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Version: 1.3.2

Asset Maintenance

In case of a damage or malfunction, you can send the asset to be repaired. Only one asset can be sent for maintenance per task.


Roles required:

  • To read – itam_agent.
  • To create – itam_operation_specialist, itam_process_manager.
  • To update – itam_operation_specialist, itam_process_manager.
    Only users with the itam_operation_specialist role can be assigned to the task.

Task control

UI actionDescription
Start workClick to change the task state to In progress. The name of the current user is added into the Assigned user field, if it was not specified before. The button is only available to the user assigned to the task and members of the assigned group.
Continue workClick to continue the work on the task after it has been approved.
Approve in ITSMClick to perform the approval in the ITSM task. In the modal window that opens, specify the associated service or change request under which the asset maintenance task must be approved. The button is available under two conditions:
  • The connector for ITAM and ITSM tasks is installed on the instance.
  • The user assigned to the task has the itam_agent role.
Send for maintenanceClick to confirm sending the asset for maintenance to the partner company specified in the Maintenance company field. The button is only available in the Pending approval state.
Maintenance completedClick to confirm that the asset has been returned from the maintenance company. The task state changes to Maintenance completed. When the user confirms that the asset has been returned, the task can be completed.
Add approversClick the button to add more approvers to the task. The button appears in the Pending approval task state. The list of additional approvers is valid for one approving session only. When you need to process an approval more than once, you may need to re-add the additional approvers or you can run the approval session only with the approvers set by default.
Add spare partsClick to add spare parts necessary to repair the asset.
Add consignmentsClick to add a specified quantity of necessary assets from a consignment to repair the asset.
Allocate replacementClick to allocate a replacement asset to the asset user. When the task is completed, a replacement asset can be:
  • allocated for permanent use to the user.
  • returned to the stock if the asset from the task has been successfully repaired.
You cannot allocate replacement assets when the task state is Registered or Completed.
Return replacementClick to confirm the return of the replacement asset to the stock if it was allocated to the user for the duration of the maintenance task.
Remove consignment consumptionsClick to remove the selected consignment consumption records from the task.
Remove spare partsClick to remove the selected spare part assets.

Click to open a modal window where you must select the maintenance outcome, specify the appropriate document, confirm the allocation of a replacement asset, or return the spare parts to the stock if the maintenance is not possible. Click Complete in the modal window to change the task state to Completed.

Once the task is completed, depending on the closure code, the asset is returned:
  • to the stock and available for allocation if it was sent to maintenance from the stock.
  • to the stock and waiting to be decommissioned, if maintenance was not possible.
  • to the user, if the asset was taken from the user and the maintenance was successful.
The button is available only to the user assigned to the task.
Cancel taskClick to cancel the task. The task state changes to Completed with the Canceled closure code. All previously added assets are removed from the task, with their stage and state restored to the ones they had before adding to the task. All previously added consignment consumptions are canceled.

The button is located in the burger menu . It appears only when the task state is Registered.

Maintenance Tasks form fields

SubjectNThe field is populated automatically with the Maintenance task value when saving the form for the first time. You can edit the field.
AssetYSelect the asset to maintain.
StockNThe field is populated automatically when the asset is selected.
LocationYThe field is populated automatically when the asset is selected.
UserNThe field is populated automatically with the asset user name if the asset had the In use state before being added to the task.
Replacement assetNThe field displays the asset allocated as a replacement to the user. The field appears upon clicking Allocate replacement and filling in the fields of the modal window that opens.
Maintenance locationYSpecify where the maintenance will be held. Possible values:
  • Internal team – select this value if the maintenance is going to be performed within your company by a service team or an individual employee. This is the default value.
  • External company – select this value if the asset must be sent to another company for maintenance.
Maintenance typeNThe field appears when Maintenance location is External company. Possible values:
  • Warranty – if the maintenance is going to be performed under warranty.
  • Paid – if the asset maintenance must be paid.
Maintenance priceNSpecify the cost of the asset maintenance.
Maintenance companyY/NSpecify the company that will maintain the asset. The field appears if Maintenance type = External company. The field is mandatory for the In progress task state. The company selected must have one of the following attributes:
  • Vendor
  • Manufacturer
  • Service provider
  • Service partner
Non-warranty service contractY/NSelect the contract under which the asset maintenance will be performed. You can select a contract of the Maintenance agreement category. The field appears when Maintenance type is External company. The contract selected must be Valid and linked to the selected company.

