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Version: 1.13.1

Version 1.10.1

New features

User redirection on the portal

When an incident is created from the portal, the user is automatically redirected to its portal form.

The users now see general information about the further processing of the user query after its creation. The info message can be edited.

If the Urgency field is set to Very high, when a user query or incident is created, a message is displayed with important information, such as a phone number that the caller can use to contact the support for the confirmation of the provided information.

Urgency widget

The caller can change the Urgency on the portal after the creation of incidents and service requests. For this, a corresponding widget is added to the ticket form that is displayed in all states except for the Completed and Closed.

When the urgency is set to Very high, the caller sees the message with important information, such as a phone number that the caller can use to contact the support for the confirmation of the provided information.

The widget of the urgency change can be configured.

Automatic archiving of the incident and service request records

The archiving of incidents and service requests has been added to ensure that the information remains unchanged after the ticket is closed. This allows agents to conduct a full analysis of the tickets and create accurate reports.

When the number of days specified in the system properties passes, the state of incidents (except for the infrastructure incidents) and service requests changes from Completed to Closed. The default value is 5 days. Additionally, two new system properties have been added. Use them to specify the schedule for the calculation of this period.

The incident or service request can become Completed only if all related tasks are in the Completed or Canceled state.

When an incident or service request state changes, the related tasks in the Completed state move to the Closed state (except for the taks in the Canceled state).

When an ITSM record or its task moves to the Closed state:

  • The Closed at field is filled in automatically. It is read-only.
  • The Active checkbox is cleared. Only a user with the admin role can change its value.
  • (for the task tables) All fields are read-only, only a user with the admin role can edit the values.

The Closed state is added to the Incident task table at the 1.10 version update.

Problem management updates

  • The state model of the problems and known errors has been updated.
  • The new problem notifications have been added and the old ones have been updated.
  • The Description fields of the problem form and the Service field of the known error form have become mandatory in all states except for the Draft and Retired.
  • Now, users with the problem_manager or admin roles can change the problem state to Closed.
  • A known error automatically moves from the Actual to Fixed state when the related problem is closed with the Solved 1st/2nd level closure code. The known error state also automatically changes from Actual or Fixed to Retired when the related problem is closed with the Not solved (Dropped/Refused) code.

Change request notifications

The notifications sent when a service request state changes to Completed have been added to let the users know about the closure code. These notifications are sent to the: change manager, stakeholders and the followers of the change request.

The email subject contains a closure code so the recipients can immediately see the change result.

The closure codes themselves have been updated as well:

ImplementedImplemented (no change)
Partially implementedPartially implemented (no change)
BackoutNot implemented (Rollback)
  • Not implemented
  • Cancel
Not implemented (Canceled)

Incident and service request tasks

The notification rules have been added for the Incident Task and Request Task tables:

  • when a user is assigned to the task, they will receive a notification.
  • when a group is assigned to the task, all its members will receive a notification.
  • when a user and a group are assigned to the task, only the assigned user will receive a notification.
  • when a task is closed, the agent assigned to the related incident or service request will receive a notification.


The Activity Feed widget with the Work notes field is displayed on the forms of all ITSM entities and their tasks.

  • The Discussion field is displayed in the Activity Feed only on the incident (except for the infrastructure incidents) and service request forms.

The ITSM_agent cannot leave comments in Work notes when a record is in the Closed state.

To make it easier for the agent team to work on tasks, the assigned user can:

  • fill in the State, Assigned user, Assignment group fields, edit the Follower list field and leave work notes on the incident and service request forms.
  • fill in the State, Assigned user, Assignment group fields, edit the Follower list field and leave work notes on the forms of the ITSM entities tasks.
  • leave work notes on the forms of the ITSM records without filling in the mandatory fields.

* The agent can leave work notes when the state is changed.

The Closure Information tab has been deleted on the forms of record tasks. The task work results are described in the work notes.

The Schedule tab has been removed for service requests and problems.

The fields of the Closure Information tab are mandatory for the parent records (incident, problem, change or service request) in the Completed/Closed state.

The Caller that has access to the ticket records in the agent interface cannot edit the field values, but can leave comments in Discussion.


DEF0016059: The display of long values of Subject on the portal now responds to the user's screen resolution: the text adapts and moves accordingly.

DEF0016520: The Actual downtime field is not mandatory for filling in anymore and is read-only when the change request moves to the Completed state.

DEF0016546: The texts and layout of the modal window used for the creation of a change request from a user query have been updated.

DEF0016836: The email attachments are now automatically attached to the created user query.

DEF0017990: The incident or service request state now changes from the Postponed to Assigned when the specified period is over.

DEF0018006: The wrapping of the text fields content is no longer ignored in the notifications.

Translations: Lacking translations have been added and existing translatiions have been updated to improve the user experience and overall product quality.