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Version: 1.23.3

Version 1.23.3

In this version of the platform, we introduce a new mode for viewing the chronology of changes in the Activity feed. In this mode, the visibility of fields and the way the changes are displayed can be customized at two levels:

  • by the administrator for all users of the system.
  • personally by each user.

We have extended the attributes set of the Group records and added an Active attribute that you can select to make the group active and selectable in Reference or List fields. Also added a Type field with options that you can use to allow or restrict adding a group to the Assigned to Group field.

New tables have been added to the agent interface:

  • Absences (sys_personal_schedule_entry) to record the time of employee absences.
  • Product Modules (sys_product_module)

A new field Offering type has beed added to the Service form to support the SimpleOne business logic that diffirentiates types of the service.

We have continued to extend the basic functionality of the financial modules first introduced in the previous version. Namely, we have added master data and roles. Users with the new roles can now use the navigator menu items to quickly open the required tables.

We have improved system security by adding a stronger encryption algorithm for passwords and added protection against potential redirection to malicious resources.

Widgets displaying the SLA indications, caller information, task information, and others have become more compact. Also, administrators can now change the appearance of some of these widgets in the settings. In addition, we moved the Attachment and Activity feed with Quick Responses widgets to the Global table forms, so now they are available on all forms on the platform.

The portal and agent interface has changed as a result of the introduction of new attributes to the existing Simple tags and introduction of new Simple tags as well. Use the new tags to fine-tune the design of your company's platform.

New functionality

New Event Chronology mode in the Activity Feed widget

Use the new Event Chronology mode of the Activity Feed to visualize and analyze the record history more easily. The fields displayed and the way their changes are represented can be set by:

  • the administrator who can customize the set of fields whose changes will be displayed in the chronology mode.
  • the users who can define the order of displaying events in the chronology, as well as personalize the set of fields displayed for them and disable the demonstration of previous values of the fields changed. These settings will be applied only to the user who made them.

Read more in the Activity feed article.

Watch a video demonstration of the updated widget on our YouTube or VKontakte channel.

New Password Encryption Algorithm

In the Password and Encrypted password type fields, the AES-128 encryption algorithm has been changed to AES-256.


If you import an SOP-file with a record containing a Password or Encrypted Password field value from a previous version of the platform that supports the AES-128 encryption algorithm, or if you need to restore a version of the record protected by this encryption algorithm, you need to re-enter the previous Password or Encrypted Password type field value into the target record and save it. After that, the Password or Encrypted Password type field value will be saved with the AES-256 encryption algorithm.

Read more in the Column Types article.

New Group attributes

In the Group (sys_group) record the following attributes are added:

  • Assignment group and Access group in the Type field. Now, you can only add groups with the Assignment group type into the Assignment group field. For other user groups, select the Access group type option.
  • Active. You can use it to activate and deactivate group records.Only groups with the selected checkbox Active are available by default in the dictionaries.

When updating the platform version, run the scheduled script To make groups active and of type assignment /record/sys_schedule_script/172234054712189981, to activate existing group records and set Assignment group in the Type field.

If, after installing the platform update, you need to download demodata of one of the SimplеOne applications developed for a lower version of the platform, you will also need to run the script above. Find more instructions on demodata deployment for the B2B CRM, ITAM, and SDLC applications in the corresponding documentation articles.

Read more in the Groups article.

Absence records in the agent interface

Starting from this version, the users of the agent interface can create absence records in the Absences table (sys_personal_schedule_entry). On the form you can create an absence record of any type: vacation, unpaid leave, business trip, time off, sick leave and maternity leave, and specify the absence period. On the record form, you can also specify that the time off must be added to the following vacation.

Managers can view their own records and those of their subordinates. Each employee can view their records in the My Work and Personal Schedule sections of the navigator. Additionally, the Absences related list has been added to the personal account form of each Employee.

New Product Modules table

Now, you can create records for the modules of each of your product and monitor their development state. To do so, navigate to Value Stream Management $rarr; Product Modules.

The Product Modules (sys_product_module) form contains the module descruptions and references the product record, its owner, and parent module. Find its child modules in the related list. The form editing is restricted by roles and access control rules (ACLs). Reading records is available to all users of the agent interface.

Read more in the Product Modules article.

Offering types

According to SimpleOne logic, a Service record is considered a full-fledged service only after an agreement is created. Before that moment the service record is classified as an offering. Therefore, the Service (sys_service) record form now has an Offering type field with the options Transfer of product instance/Goods, Access to resources or Service actions. Also, the Services form now displays the Products and Product Modules related lists for a quick access to the products and their modules this service is created for.

