Asset Transfer
In addition to disposal, you can transfer any decommissioned assets that are not lost (the Not found checkbox on the asset form is cleared) for reuse. The SimpleOne ITAM application provides three types of asset transferring: return to supplier, sale, and donation.
Roles required:
- To read – itam_agent.
- To create – itam_operation_specialist, itam_process_manager.
- To update – itam_operation_specialist, itam_process_manager.
Only users with the itam_operation_specialist role can be assigned to the task.
Task control
To change the task state, use the UI actions in the top right of the form. These buttons become available depending on the current task state and the roles of the user viewing the form:
UI action | Description |
Start work | Click to set the In progress state for the task. The Assigned user field is populated automatically with the name of the current user. The button is available to the assigned user and the members of the assigned group. |
Add assets | Click to add assets to be transferred. You can only add assets if the task is in the Registered or In progress state. |
Send for approval | Click to send the task for approval, its state changes to Pending approval. The users Responsible for the assets and the users added via the Add approvers UI action will receive approval tickets for the task. The task remains in the Approval state until all approvers make their decision. In this state all fields except for Priority and Assignment group are read-only. The approval of the asset transfer task is optional. You can skip this step and complete the task from the In progress state. |
Add approvers | Click the button to add more approvers to the task. The button appears in the Pending approval task state. The list of additional approvers is valid for one approving session only. When you need to process an approval more than once, you may need to re-add the additional approvers or you can run the approval session only with the approvers set by default. |
Complete | Click to move the task to the Completed state. The button is available only to the user assigned to the task or the user with the itam_process_manager role. When you click the button a modal window appears. It contains the Return documents, Sale documents, or Donation documents fields, depending on the selected Transfer type. Specify the document that confirms the asset transfer and click Complete. You can complete the task in the In progress or Approved state |
Cancel task | Find the button in the burger menu . Click it to cancel the task. When you click the button a modal window appears where you must specify a reason and can confirm cancelation. The task state changes to Completed with a Canceled closure code. |
Transfer Task form fields
Field | Mandatory | Description |
Subject | N | The subject is generated after the record is created based on the selected transfer type (Return to supplier, Sale, or Donation) and can be changed. |
Stock | Y | Specify the stock where the transferred assets are stored. |
Transfer type | Y | Select the asset transfer type. Available options:
Supplier | Y | Specify the supplier of the transferred assets. The field is automatically populated if a Contract is specified. The field appears when the Return to supplier option is selected in the Transfer type field. |
Contract | Y | Specify a valid purchase contract for the transferred assets. If a Supplier is specified, you can only select a contract concluded with it. The field appears when the Return to supplier option is selected in the Transfer type field. |
Return documents | N | Specify an acceptance and delivery certificate that confirms the return of the assets to the supplier. You can select a document of type Form and subform Acceptance certificate. The field appears when the Return to supplier option is selected in the Transfer type field. |
Sold to | Y | Select the buyer of the assets. Available options:
The field appears when the Sale option is selected in the Transfer type field. |
Company | Y | Specify the company that buys the assets. The field appears when the Company option is selected in the Sold to field. The field is automatically populated if a Sale documents is specified. |
Sale contract | N | Specify a valid asset sale contract of type Sales agreement. If the Company is specified, you can only select a contract concluded with it. The field appears if the Company option is selected in the Sold to field. |
Sale documents | N | Specify a document record of type Invoice that confirms the sale of the assets. The field appears when the Sale option is selected in the Transfer type field. |
Employee | Y | Specify the employee who buys the assets. The employee must be active and not blocked. The field appears when the Employee option is selected in the Sold to field. |
Donated to | Y | Specify an individual or a legal entity the asset is donated to. The field appears when the Donation option is selected in the Transfer type field. |
Donation documents | N | Specify the document that confirms the donation. You can select a document of type Other. The field appears when the Donation option is selected in the Transfer type field. |
Description | N | Add a description of the task. |
Assigned user | Y/N | Select a user to assign the task to. The field is automatically populated with the current user's name when they click Start work. The field becomes non-mandatory if the Assignment group field is populated. |
Assignment group | Y/N | Specify the group assigned to the task. The field becomes non-mandatory if the Assigned user field is populated. |
Priority | N | Select the task priority. The default value is Moderate. Available options:
Closure code | Y | The field is automatically populated after the task is completed or canceled and is not displayed on the form. Possible values:
Related lists
Assets – the assets to be transferred within the current task. To remove the assets, select them and click Remove the selected assets above the related lists area. To add more assets to the task, click Add assets on the top right of the form.
Approvals – the list contains the approval records created for the task, you can see the task approvers and the approval states. To add more approvers to the task, click Add approvers.
Create a task
You can transfer assets that:
- are on the Decommissioning stage, in the Pending disposal/transfer state.
- are in the Stock that is specified in the task form.
- are not added to a different task.
To create an asset transfer task, use one of the following methods:
Location | Steps |
The Transfer Tasks (itam_asset_transfer) table |
The Asset form |
The Stock form |
Add assets
To add assets to the task, do the following:
- Click Add assets in the top right of the task form.
- In the modal window that opens, select the checkboxes to the left of the assets that need to be transferred.
- Click Add selected.
When added to the task, the assets are transferred to the Disposal/transfer stage, into the Preparing for disposal/transfer state.
Start work
When clicked:
- The task is transferred to the In progress state.
- The Assigned user field is populated with the current user's name.
To send the task for approval, click Send for approval in the top right of the task form. When you do so, the task is moved to the Approval state and approval requests for the assets Responsible employees are created. If the assets have different responsible users, approval tasks are created for each of them.
Click Add approvers, to add more approvers to the task.
After approval, the task is moved to the Approved state. If the approval is rejected, the task is returned to the Registered state.
When the task is in the Pending approval or Approved state, all the task fields are read-only, except for:
- Priority
- Assigned user
- Assignment group
- Work notes
Complete the task
To complete the task:
- Click Complete in the top right of the form.
- In the modal window that opens, specify a document in the Return documents, Sale documents, or Donation documents, depending on the Transfer type.
- Click Complete.
After the task is completed:
- For all assets added to the task:
- The state is changed to Sold / Returned to supplier / Donated, depending on the Transfer type.
- The documents from the task are added to the Documents related list.
- The contracts from the task are added to the Contracts related list.
- The task state is changed to Completed with the Returned to supplier, Sold, or Donated closure code, depending on the Transfer type.
Cancel the task
To cancel the task:
- Click Cancel task in the burger menu on the task form.
- In the modal window that opens, specify the cancellation reason.
- Click Cancel.
After the task is canceled:
- The task state is changed to Completed, with the Canceled closure code.
- The assets added to the task are removed from the related list and are returned to the stage and state they had before they were added to the task.
- The specified cancellation reason is sent to the Work notes field in the task activity feed.