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Version: 1.4.0

Patch 1.2.1

Task state change history

In the new version, the functionality for storing the history of task state and project changes have been added. You can now track the time a task remained in each state in the projects' context. Use this data to build reports that will give a comprehensive overview of the project tasks progress. For this purpose, a new table has been added to the system – SDLC Task State Change (pda_task_state_history).

When the state and/or the project of a task changes, a new record is created in this table that contains:

  • the previous and current states of the task.
  • the date and time when the state and/or project have changed.
  • the amount of time the task was in the previous state in the specified project.
  • the project in which the task was in the previous state.

Users cannot create records from the form of the SDLC Task State Change table, change, or delete them. Any user with access to the SDLC application can read the table records.


The records will be created automatically in the SDLC Task State Change table from the moment the application is updated to the new version. To add the task state change history prior to the 1.2.1 update, complete the following steps immediately after the update is finished:

Create history for existing tasks
  1. Import the [SDLC]_STR0003993_Create_SDLC_Task_State_Change_Records.sop SOP file.
  2. Navigate to System SettingsServer Scripts
  3. Open the Create history records for tasks script record form.
  4. Click Run at the bottom of the form.

Use the records in the Main Log (sys_log) table to monitore the progress of script execution. A record is made in the table after every 500 processed task records. When all task records are processed, the record "Migration script finished" appears in the Main Log.

Depending on the number of records in the SDLC Task table, the script can take some time to be completed. The estimated time to process 10,000 records is 25–30 minutes.

These steps only need to be performed once and are not required during the subsequent updates of the application.

To learn more about the task state history functionality, see the documentation.