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Version: 1.3.2

Return to Stock

Within the return to stock task, you can return assets from use to the stock for further allocation to another user or decommissioning. Only the assets of one user can be added to the task, they must be in the In operation stage, In use state and refer to the same stock. When you add assets to the task, their stage changes to Transfer and their state changes to Unavailable. When the task is completed, the stage of the assets will change to Storage, the state to Available, and the value of the User field on the asset forms will be cleared.


Roles required:

  • To read – itam_agent.
  • To create – itam_operation_specialist, itam_process_manager.
  • To update – itam_operation_specialist, itam_process_manager.
    Only users with the itam_operation_specialist role can be assigned to the task.

Task control

UI actionDescription
Start workThe button is available only to the user assigned to the task or members of the assigned group. Click the button to start work on the task. Its state changes to In progress, and the name of the current user is added into the Assigned user field, if it was not specified before.
Add assetsClick to add assets that must be returned to the stock to the task. When you click the button, in the modal window that opens, select the necessary assets that match the task conditions, and click Add selected assets.
Remove the selected assetsClick to remove the assets added to the task. Find the button above the related lists area. You can remove assets when the task state is Registered or In progress.
Cancel taskFind the button in the burger menu . Click it to cancel the task. The task state changes to Completed with the Canceled closure code. All the assets added to task will be removed and their stage and state
Send for approvaClick to send the task for approval. The users responsible for the assets in the task and the ones specified in the Add approvers modal window, will receive approval tickets for the task. The task state changes to Pending approval and all fields except Priority and Assignment group are read-only.
Add approversClick the button to add more approvers to the task. The button appears in the Pending approval task state. The list of additional approvers is valid for one approving session only. When you need to process an approval more than once, you may need to re-add the additional approvers or you can run the approval session only with the approvers set by default.
CompleteClick to open a modal window where you should specify an appropriate Return document or ensure the one already added is relevant to the task. Click Complete, the task state changes to Completed.

Return to Stock Task form fields

UserYSpecify the asset user if you create the task from the Return to Stock Task (itam_asset_return) table. The field is populated automatically with the asset user name if the asset had the In use state before being added to the task.
StockYSpecify the stock where the assets must be returned if you create the task from the Return to Stock Task (itam_asset_return) table. The field is populated automatically with the stock that the asset relates to if you create the task from the asset form.
ReasonYSpecify the task reason. Available options:
  • Employee dismissal
  • Long-term employee leave
  • Asset decommissioning
  • Other – when selected, the Work notes field is mandatory.
DescriptionNAdd the task description that will be available for all users.
PriorityNSpecify the task priority.The default value is Moderate. Available options:
  • Low
  • Moderate
  • High
  • Critical
Return documentsYAdd acceptance certificates related to the assets from the task. The field is mandatory to complete the task. The document must be of Form type, Acceptance certificate subtype.
Assigned userY/NSpecify the user assigned for the task. You can select only a user with the itam_operation_specialist role. The field is populated automatically with the current user name if they click the Start work button and have this role.

This field is non-mandatory in the Registered task state if the Assignment group field is populated.

Assignment groupY/NSpecify the group responsible for the task. If this field is completed, the Assigned user field becomes non-mandatory.
Work notesY/NAdd comments to the task. The field is mandatory if Reason is Other.

Related Lists

  • Assets – the list of assets added to the task. To remove the assets, select them and click Remove the selected assets above the related lists area. To add more assets to the task, click Add assets on the top right of the form.

  • Approvals – the list contains the approval records created for the task, you can see the task approvers and the approval states. To add more approvers to the task, click Add approvers.

Create a task


You can return to stock assets with the following attributes:

  • StageIn operation.
  • StateIn use.
  • The assets have the same User.
  • All selected assets are from the same Stock.
  1. Create a task using one of the following locations:

    The Return to Stock Tasks (itam_asset_return) table
    1. Navigate to ITAMTasksReturn to Stock.
    2. Click New.
    3. Fill in the fields of the new task form and Save it.
    The Asset form
    1. Open the record of an asset that needs to be relocated.
    2. Click Create task.
    3. In the modal window that opens, select Return to Stock and click Create task.
  2. Fill in the fields and click Save.

  3. Click Start work to change the task state to In progress.

  4. Click Add assets to add assets to the task if it was not done earlier.

  5. Click Send for approval. The task state changes to Pending approval.

  6. (optional) Click Add approvers to add more approvers to the task.

  7. When the task is approved, the task state changes to Approved. Then you can complete the task. To do so, click Complete and add the acceptance certificates for all assets from the task to the Return documents field proving that the assets have been returned to the stock. The task state will change to Completed with the Returned to stock closure code. The stage and state of the assets will change, the User field will be cleared on the asset forms. The documents about the return to the stock will be available in the Documents related lists on their forms.

  8. If the approvers reject the task, its state changes to Registered. You can resume the work and send the task for approval again. To do so, click Start work, edit the information on the form and send the task for approval again.

  9. (optional) To cancel the task, click Cancel task in the burger menu . The task will be completed with the Canceled closure code. The assets added to the task will restore their previous stage and state.