Read more in the Services article.

Expanded functionality of the financial tables

We have made interaction with the new tables, added in the previous version of the platform, more convenient. Also, we have simplified their integration with other applications. In this regard, in this version appear:

  • Master Data

    For complex and uniform development of HRM, ITAM and ITSM applications, we have added master data to the tables:

    • Currency – contains the BYN, CNY, EUR, KZT, RUB and USD currencies. Read more in the Currencies article.
    • Fiscal Period – contains active records from 2021 to 2044 inclusively. Also there are records for 1991–2020 and 2045–2100 created and deactivated by default.
  • New Roles

    • cost_center_agent – a cost center agent can view Cost center records.
    • cost_center_manager – a cost center manager can create, view and edit cost center records.
    • fiscal_period_agent – a fiscal agent can view [fiscal-period] records(/platform/service-tools/fiscal-periods).
    • fiscal_period_manager – a fiscal manager can create, view and edit fiscal period records.
    • demand_agent – a demand agent can view demands and demand task records.
    • demand_manager – a demand manager can create, view and edit demands and demand task records.
    • purchase_agent – a purchase agent can view purchase requests records and purchase request tasks.
    • purchase_manager – a purchase manager can create, view and edit records of purchase orders and purchase request tasks.

    In the article Role Structure, learn about inheritance of the new roles.

  • New navigator sections

    • Demands
    • Demand Tasks
    • Purchase Requests
    • Purchase Request Tasks
    • Cost Centers
    • Currencies
    • Fiscal periods
  • Prefixes of table records

    TableDisplayed record nameExample
    Demand`DMDXXXXXXXXXXXXX SubjectDMD0000025 Improve the equipment quality
    Demand Task`DTSKXXXXXXXXXXX SubjectDTSK0000032 Purchase new equipment
    Purchase Request`PRCXXXXXXXXXXX SubjectPRC0000025 Replacement of defective equipment
    Purchase Request Task`PTSKXXXXXXXXXXXXX SubjectPTSK0000000044 Purchase Replacement Equipment

Interface settings

In this version, we added new Simple tags and updated column color variables used in the widgets with a function to highlight specified columns.

The interface design has been updated in the following aspects:

  • The Settings menu and the Export Management widget in the header now use buttons of type Secondary button instead of the icons used to navigate to the Settings menu and Export Management widget.
  • Reference links now have the Focus state to make it easier to navigate on the form using the keyboard.

New Simple tags

  • Use the <tooltip> tag to add an icon that displays a tooltip text when you move the pointer over it.
  • Use the <hint> tag to display a tooltip when the pointer is over a specific field.

Find more information on the tag attributes in the tooltip and hint articles.


Widget Updates

In this version, we have redesigned six widgets that complement task forms within the frame of our business solution. The main changes include: display optimization, better adaptation to different monitor extensions, and the ability to customize access to the displayed information.

Activity Feed with Quick Responses

The Activity Feed with Quick Responses widget is now available for adding to the forms of all tables on the platform.

Global Attachments

Now, you can place the attachment widget on the forms of all tables.

Other widget updates are:

  • on mobile devices, it opens in full screen mode.
  • like other modal windows, in the desktop version, the maximum widget width is 800px.
  • you can customize the widget display styles.
  • the header contains a badge with the number of attachments.

Read more in the Global Attachments article.

SLA Indications SA

  • The widget design has been updated and the adaptability for different devices has been improved.
  • You can use the option schema to specify:
    • the number of lines with indications.
    • the number of indications in one line.

Choice Timeline SA

The widget design has been updated and its adaptability for different devices has been improved.

Static Task Information SA

  • The widget design has been updated and its adaptability for different devices has been improved.
  • The widget header is now displayed.
  • The widget size adaptability has been adjusted: when there is not enough space, the text in the widget is partially hidden, and when you hover over it, the whole text is displayed.
  • It is now possible to customize column colors using the style rules.

Static User Information SA

The updated widget has become more compact. Other updates include:

  • the VIP label for users with this attribute selected.
  • highlighting selected columns in different colors. Read more in the Static User Information SA Widget article.

Interface improvements

  • The Select all checkbox has an intermediate status when not all items are selected in the list. Read more in the checkbox article.
  • New link colors.
  • To make the lists in the agent interface more uniform and easy to view, we did the following: updated icon coloros, removed horizontal separators between the rows of the lists, adjusted the size of cells and the height of columns.
  • We changed the appearance of the navigation chain on the portal, now there is a separator (/) between the elements. This change helps to differenciate the functionality of the navigation chain with the chevron (>) between the elements in the condition builder and the navigation chain on the portal website.

