Version 1.25.0
In this version, we have made improvements to the server part of the application. These changes will ensure stable access to the system for a large number of users. Another improtant new feature is the use of more than one domain name for an instance while preserving access to all functionality (such as the use of portal and PWA). This will allow to configure separate domain names for the companies that use the SimpleOne solution from one instance.
Additionally, we have extended the self-service portal capabilities. We have created the approval widget that becomes visible only if the current user has active approvals awaiting their decision. We have also added the settings for the configuration of task counters for portal nodes.
Moreover, we have improved the logic of the Absence and Task forms. We have configured access to the absences, logic of the state flow, autocomplete, and the sending of notifications. We have also added information about the number of task reassignments to the system.
We have significantly improved the application texts and translations. This will enhance the user experience, making the application more convenient and user-friendly.
New features
System improvements
PgBouncer connection pooler
We have added the PgBouncer component for backend servers and database servers. The PgBouncer is a tool that manages the number of connections allowing the DBMS to connect to multiple clients without performance degradation.
Detailed information about the component is provided in the operational documentation.
Multiple domains for one instance
We have implemented the use of multiple domains for one instance. For this, we have added a new environmental variable API_ORIGINS
for the Backend-api service. Depending on the variable value, you can:
- allow requests from any domain;
- prohibit cross-platform requests;
- specify one or more allowed domains.
This feature will let you configure redirection without losing access to crucial pieces of functionality (such as access to portal and PWA). Thus, when an instance is used by more than one company, each of them is now capable of having a unique domain for public use, while remaning connected to the internal processes of the head company.
Interface improvements
Active approvals widget
We have created a new Active approvals portal widget for the main page of the self-service portal. It displays the list of approvals awaiting the user's resolution:
This widget displays approval requests assigned to the current user in the form of cards with Reject and Approve buttons. The widget is displayed when there are requested approval tickets for the current user.
With the new widget, the users can quickly view all active approval requests and make a decision regarding them without having to open the approval records. Note that by default the new widget is not added to the portal.
Find detailed information about the new widget in the documentation.
Decorating portal nodes
Now, you can configure decorations for the portal nodes. For this, we have added a new Decoration tab to the Node form. There, you can enable the record counter, define the display conditions, select an icon or specify text.
Read more in the documentation.
Form and table improvements
We have enhanced the logic for the Absences table for the functionality to comply with modern business practices and standards of registering absences at work. Specifically:
- We have configured the ACL. Now, only the users with the admin role, record creator and their manager can view the records. Full editing is only available to the users with the admin role. The record creator and their manager can partially edit the State field value.
- If the manager is specified, they will receive a notification about a new approval request when an absence record is created.
- When an absence is approved or rejected, the employee receives corresponding notifications.
- The Employee field is automatically filled in with the current user and is read-only.
- If the Manager field is filled in on the Employee record, the manager is selected automatically in the absence record. This value can be cleared or changed. If an absence is created with the Manager field filled in, it will automatically move into the Pending approval state. If the record is created with the field empty, it will instantly move to the Approved state.
- A new state has been added: Created by mistake. The record creator can set it when the absence is in the Pending approval state.
- Validation has been added to the Unpaid vacation days field: its value cannot exceed the Duration.
Read more in the documentation.
Tracking the number of task reassignments
For the Task table and the tables extended from it in all business applications, we have added new fields in which the users can see the number of task reassignments.
Each new reassignment extends the time to complete the task since it adds the time during which the task remains in the task queue of the new assignee to the overall time to complete the task. The new data will help you track excessive reassignments that imply that mistakes are made during the task processing. You can use this information to build reports or create notifications when a certain number of reassignments is reached.
Detailed information about the new fields is added to the Task article.
Contract curency
A new field has been added to the Contract form: Currency. Use it to specify the currency in which the contract is conducted.
