The Task table and its child tables provide an efficient way to process tasks, track the process by states and information about the way to solve the task using the Activity Feed.
Set up a visual representation of the process of working on tasks using kanban boards.
In SimpleOne, the Task table is one of the main system tables. The table provides a set of columns as the basis for child tables. The child tables inherit the fields and customize them to the specific processes using the column override.
Usually, the Task table is not used by itself: tasks are created in its child tables.
The following diagram illustrates the structure of the Task table extensions:
Changes applied to the Task table affect its child tables. Ensure the changes do not cause any malfunction of the child tables. Use the column override to modify the parent and child tables.
The records in the child tables of the Task table can be created in the following ways:
- via the Self-Service Portal.
- via the agent interface.
- with a workflow activity.
The "out-of-the-box" Task table has the following fields:
Task table fields
Field | Description |
Number | The task number. The field value has the TSKXXXXXXX format and is filled in automatically. |
Caller | The originator of the task. |
Company | The company to which the task is related. |
Service | The service to which the task is related. |
Assignment group | The responsible group for the task. |
Assigned user | The responsible person for the task. |
Users reassigned | The number of users that have been reassigned to the task. The first assigned user is not counted in the field. The field is read-only. |
Groups reassigned | The number of groups that have been reassigned to the task. The first assigned group is not counted in the field. The field is read-only. |
Total reassignments | The total number of reassignments within the task. The field is read-only. The total number can differ from the sum of the Users reassigned and Groups reassigned, as a single reassignment that implies both a new user and a group is counted as 1. |
State | This field displays the work state and progress. Available options:
You can configure the transitions between states using the State Flow Designer. |
Impact | The measurement of the effect that the task may cause on the business processes. Available options:
See the Priority Management article to learn more. |
Urgency | The urgency of the task. Typically, it is evaluated based on the time remaining until the issue impacts the business. Available options:
See the Priority Management article to learn more. |
Priority | Priority is a function of impact and urgency. It identifies the importance of a task. Available options:
You can set up the Priority Management so that the system automatically populates this field based on the values in the Impact and Urgency fields. |
Opened by | A user who initiated the task. |
Subject | A brief description of the task. |
Description | A detailed description of the task. |
Discussion | A comment with additional information about the task. Comments are marked in purple. Comments are visible to the caller on the portal view of the record. When a comment is added, the users involved (caller, assigned group/assigned user) are notified. |
Work notes | Notes with the information about the work on the issue. Work notes are marked black. Work notes are only available to the responsible users in the agent interface. When a work note is added, the responsible users are notified. |
Some fields are not displayed in the record form of a newly created table by default. To customize the form, use the form layout settings.
You can create other tables extended from the Task table to suit your business needs. See the following articles to configure your own table extended from Task.