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Version: 1.25.0

Version 1.24.2

In this version, we have introduced a new type of text field – WYSIWYG, which allows you to format your text and view real-time edits on the page or form. The values ​​of this type of fields can be indexed for full-text search.

We have expanded the language settings. Now users can select the interface and notification languages separately. You may change the interface languages when working on the platform and still receive notifications in your preferred language.

The new version allows you to create and manage the process register. A process is a series of actions or steps taken to achieve your company's business goals such as releasing a product, providing a service, or triggering certain events to start other processes.

In this version, the "out-of-the-box" service portal runs with the REM Service Catalog. The Template Service Catalog is now considered obsolete and is not recommended for use.

We have updated the organizational structure by adding groups, teams, and authorized employees.

We have enhanced the way employees are automatically assigned to tasks. Now employees who are absent for the current day are not assigned when the auto-assignment rule is set.

We have reorganized the portal's top menu, modified the appearance of the portal and agent interface by introducing new Simple tags and adding attributes to the existing ones.

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New features

WYSIWYG text editor

We have added WYSIWYG, a new data type that allows you to format your text and add images viewing real-time edits on the page or form.

The new data type is supported by forms, lists, and widgets, and all the features of other types of fields are maintained. The values of the new type fields can be indexed for the purpose of full-text search and filtering. The values can be processed using client and server API.

When you create table columns or REM attributes, you can set default values with the WYSIWYG data type to use the text editor features.


If in previous platform versions you created records where you used fields with the Rich Text demo data type, such fields will automatically migrate to the WYSIWYG data type after updating to version 1.24.2.

The migration speed is approximately 60 records per second.

Multi-language notifications

Now users can receive notifications in the preferred language they pick in the settings whenever the system administrator creates and sends notifications for certain system events in every language supported by the system.

The user.language.default property, which is set by the system administrator, is now responsible for both the interface language and the notification language. At the same time, users can change any of the values ​​independently in the preferences right-side bar.

For more information on language settings for the administrator and user, templates, and sending notifications read the following articles:

Process management

Now you can create and manage the process register. A process is a series of actions or steps taken to achieve your company's business goals: creating a product, providing a service, or triggering specific events to start other processes.

The new Processes table (sys_process) form contains fields to describe the purpose and scope of the new process. You can also specify the process owner and process manager. The related lists display product records. Users with the agent role can read the table records. Users with the admin role and the new process_manager role can create, edit, and delete the records.

Read more in the Processes article.

Interface settings

In this version, existing Simple tags have been updated and new ones have been added.

New Simple tags

  • Use the <recordPopup> tag to customize the popup that appears when a reference field record is clicked.

  • Use the <sectionMessage> tag to display the required information on the page in a dedicated section.

Read more in the recordPopup and sectionMessage articles.

Updated Simple tags

The <button> tag has received a new SVGPosition attribute, which is responsible for the position of the icon on the right or left of the button.

Read more in the button article.


REM Service Catalog

In this platform version, the REM Service Catalog is supplied in the "out-of-the-box" solution.


The Template Service Catalog is now considered obsolete and is not recommended for use.

The REM Service Catalog is active by default and is available on the portal at /sc.

Read more in the REM Service Catalog article.

Updated organization structure

Users with the new org_manager role can customize organization structure levels. The updated organization structure includes such new elements as the group, team, and authorized employee.

Read more in the Companies article.

Absence mechanics

We have added the new absence mechanics to the auto-assignment rules. Now, only an employee who does not have an absence registered on the current date can be automatically assigned to a task. If all employees in a group have absence records registered on the current date, only the Assignment group field is filled in.

Read more in the Simple Absence article.

Updated interface

Updated portal's top menu

For the convenience of users, we have updated the top menu of the portal.

The current names and locations of the amended sections and subsections are given in the table below:

Previous nameCurrent nameComments
My tasks-Removed from the Activities section. The access to My tasks is still available via the card of the same name on the main page of the portal.
My ticketsTickets
My approvalsApprovals
Assets and equipmentMy resourcesRemoved from the Activities section. The access to My resources is now available through the section of the same name in the portal's top menu.
New table My Tickets Condition

In the new table My Ticket Display Condition (my_tickets_condition), the system administrator can build the conditions for displaying user requests from different SimpleOne applications on the portal.

Read more in the Ticket Display Condition article.


DEF0020184: Fixed an error due to which notifications about user queries in versions ITSM 1.12.2 full and CRM 1.5.1 full were sent to email without the corresponding template layout.

DEF0020138: Fixed collisions when updating the Platform with VCS records of the Personal Schedule 0.1.1 package. The collision check is performed on different versions of the Simple Application platform and products that are loaded into the platform.

DEF0019379: Fixed a bug due to which asynchronous work with the current object on forms and in scripts erased data. Now, when saving a record via a script, only the fields to be modified are impacted.

DEF0018877: Fixed a bug due to which the <textarea> Simple tag did not adjust text fields to the height of the content, but left them higher than the content.

DEF0018639: Fixed a high load issue when displaying List type reports in the dashboard. The Refresh Interval widget now takes into account scenarios with large amounts of data when checking reports.

DEF0017446: Fixed a bug due to which a number of operators (after, at or after, day of month/week/year/quarter/day/hour is) did not work in the indicator condition builder for Date/Time, Date, Integer, Float, and Decimal fields.