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Version: 1.3.2

Asset Inventory

You can initiate an inventory task only for the assets that are in stock (the Storage stage) or allocated to users (the In operation stage).


Roles required:

  • To read – itam_agent.
  • To create – itam_operation_specialist, itam_process_manager.
  • To update – itam_operation_specialist, itam_process_manager.
    Only users with the itam_operation_specialist role can be assigned to the task.

Task control

To change the task state, use the UI actions located in the top right corner of the form and on the Inventory widget form. When you save the form for the first time, its state changes to Registered.

UI actionDescription
Start workClick to start work on the task, its state changes to In progress. The Assigned user field is populated automatically with the name of the current user. The button is available to the assigned user and the members of the assignment group.
Add assetsClick the button to add the assets to the inventory task. In the modal window that appears, select the necessary assets and click Add selected. The button is available for the Assigned user. The button is available until the first file is uploaded into the Inventory widget, and after the Restart button is clicked in the same widget.
Remove the selected assetsThe button is available until the first file is uploaded into the Inventory widget, and after the Restart button is clicked in the same widget. Find the button above the related lists area.
Cancel taskFind the button in the burger menu . Click it to cancel the task. In the modal window that appears, specify the reason and confirm the task cancellation. The task state changes to Completed with the Canceled closure code. The assets added will be removed from the task.
CompleteClick to complete the task. In the modal window that appears, add the necessary inventory documents and click Complete. The task state changes to Completed. The button is available for the Assigned user.
Download reportClick to download the inventory report in the PDF format. The button appears in the Import a list of assets widget after the list of assets inventoried is uploaded.

Inventory Task form fields

SubjectNThe field is populated automatically with the Inventory, the stock name, and its location when saving the form for the first time. You can edit the field.
StockYSpecify the stock where the inventory task must be done.
LocationYThe field is populated automatically with the selected stock address.
ReasonYSpecify the reason. Available options:
  • Scheduled
  • Unscheduled
  • New responsible
  • Other – specify the reason in the Work notes field. .
Inventory commissionYSpecify the users that join inventory commission for the task.
PriorityNSpecify the task priority. Available options:
  • Low
  • Moderate
  • High
  • Critical
Inventory documentsY/NSelect the inventory results report. The document must be of type Form, subtype Inventory form.
Assigned userY/NSpecify the user assigned for the task. You can select only a user with the itam_operation_specialist role. If the current user has the mentioned role, this field is populated with their name after they click the Start work button. The field is not mandatory when the task is in the Registered state and the Assignment group is not empty.
Assignment groupY/NSpecify the group responsible for the task. This field is non-mandatory if the Assigned user field is populated.
Work notesY/NAdd comments to the task. The field is mandatory if Reason is Other.

Related lists

Assets to be inventoried – the assets that must be inventoried within this task.

You can add or remove the necessary assets until the first file is uploaded into the Inventory widget, or when all records in the Inventory History related list are in the Canceled state.

Inventory Report – the inventory list that displays comparison results of the inventory, such as asset data mismatches between the system and the uploaded file.

Inventory History – all asset lists that have been uploaded to the task with the Import a list of assets widget.

Create task


You can conduct inventory of assets with the following attributes:

  • StageStorage or In operation.
  • StateAvailable or In use.
  • Same Stock for the inventoried assets.
  1. Create a task. There are two ways to do it:

    Use the Stock form
    1. Navigate to ITAM → AMDB → Stocks.
    2. Open the required stock record.
    3. Click Create task.
    4. In the window that opens select Inventory from the drop-down list and click Create task.
    Use the Inventory tasks (itam_inventory) table
    1. Navigate to ITAM → Tasks → Asset Inventory.
    2. On the form of the page that opens click New.
  2. Fill in all mandatory fields on the form and clock Save.

  3. Click Add assets in the top right-hand corner.

  4. Select assets to be inventoried and click Add selected. The selected assets will then be shown on the Assets to be inventoried related list.

Execute task

  1. After specifying all assets to be inventoried, click Start work. The task enters the In progress state. While the task is in progress, you can add and delete assets, but no changes can be made to the stock inventoried.
  2. Compare assets processed during inventory with those saved in the system. There are two ways described below.

