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Version: 1.3.3

Change of Responsible

Create a change of responsible task when the responsible for the assets employee is dismissed, promoted, or has job responsibilities changed. The task is also relevant for the cases when you move assets to a new stock.


You can change the responsible person only via the Change of Responsible task. Via the Change of Stock task, only the stock that stores assets is changed, without automatically changing asset responsible.


Roles required:

  • To read – itam_agent.
  • To create – itam_operation_specialist, itam_process_manager.
  • To update – itam_operation_specialist, itam_process_manager.
    Only users with the itam_operation_specialist role can be assigned to the task.

Task control

UI actionDescription
Start workClick to start work on the task, its state changes to In progress. The Assigned user field is populated automatically with the name of the current user. The button is available to the assigned user and the members of the assignment group.
Add assetsClick the button to add the assets that must be assigned to a new Responsible. The button is available if the task state is Registered or In progress.
Add approversClick to add more users to approve the task. The button is only available when the task state is Pending approval. The list of additional approvers is valid for one approving session only. When you need to process an approval more than once, you may need to re-add the additional approvers or you can run the approval session only with the approvers set by default.
Send for approvalClick to send the task for approval, its state changes to Pending approval. Approval tickets are created for the Responsible for the assets in the task.

In this state, all fields, except Priority and Assignment group, are read-only.

When the task is approved, you cannot add or remove spare parts, or edit other fields of the task form.
Approve in ITSMClick to approve the task within the ITSM application. In the modal window that appears, specify the related service or change request within which the approval must be processed. The button is available under the following conditions:
  • The connector for ITAM and ITSM tasks is installed on the instance.
  • The user assigned to the task has the itam_agent role.
CompleteClick the button to complete the task. The task state changes to Completed.

The value of the Responsible field in the assets will be changed to the value of the New responsible field from the task. The Transfer of responsibility documents appear in the Documents related list of the asset.

Cancel taskFind the button in the burger menu .Click to cancel the task. The task state changes to Completed with the Canceled closure code.

Change of Responsible Task form fields

SubjectNThis field value is created automatically and is read-only.
New responsibleYSpecify a new responsible for the assets in the task. You can select only among the users with the itam_responsible role.

The field can only be edited by users with the itam_operation_specialist or itam_process_manager role in the Registered and In progress states.

DescriptionNAdd a description to the task.
ReasonYSpecify the reason to change Responsible. Available options:
  • Dismissal
  • New position/role
  • New location
  • Other
Inventory doneNSelect the checkbox if the change of responsible relates to a completed inventory task.
Inventory taskYSelect the related inventory task. The field appears if the Inventory done checkbox is selected.
Change of stock taskY/NThe field is mandatory if the Reason is New location.
PriorityNSpecify the task priority.The default value is Moderate. Available options:
  • Low
  • Moderate
  • High
  • Critical
Transfer of responsibility documentsNSpecify the transfer of responsibility document. You can select documents of type Form.
Assigned userYSpecify the user assigned to the task. You can select a user with the itam_operation_specialist or itam_responsible role. The field is populated automatically with the current user name by the Start work button if the user has one of those roles.

This field is non-mandatory in the Registered task state if the Assignment group field is populated.

Assignment groupNSpecify the group responsible for the task. This field is non-mandatory if the Assigned user field is populated.
Work notesY/NAdd comments to the task. The field is mandatory if Reason is Other.

Related Lists

Assets – the list of assets added to the task to change their Responsible. To remove the assets, select them and click Remove the selected assets above the related lists area. To add more assets to the task, click Add assets on the top right of the form.

Approvals – the list contains the approval records created for the task, you can see the task approvers and the approval states. To add more approvers to the task, click Add approvers.

Create a task


You can change Responsible for the assets with the following attributes:

  • StageStorage or In operation.
  • The Not found checkbox is cleared.
  1. Create a task using one of the following locations:

    The Change of Responsible Tasks (itam_new_responsible) table
    1. Navigate to ITAM → Tasks → Change of Responsible.
    2. On the page that opens, click New.
    3. Fill in the fields of the new task form and Save it.
    The Assets (itam_assets) table
    1. Navigate to ITAM → AMDB → Assets.
    2. (optional) Select the necessary assets, or you can do it later when the task is created.
    3. Click Create task.
    4. In the modal window that opens, select Change of responsible and click Create task.
    The Asset form
    1. Navigate to ITAM → AMDB → Assets.
    2. Open the asset record you need.
    3. Click Create task.
    4. In the modal window that opens, select Change of responsible and click Create task.
  2. Fill in the necessary fields and save the form.

  3. Click Start work and continue processing the task.

  4. (optional) Click Add assets to add assets that must be assigned to a new responsible if they were not added to the task before.

  5. Click Send for approval. The task state changes to Pending approval. All fields except Priority and Assignment group become read-only.

  6. (optional) Click Add approvers to add more approvers to the task.

  7. If the task is approved, its state changes to Approved. Then you can click Complete to complete the task. In the modal window that appears, add the Transfer of responsibility documents and click Complete.

  8. If the task is not approved, its state changes to Registered. To reapprove the task, click Start work, edit the fields, and send the task for approval again.

  9. To cancel the task, click Cancel task in the burger menu . The value in the Responsible field on the asset form will be changed to the one specified in the task. The transfer of responsibility documents will be available in the Documents related list on the asset form.