Management Database (AMDB), which is used for the asset lifecycle management.

Once the registration is completed, the assets are available in the asset stock and ready for further operations.


Roles required:

  • To read – itam_agent
  • To create – itam_responsible, itam_operation_specialist, itam_process_manager
  • To update – itam_responsible, itam_operation_specialist, itam_process_manager.

Only users with the itam_operation_specialist role can be assigned to the task.

Task control

To change the task state, use UI actions – the buttons in the upper right corner of the form. They become available depending on the current state of the task and the user role viewing the form:

UI actionDescription
Start workThe button is available only to the user assigned to the task or members of the assigned group. Click the button to start work on the task. Its state changes to In progress, and the name of the current user is added into the Assigned user field, if it was not specified before. The button changes the state from Registered or Postponed to In progress.
PostponeClick to change the state from Registered or In progress to Postponed.
CompleteClick to complete the task with the Assets registered closure code.
Print barcodesClick to print barcodes of the assets added to the task.
Cancel taskThe button is located in the burger menu . It is available if there are no files with the new assets added to the task. When you cancel the registration task, its state changes to Completed with the Canceled closure code.

Registration Task form fields

StockYSpecify the stock where the assets will be stored. You can select only an active record from the Stock (itam_warehouse) table.
StateYThe task state changes automatically when you click corresponding buttons. The buttons are available depending on the current task state and the roles of the user viewing the task. Possible options:
  • Registered
  • In progress
  • Postponed
  • Completed
ReasonYSpecify the reason of the asset registration in the system. Available options:
  • Inventory, if the asset has been found during the inventory.
  • Other, if the asset must be registered in the system for another reason. In this case, the Work notes field becomes mandatory, and you must specify the asset registration reason there.
Inventory taskY/NSpecify the inventory task within which the asset is registered in the system. The field is mandatory if the Inventory option is selected in the Reason field.
Assets under warrantyNSelect the checkbox if the assets are under warranty. Only the assigned user and itam_process_manager can select or clear the checkbox.
Warranty contractYSpecify the warranty contract. You can select only a contract of the Warranty agreement category. The field is displayed only if the Under warranty checkbox is selected. If the checkbox is cleared, the field becomes empty.
PriorityNSpecify the task priority.The default value is Moderate. Available options:
  • Low
  • Moderate
  • High
  • Critical
Assignment groupYSpecify the group responsible for the task. If this field is completed, the Assigned user field becomes non-mandatory.
Assigned userYSpecify the assigned user for the task. If this field is completed, the Assignment group field becomes non-mandatory.
DescriptionNAdd a description for the task.
Work notesY/NAdd some important information about the task. This field is mandatory if the Other option is selected in the Reason field.

Related Lists

Assets – the list of assets that will be added to the system with this task.

Spare Parts Kits – the list of assets considered spare parts that will be added to the system with this task.

Asset Creation Errors – the list of errors occurred during the uploading the file with new assets.

Create a task


To register an asset, ensure that its nomenclature is active.

To register an asset in the system, create a corresponding task. To do so, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to ITAM → Asset Registration.
  2. On the page that opens, click New.
  3. Fill in the necessary form fields.
  4. Click Save. The task will be saved in the Registered state.
  5. As the assigned user, click Start work on the top right of the form.
  6. If the registered assets must be under the warranty, select the Assets under warranty checkbox and specify the contract in the Warranty contract field that appears.
  7. Upload an XLSX file containing new assets to the Upload assets widget.
  8. If there are incorrect rows in the file, you can review the information in the Asset Creation Errors related list and reupload the corrected file with records.
  9. Print barcodes with inventory numbers for the created assets by clicking the Print barcodes button.
  10. Add necessary documents to the Acceptance certificate field.
  11. Click Complete in the top right corner of the form. The task will be completed with the Assets registered closure code.

Click Postpone to change the task state to Postponed. All data on the form will be saved. Click Start work again to resume the work on the task.

Create asset records

After saving the data, the Upload assets widget appears on the task form. It provides the opportunity to download a template for filling it in and further uploading. Click Upload from your computer and select the XLSX-file that contains information about the assets being created (single, consignment or spare parts). You can also add a file by dragging it from a folder to the widget area.

The file with the list of assets and consignments must include the following columns:

Nomenclature modelYSpecify the nomenclature model name that matches the one in the system.
QuantityY/NSpecify the quantity of the assets, if you want to add their consignment.
Serial numberY/NA serial number of an asset or consignment. It can be the barcode number from the consignment pack.
Product/Part numberNProduct/spare part number, if there is one for an asset.

The value of the Nomenclature model in the uploaded file must completely match the value in the system. To avoid errors when loading assets, we strongly recommend using the template that can be downloaded on the widget form.

If the file is successfully uploaded, all assets and spare parts kits specified in the file appear in the Assets and Spare Parts Kits related lists, respectively. Each asset and spare parts kit will be in the Storage stage and Available state.

Uploading errors

The file contains empty cellsFill in the necessary data and re-upload the file.
Nomenclature has not been found in the systemCorrect the Nomenclature model name or create a new one in the system and re-upload the file.
Serial number is not uniqueCorrect the serial number in the file and re-upload it.

When assets and spare parts kits are added to the task, the Print barcodes button is available on the asset registration form.

To print the barcodes, complete the following steps:

  1. Click Print barcodes.
  2. In the modal window that opens, select the printer to use and click Print.

In printed form, each barcode is printed together with additional information about the asset – nomenclature, model, inventory number.

Printing format:

  • printer for stickers, width 12mm and 24mm.
  • usual printer, A4 format.

To print a barcode for only one asset, do the following:

  1. In the Assets related list, click the asset you need to open its record, or navigate to ITAM → Assets and open the asset record you need.
  2. Open the Identification tab.
  3. Click the barcode image.
  4. In the window that opens, select the printer and click Print.