Compare data with inventory numbers in an XLSX file


To avoid errors while uploading assets, we recommend using the template available for downloading on the widget form.

  1. In the Inventory widget, upload an XLSX file containing the inventory numbers processed during the inventory. For consignment assets, specify their quantity.

  2. Click Compare.

  3. Refresh the page to see the inventory results in the Inventory report related list. All mismatches are marked with orange. The column Result shows information on new assets, found and not found ones, as well as asset records that have mismatches.


You can create the asset list in any possible way. For example, you can record the assets manually. But the asset list file that you upload to the system must match the following conditions:

  • The first table row is clear or contains the column titles.
  • Inventory numbers of the assets registered during the inventory are stated in the first column.
  • Quantity of units in assets with the Consignment checkbox selected is stated in the second column.
  • If the Consignment checkbox is clear on the asset form, the column must be clear.

To avoid uploading errors, use the template available in the Import a list of assets widget.

If the uploaded XLSX file does not meet the requirements, the widget displays corresponding information. Correct the file and re-upload it. The number of uploads is unlimited. All uploaded files are stored in the Inventory History related list.

  1. To edit the inventory file and restart asset comparing, click Restart and add the new document.

When you click Restart, all previously added in the inventory widget asset list records enter the Canceled state. You can see it in the Inventory History related list. You can add or remove the asset to be inventoried before a new asset list is uploaded to the widget.

Compare data with inventory numbers from a third-party application

  1. In the Inventory widget, switch the toggle Scan assets. Start transferring inventory numbers from a third-party application, for example, by scanning. Specify quantities for consignments.

  2. (optional) You can interrupt data transfer and restart the process. To do so, click Restart.


When you click Restart, all previously added in the inventory widget asset list records enter the Canceled state. You can see it in the Inventory History related list. You can add or remove the asset to be inventoried before a new asset list is uploaded to the widget.

  1. Data transfer remains available even after all the assets supposed to be inventoried have been processed.

  2. To finish the inventory numbers transfer, click Complete. This action is available at any moment after starting the process.

  3. Refresh the page to see the inventory results in the Inventory report related list. All mismatches are marked with orange. The column Result shows information on new assets, found and not found ones, as well as asset records that have mismatches.


Inventory numbers data and the quantity of consignments arrives from an endpoint that receives information, for example, via scanning done in a third-party application. The endpoint is delivered set up out of the box.

Role required: itam_endpoint_user.

Address for interacting with the endpoint:

Endpoint response codes
Response codeResponseDescription
200The asset has been successfully scannedThe request was sent correctly.
403Invalid roleThe user does not have the itam_endpoint_user role.
404The inventory task not foundThe request contains a task number that does not exist.
406Inventory number is emptyThe inventory number field is empty or contains only spaces.
406The asset has already been scannedThe inventory number has already been sent and the report will not be generated.
422The inventory history has been uploadedThe request contains the number of an inventory task in progress that has been processed by the widget. If necessary, you can restart the inventory process and scan the assets again.

Complete task

  1. Click Download the report in the Inventory widget to download the report in the PDF format.
  2. (optional) Repeat the steps 3-6 if you need to correct some data.
  3. In the Inventory documents field, add the inventory report downloaded at step 7. Note that the document must be added to the Documents (itam_documents) table in advance.
  4. To complete the task, click Complete in the top right corner of the page. If you skipped step 9, you can upload the inventory results document in the modal window that opens and click Complete again.

If an asset is not found during the inventory, the following changes are applied to its record form when the task is completed:

  • the Not found checkbox is selected.
  • the inventory task number, during which the asset was not found, is added to the Work notes.
  • the asset state and stage change to the ones that suit decommissioning and disposal task conditions:
Stage before the inventoryStage and State after the inventory
Storage, Maintenance, Upgrading, TransferStorage, Pending decommissioning
In operationIn use, Moving out of operation

If an asset with the Not found checkbox selected is found during the inventory task, this checkbox is automatically cleared and information about it together with the inventory task number is added to the Work notes.