The field is mandatory in the In progress task state.

DescriptionNAdd a description for the task.
PriorityNSpecify the task priority.The default value is Moderate. Available options:
  • Low
  • Moderate
  • High
  • Critical
Assigned userY/NSpecify the user assigned to the task. You can select only a user with the itam_operation_specialist role. The field is populated automatically with the current user name when they click the Start work button if the they have this role.
This field is non-mandatory in the Registered task state if the Assignment group field is populated.
Assignment groupY/NSpecify the group responsible for the task. This field is non-mandatory if the Assigned user field is populated.
Work notesNAdd comments to the task.

Related Lists

Spare Parts Kits – the list of assets considered spare parts that are used to repair an asset. To remove them, select them and click Remove spare parts.

Consignment Consumptions – the list of consignment asset consumptions that are used to repair an asset. To remove the consumption records from the task, select them and click Remove consignment consumptions.

Approvals – the list contains the approval records created for the task, you can see the task approvers and the approval states. To add more approvers to the task, click Add approvers.

Documents – the list contains all documents related to the task.

Create a task


You can maintain assets with the following attributes:

  • StageStorage or In operation.
  • StateAvailable or In use.
  • The Spare part kits checkbox is cleared.
  • The Consignment checkbox is cleared.

Maintenance within the company

  1. Create a task using one of the following locations:
    The Maintenance Tasks (itam_asset_maintenance) table
    1. Navigate to ITAMTasksAsset Maintenance.
    2. Click New.
    3. Fill in the fields of the new task form and Save it.
    The Asset form
    1. Open the record of an asset that needs to be relocated.
    2. Click Create task.
    3. In the modal window that opens, select Maintenance and click Create task.
  2. Fill in the fields and click Save.
  3. The assigned user or a member of the assignment group must click Start work to initiate and continue the task processing.
  4. You can allocate a replacement asset to the asset user and add the necessary spare parts or consignment consumptions of spare parts required for the maintenance. To do so, use the corresponding buttons in the upper right corner of the page.
  5. Click Send for approval, the approvers receive approval tickets for the task. The task state changes to Pending approval.

If no spare parts and consignment consumptions are added to the task, the approval process can be skipped and the task can be completed from the In progress state.

You can complete the task without sending it for approval if all fields are filled.

  1. (optional) Click Add approvers to add all users who must approve the task. Note that only users with the admin role can remove the approvers from the task.
  2. When approved successfully, the task state changes to Approved. If approvers rejected the task, its state changes to Registered. After that you can resume the work on the task, make the necessary changes and resubmit the task for approval.
  3. To resume the work, click Continue work on the top right of the page.
  4. (optional) You can add spare parts, consignment consumptions and allocate a replacement asset. After all changes are done, send the task for approval again.

If you change the Maintenance type to External company, the following mandatory fields appear:

  • Maintenance price (if Maintenance type = Paid)
  • Non-warranty service contract

In this case, approval is obligatory.

Fill in the fields and send the task for approval.

  1. Complete the task. To do so, click Complete in the upper right corner of the page. In the modal window that opens, select the task closure code:

    • Fixed – the task will be completed with the Fixed closure code. The replacement asset, if allocated during the task, will be returned to the stock. Spare parts and consignment consumptions will be linked to the maintained asset.
    • Unfixable – specify the reason or other important information in the Comment field. This note will be displayed in the Work notes when the task is completed. Consignment consumptions will be canceled automatically. Select the I confirm that the spare parts have been returned checkbox and select how to complete the task – with or without allocation of a new asset.
  2. If the asset is unfixable, the system offers one of the following actions:

    • Allocate the replacement asset for permanent use.
    • Allocate a new asset for permanent use. In this case, if the user had a replacement asset, it must be returned to the stock before the task is completed.
    • Complete the task without allocation of a replacement or new asset. In this case, if the user had a replacement asset, they must return it to the stock before the task is completed.