Optimization of organizational units forms
We have made a number of improvements to the organizational units forms. These improvements are aimed at facilitating the use of these forms by removing excessive and unnecessary information from them:
- The City, State/Province, Street, ZIP/Postal code, and Phone fields are hidden from the forms of all organizational units below the Company level.
- Now, for each organizational unit, only the Company field and the field with an organizational unit of the previous level are displayed instead of displaying organizational units of all higher levels on the form. The fields with intermediate organizational units are hidden. Example: Now, only the Company and Section fields are displayed on the Department form, and the Branch field is hidden.
- The Location field is now mandatory only for the Company. It is non-mandatory for the organizational units of lower levels, but it is filled in automatically in them when the company is specified.
- When an Employee record is created, a related Authorized Employee record is created automatically. When an employee record is deleted, the related record is deleted as well.
- The Authorized Employee form has been optimized: now, it only contains the Employee and Notes fields.
Change of the type of the Contract and Agreement forms fields
The contract registration has been facilitated in the new version. For this, we have hidden the Contract category field of Reference type from the Contract form and replaced it with a new field with the same name, but of Choice type. Available options:
- Purchase
- Warranty service
- Non-warranty service
When updating to version 1.25.0, previous values of this field will be cleared. Specify them again if necessary.
We have also replaced the fields related to M2M tables by similar fields of Reference type that refer to the Organization table:
- 3 fields on the Agreement form: User, Customer, Sponsor.
- 2 fields on the Contract form: Customer, Consumer.
We have configured the mapping of values from the old fields to the new ones. The improvement will eliminate difficulties related to building the reports and the use of dot-walking that occurred because of M2M tables.
DEF0019901: We have eliminated a vulnerability that allowed users with minimum access to the agent interface to get the values of the Password and Password Reset Token fields of other users through a script. For this, we have configured the ACL for the User table and its child tables, so now only the users with the admin role have access to the values of these fields in other records. All other users can only access the values of these fields in their own record.
DEF0015277: We have fixed the issue that allowed users to select the records prohibited to them by the ACL through the autocomplete of fields. Now, the users cannot use the field text search to access the records prohibited to them by the ACL.
Texts and translations
We have improved, expanded, and fixed multiple application texts for them to be more precise and comply with the SimpleOne standards. The most significant changes are listed in the tables below.
Menu items
Menu category | Old | New |
Quick Responses | All | All Responses |
User Administration | User Groups | Group Users |
My Work | My Tasks | Tasks |
My Work | My Absences | Absences |
My Work | My Approval Tasks | Approval Tasks |
Table names
Old | New |
User Group | Group Users |
Report Item | Dashboard Report |
Color Form Label | Form Label |
Color | System Color |
Form | Old | New |
Business Rule | Inheritance | Inherited |
Business Rule | Action Insert | Record created |
Business Rule | Action Update | Record updated |
Business Rule | Action Delete | Record deleted |
Indicator | Cancel conditions | Cancelation conditions |
Indicator | Complete conditions | Completion conditions |
Indicator | Resume conditions | Resumption conditions |
Choice options
Form | Field | Old | New |
Schedule Element | Type | Excluded | Non-working hours |
Indicator | When to cancel | Cancel conditions are met | Cancelation conditions are met |
Indicator | When to resume | Resume conditions are met | Resumption conditions are met |
Form sections
Form | Old | New |
Indicator | Complete Conditions | Completion Conditions |
Related lists
Form | Old | New |
Group Users | User Group | Group Users |
Dashboard | Dashboard Elements | Reports |
Palette | Color Palette | Palette Colors |
Toast messages
Form | Old | New |
Import Source | Loaded successfuly | An import set is loaded |
Transform Map | There is no Transform Map for current set import table - {tableName}. Create Transform Map | There is no transform map for the current import set table – {tableName}. Create a map. |
We have added a toast message that appears when a version is restored in the VCS Records table with the Restore version UI-action:
- The current version has been restored
We have corrected the speliing of the global UI Actions UI-action in the burger menu and related lists.
We have fixed the texts of messages for the registration page.