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Version: 1.23.3

Version 1.21.3

System improvements

The separation of Backend roles

A new mechanism is applied to the virtual machines in the backend. This new mechanism flexibly distributes the load between the virtual machines depending on the functional roles of the backend components and increases the stability of the system by isolating the services.

New PHP version

The PHP version of the system core has been updated to 8.2. It increases performance and opens access to new PHP features.

Protected account

A service account has been added to the platform package. This account can be used by the SimpleOne customer care specialists after the approval of the customer. This will help us to be more efficient in our counselling and diagnostic care. By default, the account is active and can only be deactivated by the owner of the instance.


Configuration of redirection after the sending of a service request

A new feature is added to allow the administrator to configure the user redirection after the sending of a service request. Now, you can define the values of the dynamic parameters table_name, record_id and view when you select a redirection option for a request model. These parameters contain the identifier of a record created from the request model and the table name. Additionally, you can configure the correlation of the fields and attributes for the created record.

This allows a user to see the result after the sending of the form and get an understandable title of the created record generated from the model parameters and REM attribute values.

Visual improvements of the agent interface forms widgets

The widgets on the form can now be aligned to avoid accidental paddings and blank spaces in the agent interface form layout.

The following improvements have been done for this:

  • The Static User Information SA, Static Task Information SA, Choice Timeline SA widgets now consist of a number of specific modules, the height of which is identical for all widgets.
  • Separate elements, such as the titles, cards, and descriptions are adapted depending on the content to keep the size of the modules described above consistent.
  • The minimum height of each widget can now be adjusted with the minHeight parameter in the Schema Option Values field.
  • The placeholders are displayed when there is no data to display.

Ticket list on the user field

  • The Tickets related list is added to the Employee form. It contains the list of tasks for which the current user is the Caller. This list shows records from the Task table and its child tables.


DEF0018040: An error that sometimes occurred when a table with Reference fields and high number of records was exported to Excel has been fixed. Another condition to trigger the error was the use of multiple complex ACL rules on the instance. The size of a single portion of records downloaded at the same time has been decreased from 5000 to 200. This parameter can be adjusted.

DEF0018035: The caching of REM-attributes and dynamic filters has been added, which allowed to significantly increase the server performance and reduced the time of request processing for the create / update operations performed on the records with REM-attributes. As a result, the server is more stable when the number of users increases. This also minimized the use of PostgreSQL container resources which is good for the efficiency and stability of the system in general.

DEF0017995: Fixed the error that compromised quick export to XLSX among users signed in with an empty Password field and authorized with SSO.

DEF0017988: A new environment variable backend_migration_create_bigdata_log of the boolean type has been added. This allows the on-premise instances to disable the creation of JSON-file with the archive of records before the update and cutting. The disabling of this feature prevents the error that occurred due to the lack of RAM or hard disk space at the platform update if there were records larger than 2.5 MB in the database. The variable is enabled by default, its value can be specified at the client instance update with Ansible variable. It is only used in one migration.

DEF0017837: An error that occurred during the application building triggered by a wrong monolith image tag that resulted in the use of cached donor monolith image has been fixed. Now, the latest donor monolith image is used.

DEF0016566: When an override record for a UI-action was created from the Overridden by related list, the content of the Position and Style section would not copy. This error has been fixed.

To achieve this:

  • We fixed an error in the title of the Position and Style from Overrides by client script.
  • The script has been expanded with the copying of the Show on creation and Show on update field values.
  • A copy of the specified script with the onLoad type has been created.

DEF0016198: A fix for the lack of memory error that occurred when any string value consiting only of Latin symbols was sent to the search field. The issue occurred on the instances with large number of DB records because there was no limitation to the size of saved search indexes. Other factors that caused the error were the creation of attachment indexes and the presence of CSS-code in the indexes.

To fix the issue:

  • Full-text search for the Content column of Attachment table has been disabled. The attachment indexes have been deleted from the Search Index table.
  • The indexes are cleared from the CSS-code when saving.
  • The indexes are cut down to 1 MB when saving. All existing indexes are cut as well. All cases of cutting are logged.

DEF0016093: A fix for the error that occurred when a user made an authorization attempt with SAML2 or Microsoft ADFS. For this purpose, a new column Query field has been added to the SAML2 Settings table. The new column connects the identity provider attribute with the value of the User field defined by the login source.

The error that occurred at the SAML2 record saving is also fixed.

Texts and translations

DEF0015515, DEF0015295, DEF0015264: Lacking UI texts and translations have been added and existing translations have been improved.

DEF0015241: The interface texts have been improved, on the following forms among others:

  • Approval Rule
Script (option)Add by script (option)
  • Service Announcement
Reviewer's EmailReviewer emails
Recipient EmailRecipient emails
New (state)Draft (state)
Announcement TypeType
Announcement BodyContent