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Version: 1.2.2

Sprint Tasks

You can manage tasks from the Sprint planning widget. The list of available tasks that are not related to a sprint is located under the sprint list. It contains all active tasks except for the Subtasks. The tasks are sorted in ascending order according to the Rank of the upper level tasks.

Example of task sorting
Defect 11
Epic 1
  • Feature 1
  • Feature 2
  • 3
  • 2
Epic 2
  • Feature 3
  • 1
User story 14

To open the task preview modal window, click on the right of its number. You can use inline editing in the widget task list.

Use drop-down list in the left upper corner of the page to filter the task list. The list only contains tasks with no sprint specified. The filter criteria are described in the table below:

FilterProduct development checkbox is selectedProduct development checkbox is cleared
New project tasksProject tasks in the New state.Project tasks in the New state.
Current project tasksProject tasks in the Backlog, Development, Review, Testing, and Done states.Project tasks in the Backlog, Development, Review, Testing, and Done states.
Tasks without a projectTasks of all types in the New state if they comply with both of the following criteria:
  • The Project field is empty.
  • The Product field is empty or filled in with the current project product.
General tasks in the New state with empty Project and Product fields.
All available tasksAll tasks that match the New project tasks, Current project tasks, or Tasks without a project filter criteria.All tasks that match the New project tasks, Current project tasks, or Tasks without a project filters criteria.

The tasks are displayed diffrently depending on the Project field values in the parent and child tasks:

  • If an Epic or Feature is related to the current project, and its child tasks are not, the epic or feature is not displayed in the list.
  • If an Epic or Feature is not related to the current project, and their child tasks are related to the current project, the epic or feature is dispalyed in the list.

Add tasks to a sprint

To add tasks to a sprint, complete the following steps:

  1. Open the Sprint planning widget.

  2. Find the required task in the list under the sprints. Use the and icons to hide and show the child tasks. If the task has more than 10 subtasks, the Show more / Hide buttons appear when you unfold the list of child tasks. Use these buttons to show and hide the full child task list.

  3. Select the checkbox on the left from the task number. When you select the parent task checkbox, the checkboxes of the child taks are selected automatically. You can also select all tasks on the page by selecting the checkbox in the list header.


    You cannot select Epics and Features that do not have child tasks.

  4. Click Add to sprint button in the right upper corner of the task list. The button becomes active if at least one General task, User story, Defect, or an Epic / Feature with third level child tasks is selected.

  5. Select a sprint in the New or Active state and click Confirm.

Create new task in the Sprint planning widget

To create a new task in the Sprint planning widget, complete the following steps:

  1. Select an option to create the task:
    • Open the action menu of a sprint and click Create task to create a task for the selected sprint.
    • Click above the task list to create a task without sprint or add it to any existing sprint.
    • Click next to a Feature or Epic task to create a child task for it.
  2. If more than one task type is available in the project, specify the new task type in the opened modal window Select task type. If you create the task from the sprint menu, you will only be able to select from the 3rd level tasks available in the project.
  3. Fill in the fields of the create task modal window. The following fields are filled in automatically:
    • Sprint – if you create the task from the sprint action menu.
    • Project
    • Product – if the Product development checkbox is selected for the project.
  4. Click Save to create a task in the New state. The new task is dispalyed in the list of available tasks if it matches the selected filter criteria.