System Enhancements

Protection policy updates for system tables

To maintain consistency of information and independence of platform business logic from external changes, the record policy for some system tables has been changed.

The records of the following system tables cannot be changed, their protection policy is Protected/Protected:

  • Application (sys_application)
  • Event Register (sys_event_register)
  • Source Message (source_message)
  • Widget (sys_widget)
  • Role (sys_role)
  • Script Include (sys_script_include)

All other system tables have an Open protection policy and are available for modification by the system administrator.

Pay special attention to the changes described below if you use On-Premise instances. You can find detailed information on them in the operational documentation.

New environment variables

New environment variables have been added to the playbook:

  • CDC_CONSUMER_CREATE_TOPICS_REPLICATION_FACTOR with a value equal to the number of kafka brokers. The factor changes when the quantity of brokers is updated, so that the replicated topics can be created either for all brokers, or only for the specified number of them. This ensures availability of messages during the system mulfunction.

  • CDC_CONSUMER_CONSUMER_CREATE_TOPICS_NUM_PARTITIONS = 2. In the distributed mode, the topics created by the indication-calc service are replicated.

Increased system reliability

  • The heap size for jvm kafka-connect has been increased to improve system stability.
  • In case one or more backend api nodes fail, the Web interface remains functioning with at least one working node.

Updates for Select queries

  • To reduce the load on the master database, the SQL queries of the Select type that are used to update the export status have been switched to the database replica.
  • In RecordDataProvider, the execution of the SELECT type SQL queries has been optimized by reducing the number of database connections.

Database Failover connection

The postgres_patroni_nofailover and postgres_patroni_noloadbalance variables of type Boolean for the postgres role have been added to the complex playbook. Use their values to determine whether the database participates in the Failover and Load Balancing mechanisms.


UI texts: In this version, field names and messages became more precise: we made them more informative and fixed some errors for your convenience.

DEF0019600: A bug caused by using ContextStorage did not update the record status of a running workflow context. This caused contexts to stay in the Executing (locked) state while multiple scripts were running.

DEF0019592: Due to the lack of restrictions on reading the Email (sys_email) table, users were able to view other users' messages. In this version, we added access control rules that restrict the current user to read only the emails in which they are a recipient or a sender, including copies and hidden copies.

DEF0019591: Any user of the agent interface could create a record in the User (user) table, which could adversely affect data security. In this version, the access control rules for the user table have been updated with appropriate restrictions. Now only users with the admin and user_manager roles can create and delete user records.

DEF0019590: It was possible to save entries to another user's Favorite due to lack of access control rules for creating entries in the Favorite table (sys_menu_favorite). In this version, the access control rules have been updated and favorite records can be created only by the current user of the agent interface exclusively for themselves.

DEF0019135: The logic for abnormal termination of simple-rule-engine stopped the kafka container. It also took a long time to terminate the simple-rule-engine, the process was accompanied by exceptions. The logic has been fixed in this version.

DEF0019067: The indication-calc service was stopped while processing messages. It resulted in messages from kafka that were read by indication-calc but were not fully processed by it and were lost. As a result, some indications were not created or their state was not changed. Now indication-calc processes all records that it managed to read from kafka and is completed normally.

DEF0019050: The error Exception: TypeError: Cannot set properties of null occurred when trying to create a configuration unit via the SimpleRecord server API in a CMDB class and then modify its REM attributes using a script. Now the system behavior is fixed.

DEF0018434: There were cases when several identical indications were created for one record based on one indicator. In this version of the platform, the problem has been solved, and indications are created correctly.

DEF0017781: We removed the ability to redirect to malicious URLs. Now the list of malicious URLs can be customized in the system property sys_property simple.url_action.redirect_to.blacklist_url. Trusted URLs can be specified in the sys_property simple.url_action.redirect_to.whitelist_url property. If the list of allowed URLs is empty, the system allows redirection to all URLs except those specified in the first property. The properties support using a wildcard.

DEF0017359: When sequentially updating a record more than 10 times using a script, the initiated workflows were interrupted with the error Activity was executed maximum number of times (10). The system mistakenly considered that launching one and the same activity 10 times was caused by the workflow getting into an infinite loop. Now, the system distinguishes between such situations. In addition, you can specify the allowed number of times to run the same activity using the simple.wf_activity_loop_limit system property.

DEF0017137: We fixed an error that occurred when a user entered an apostrophe (') in a reference field. This resulted in the QLSTATE[42601]: Syntax error: 7 (4.1) (PT0) error, which made JavaScript injections possible.

DEF0016785: We fixed Russian names of the transformation schema fields that did not match the entities the fields referred to.