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Version: 1.2.2

Kanban Boards

WIP limit is one of major distinguishing features of Kanban boards. It is a limitation to the number of tasks in each state. Read more about the configuration of WIP limits in the Configure Board Elements article.

Kanban board elements

Read more in the Configure Board Elements article.

Manage Kanban board

UI actions available on a Kanban board:

  • – click to open the board form where you can configure the board structure in the related lists.
  • – click to add the board to Favorites.
  • Add tasks to backlog – click to open the Add tasks to backlog widget where you can select the new project tasks to be added to the Backlog column, or create a task. If you exceed the WIP limit when you add tasks to backlog, a corresponding warning is displayed.
  • Create task – click to create a new task for the project. You can only select from the task types available on the project. The fields Project and Product (if Product development checkbox is selected for the project) are filled in automatically. The New state is assigned to the task when the record is saved and the task is added to the corresponding column if the column is active on the board.

Role required for actions Add tasks to backlog, Create task: pda_admin, pda_user if they are a team leader on the project or the owner of the product/product module selected at the project creation.

Click three dots in the right upper corner of the board to open the action menu with the following options:

  • Compact view / Detailed view – click to change the board view. In the compact view, the cards are minimized. This mode is more suitable for smaller screens, or when there are many columns on the board. The card width is decreased in the compact view, the list of subtasks cannot be unfolded and the initials of the responsible employee are displayed instead of their full name.
  • Open tasks in list – click to open the list of all board tasks in a new tab. The tasks are grouped by states. The tasks in the states corresponding to the inactive columns are hidden.
  • Copy board link – click to copy the link to the board.
  • Collapse all swimlanes – click to collapse all swimlanes of the board.
  • Expand all swimlanes – click to expand all swimlanes of the board.

The board interface is slightly different from the desktop version when it is opened from a mobile device:

  • The board UI actions are located in the action menu.
  • Only one column is displayed on the screen at a time; you can switch between them.
  • You cannot drag the cards between the columns and areas.
  • Compact view option is not available.