Maintenance by an external company

  1. Create a task using one of the following locations:
    The Maintenance Tasks (itam_asset_maintenance) table
    1. Navigate to ITAMTasksAsset Maintenance.
    2. Click New.
    3. Fill in the fields of the new task form and Save it.
    The Asset form
    1. Open the record of an asset that needs to be repaired or maintained.
    2. Click Create task.
    3. In the modal window that opens, select Maintenance and click Create task.
  2. Fill in the fields and click Save.
  3. (optional) To allocate a replacement asset to the user, click Allocate replacement on the top right of the page. The button is available until the task state changes Completed.
  4. The assigned user or a member of the assignment group must click Start work to initiate the task processing.
  5. Ensure all fields are completed correctly and send the task for approval. To do so, click Send for approval on the top right of the page. While the task is in Pending approval state, all fields, except Priority, are read-only.
  6. (optional) To add more approvers, click Add approvers.
  7. When approved successfully, the task state changes to Approved. If approvers reject the task, its state changes to Registered. After that you can resume the work on the task by clicking Continue work and make the necessary changes. Then, resubmit the task for approval.
  8. Click Send for maintenance. In the modal window that appears, attach an Acceptance certificate and click Send for maintenance. The task state changes to Pending external maintenance.
  9. When the maintenance work is completed and the asset is back to the company, click Maintenance completed. In the modal window that appears, attach an acceptance certificate in the Maintenance document field. The asset state changes to Maintenance completed.
  10. Click Complete to complete the task. In the modal window that opens, select one of the closure codes: Fixed or Unfixable.
  11. If the asset is unfixable, you can:
    • Allocate the replacement asset for permanent use.
    • Allocate a new asset for permanent use. In this case, if the user had a replacement asset, it must be returned to the stock before the task is completed.
    • Complete the task without allocation of a replacement or new asset. In this case, if the user had a replacement asset, they must return to the stock before the task is completed.

Spare parts and replacement assets for maintenance task

Spare parts kits

You can use assets with the Spare parts kit checkbox selected in the maintenance tasks. The assets must be in the Storage stage, the Available state, and in the same stock as the maintained asset. Assets with the Spare parts kit checkbox selected change their state to Reserved when they are added to a maintenance task. When the maintenance task is completed with the Fixed closure code, their stage and state change to In operation, In use.

When cancelling a maintenance task, the user must confirm the return of the spare parts added to the task. When the task is canceled or selected spare parts are removed, the attribute The asset is currently in the task becomes disabled, and the spare part's stage and state are changed to the previous ones (Storage, Available).


When assets are added from a consignment (an asset with the Consignment checkbox selected), the system creates a Consignment consumption record. Until the task is completed, this consignment consumption record remains in the Reserved state, and the available number of assets to allocate from the consignment is reduced by the number of reserved units. When the maintenance task is completed, the state of the consignment consumption changes to Allocated.

If a consignment consumption is deleted, or the maintenance task is canceled, the consignment consumption records are removed from the related list of the task. The consignment consumption record moves to the Canceled state, and the current quantity of the consignment is increased by the number of asset units of the canceled consignment consumption.

Replacement asset

You can allocate a replacement asset if the task is in one of the following states: In progress, Pending approval, or Approved. Ensure that the required replacement asset meets the following conditions:

  • The Use as replacement checkbox is selected on the asset form.
  • The nomenclature of the replacement asset matches the nomenclature of the asset being maintained.
  • The asset is in stock and available for allocation.
  • The owner of the asset stock is the company employing the user whom the asset is assigned to. You can return the replacement asset by clicking Return replacement on the task form anytime before the task is completed.

If an asset is allocated as a replacement, the In use as replacement checkbox is automatically selected on its form, the information about it is also displayed on the maintenance task form.

If the maintenance task is successfully completed, the In use as a replacement checkbox is automatically cleared on its form, and the allocated asset must be returned to the stock.

If the maintenance is not completed and the replacement asset remains with the user thereafter, the Use as replacement checkbox is also cleared on the asset form.